
function Set-Five9AgentGroup
        Function used to modify an existing agent group
        Set-Five9AgentGroup -Name "Team Joe" -NewName "Team Joseph"
        # Changes name of agent group "Team Joe" to "Team Joseph"

        # Name of existing agent group. Case sensitive
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Name,

        # Optional parameter. New name value for existing agent group

        # Optional parameter. New description value for existing agent group

        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop
        $agentGroupToModify = $null
            $agentGroupToModify = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getAgentGroup($Name)

        if ($agentGroupToModify.Count -gt 1)
            throw "Multiple agent groups were found using query: ""$Name"". Please try using the exact name of the agent group you're trying to modify."

        if ($agentGroupToModify -eq $null)
            throw "Cannot find a agent group with name: ""$Name"". Remember that Name is case sensitive."

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "NewName")
            $agentGroupToModify.Name = $NewName

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Description")
            $agentGroupToModify.Description = $Description

        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Modifying agent group '$Name'." 
        $response =  $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.modifyAgentGroup($agentGroupToModify, $null, $null)

        return $response

        $_ | Write-PSFive9AdminError
        $_ | Write-Error
