
function Set-Five9CallVariable
        Function used to modify existing call variable
        Set-Five9CallVariable -Name "MiddleName" -Group "CustomerVars" -ApplyToAllDispositions $true -Reporting $true
        # Modifies existing call variable named "MiddleName" within the "CustomerVars" call variable group

        # Name of existing call variable
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Name,

        # Group name of existing call variable
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][string]$Group,

        # Description for new call variable

        # If set to $true, variable will be set for all dispositions

        # If -ApplyToAllDispositions is $false, this parameter lists the names of the dispositions for which to set this variable

        # Whether to add the values to reports

        # Default initial value assigned to call variable

        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $callVariableToModify = $null
            $callVariableToModify = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getCallVariables($Name, $Group)

        if ($callVariableToModify -eq $null)
            throw "Cannot find a Call Variable with name: ""$Name"" within the Group ""$Group"". Remember that Name and Group are case sensitive."

        $callVariableToModify = $callVariableToModify | select -First 1

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Description")
            $callVariableToModify.description = $Description

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "ApplyToAllDispositions")
            $callVariableToModify.applyToAllDispositions = $ApplyToAllDispositions
            $callVariableToModify.applyToAllDispositionsSpecified = $true
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "ApplyToAllDispositions")
            $callVariableToModify.applyToAllDispositions = $ApplyToAllDispositions
            $callVariableToModify.applyToAllDispositionsSpecified = $true

        if ($callVariableToModify.applyToAllDispositions -eq $false)
            if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Dispositions")
                $callVariableToModify.dispositions = $Dispositions

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Reporting")
            $callVariableToModify.reporting = $Reporting
            $callVariableToModify.reportingSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "DefaultValue")
            $callVariableToModify.defaultValue = $DefaultValue

        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Modifying call variable '$Name' within group '$Group'." 
        $response = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.modifyCallVariable($callVariableToModify)
        return $response

        $_ | Write-PSFive9AdminError
        $_ | Write-Error