
function Find-FCNode {
        Find "nodes" present in script
        Find "nodes" present in script
        PS C:\> Find-FCNode -File .\basic_example_1.ps1
        Type : If
        Statement : If ( $a -eq 10 )
        Description :
        Children : {ForeachNode, ElseNode}
        Parent :
        Depth : 1
        File : C:\basic_example_1.ps1
        Return all the nodes present in the basic_example_1.ps1
        ps1 file path
        Pipeline is accepted, so Gci c:\temp -filter "*.ps1" | Find-FCNode should Work

    param (
        # Parameter help description
        # Whether you want ton find associated node description
        # The KeyWord representing the begining of your comment, default: Description
        $KeyWord = $null
    begin {
        ## Check if PSGRAPH is loaded or available ?
    process {

        $FileInfo = Get-Item $File

        If ( $FindDescription ) {
            If ( $KeyWord ) {
            } Else {
        return ,$x

    end {