Function Write-FUGraph { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate dependecy graph for a function or a set of functions found in a ps1/psm1 file. .DESCRIPTION Generate dependecy graph for a function or a set of functions found in a ps1/psm1 file. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $x = Find-FUFunction .\PSFunctionExplorer.psm1 PS C:\> Write-FUGraph -InputObject $x -ExportPath c:\temp\fufuncion.png -outputformat png -ShowGraph Répertoire : C:\temp Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 08/09/2019 15:08 71598 fufunction.png Will Find all function(s) declarations in the psfunctionexplorer.psm1 file, and create a graph name fufunction.png. Then display it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-FUFunction .\PSFunctionExplorer.psm1 | Write-FUGraph -ExportPath c:\temp\fufuncion.png -outputformat png -ShowGraph Will Find all function(s) declarations in the psfunctionexplorer.psm1 file, and create a graph name fufunction.png. Then display it. .INPUTS FullName Path. Accepts pipeline inputs. .OUTPUTS Outputs Graph, thanks to psgraph module. .NOTES First Draft. For the moment the function only output graphviz datas. Soon you ll be able to generate a nice graph as a png, pdf ... #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Alias("FullName")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [FUFunction[]]$InputObject, [System.IO.FileInfo]$ExportPath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Graph')] [ValidateSet('pdf',"png")] [String]$OutPutFormat, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Graph')] [ValidateSet('dot','circo','hierarchical')] [String]$LayoutEngine, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Graph')] [Switch]$ShowGraph, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Dot')] [Switch]$AsDot ) begin { $Results = @() } process { Foreach ( $Function in $InputObject ) { $Results += $Function } } end { $ExportAttrib = @{ DestinationPath = If ( $null -eq $PSBoundParameters['ExportPath']) {$pwd.Path+'\'+[]::GetRandomFileName().split('.')[0]+'.png'} Else {$PSBoundParameters['ExportPath']} OutPutFormat = If ( $null -eq $PSBoundParameters['OutPutFormat']) {'png'} Else { $PSBoundParameters['OutPutFormat'] } LayoutEngine = If ( $null -eq $PSBoundParameters['LayoutEngine']) {'dot'} Else { $PSBoundParameters['LayoutEngine'] } ShowGraph = If ( $null -eq $PSBoundParameters['ShowGraph']) {$False} Else { $True } } $graph = graph depencies @{rankdir='LR'}{ Foreach ( $t in $Results ) { If ( $t.commands.count -gt 0 ) { node -Name $ -Attributes @{Color='red'} } Else { node -Name $ -Attributes @{Color='green'} } If ( $null -ne $t.commands) { Foreach($cmdlet in $t.commands ) { edge -from $ -to $cmdlet } } } } Switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) { "Graph" { $graph | export-PSGraph @ExportAttrib } "Dot" { If ( $PSBoundParameters['ExportPath'] ) { Out-File -InputObject $graph -FilePath $PSBoundParameters['ExportPath'] } Else { $graph } } } } } |