
function Get-Five9DNIS
        Function to return the list of DNIS for the domain
        # Returns basic details for both assigned and unassigned DNISes
        Get-Five9DNIS -IncludeUnassigned $true -IncludeCampaignInfo $true
        # Returns all DNISes including campaign details
        Get-Five9DNIS -IncludeUnassigned $false -IncludeCampaignInfo $true -CampaignName "Inbound"
        # Returns only DNISes assigned to campaign "Inbound"

        Options are
            • True (Default): only DNIS not assigned to a campaign are returned
            • False: only DNIS which are not assigned to a campaign

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$IncludeUnassigned = $true,
        Options are
            • True: will return campaign details associated with each DNIS. NOTE: This method is MUCH more time consuming
            • False (Default): only DNIS numbers will be returned

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$IncludeCampaignInfo = $false,

        # Name of campaign to return DNISes
        # If omitted, and -IncludeCampaignInfo is True, all campaigns will be returned
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$CampaignName = '.*'



Add-Type @"
public struct campaignDNIS {
    public string dnis;
    public string campaignName;
    public string campaignState;

        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $returnList = @()

        if ($IncludeCampaignInfo -eq $false)
            $assignedDnisList = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getDNISList($false, $true)

            foreach ($dnis in $assignedDnisList)
                $returnList += New-Object campaignDNIS -Property @{
                    dnis = $dnis

            $inboundCampaigns = $null
            $inboundCampaigns = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getCampaigns($CampaignName, 'INBOUND', $true)

            if (!$inboundCampaigns)
                throw "Cannot find a Five9 campaign with name: ""$CampaignName"". Remember that CampaignName is case sensitive."

            $count = $inboundCampaigns.Count
            $i = $count
            $j = 0
            foreach ($campaign in $inboundCampaigns)
                    Write-Progress -Activity $ -Status "$i Inbound Campaigns Remaining.."  -PercentComplete (($j / $count) * 100)


                $campaignDnis = $null
                $campaignDnis = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getCampaignDNISList($

                foreach ($dnis in $campaignDnis)
                    $returnList += New-Object -TypeName campaignDNIS -Property @{
                        dnis = $dnis
                        campaignName = $
                        campaignState = $campaign.state



        Write-Progress -Activity "Complete" -PercentComplete 100 -Completed: $true

        if ($IncludeUnassigned -eq $true)
            $unassignedDnisList = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getDNISList($true, $true)

            foreach ($dnis in $unassignedDnisList)
                $returnList += New-Object campaignDNIS -Property @{
                    dnis = $dnis
                    campaignName = "Unassigned"


        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Returning DNIS list."
        return $returnList


        $_ | Write-PSFive9AdminError
        $_ | Write-Error