#requires -version 5.1 #requires -RunAsAdministrator #This function can be used for analysis and testing. It #Isn't something that will run without error or make any sense. #The use of aliases is intentional for testing purposes Function Get-Result { <# .Synopsis Sample function .Description This is a sample .Parameter Count How many numbers do you want? #> [cmdletbinding()] [alias('grx')] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int]$Count = 1, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [string]$Name = "Foo" ) Begin { Write-Host "this is a sample script that doesn't do anything but write a random number" -ForegroundColor Yellow #this is an undefined alias w -msg "Processing $Name" $a = [System.DateTime]::Now write-host $a $os = gcim Win32_OperatingSystem Write-Verbose "Running in $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) on $($os.caption)" $f = Join-Path $([system.environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") "r.txt" } Process { #get numbers 1..$count | ForEach { Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 1000 } | tee -FilePath $f } End { Write-Host "Ending script" -ForegroundColor yellow $b = [System.DateTime]::now $c = New-TimeSpan $a $b write-verbose "Runtime: $c" notepad.exe $f #run a clean batch file c:\scripts\cleanup.bat } } #close function |