
function Set-Five9CampaignProfile
        Function used to modify an existing campaign profile in Five9
    . NOTES
        Campaign profiles cannot be renamed using the API
        Set-Five9CampaignProfile -Name "Cold-Calls-Profile" -InitialCallPriority 90 -NumberOfAttempts 10 -ANI '5991230001' `
                                 -IncludeNumber1 $true -IncludeNumber2: $false -IncludeNumber3 $false `
                                 -Number1StartTime 9am -Number1StopTime 10am -Number2StartTime 9am -Number2StopTime 10pm -Number3StartTime 10am -Number3StopTime 11pm `
                                 -DialingOrder 'Number3', 'Number1', 'number2' -DialASAPTimeout 9 -DialASAPTimeoutPeriod: Minute -DialASAPSortOrder: ContactFields
        # Modifies existing campaign profile
        Set-Five9CampaignProfile -Name "Cold-Calls-Profile" `
                                 -Number1StopTime '10pm' -DialingOrder 'Number1', 'Number3', 'Number2' `
                                 -DialASAPTimeout 4 -DialASAPTimeoutPeriod: Hour -DialASAPSortOrder: FIFO
        # Modifies existing campaign profile's dialing schedule


        # Name of existing campaign profile
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Name,

        # Description of existing campaign profile

        Priority initially assigned to inbound and outbound calls on a scale of 1 to 100.
        Inbound calls have a default priority of 60.
        Calls with a higher priority are answered first, regardless of their time in a queue.
        To force calls from a campaign to be answered before those from other campaigns, increase the priority by 1.

        Applies to inbound and outbound calls.
        Maximum dollar amount for long distance charges.
        The campaign stops automatically when this amount is reached.
        Zero means no limit.

        # Time to wait before disconnecting an unanswered call and logging it as No Answer.
        # The default is 17 seconds

        # For outbound campaigns, number of dialing attempts for phone numbers in a list record, including redials due to disposition settings

        # ANI to send with outbound call

        # Whether to call number1 in the campaign associated with the profile

        # Whether to call number2 in the campaign associated with the profile

        # Whether to call number3 in the campaign associated with the profile

        # When, in local time, to start dialing number1 numbers for an outbound campaign. i.e. '8am' or '8:30am'

        # When, in local time, to stop dialing number1 numbers. i.e. '7pm' or '7:30pm'

        # When, in local time, to start dialing number2 numbers for an outbound campaign. i.e. '8am' or '8:30am'

        # When, in local time, to stop dialing number2 numbers. i.e. '7pm' or '7:30pm'

        # When, in local time, to start dialing number3 numbers for an outbound campaign. i.e. '8am' or '8:30am'

        # When, in local time, to stop dialing number3 numbers. i.e. '7pm' or '7:30pm'

        # Contains the dialing order of phone numbers when contact records have multiple phone numbers. i.e. -DialingOrder 'Number1', 'Number2', 'Number3'

        # Duration before records that are not dialed are removed from the ASAP queue and are treated as normal records

        Unit that specifies the dial ASAP timeout
        Options are:
            • Second
            • Minute
            • Hour
            • Day

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('Second', 'Minute', 'Hour', 'Day')][string]$DialASAPTimeoutPeriod,

        Order for dialing numbers in the ASAP queue
        Options are:
        • FIFO (Default) - First in, first out: oldest added are called first
        • LIFO - Last in, first out: newest added called first
        • ContactFields - Sort order of the campaign profile

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('LIFO', 'FIFO', 'ContactFields')][string]$DialASAPSortOrder


        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $campaignProfileToModify = $null
            $campaignProfileToModify = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getCampaignProfiles($Name)

        if ($campaignProfileToModify.Count -gt 1)
            throw "Multiple campaign profiles were found using query: ""$Name"". Please try using the exact name of the campaign profile you're trying to modify."

        if ($campaignProfileToModify -eq $null)
            throw "Cannot find a campaign profile with name: ""$Name"". Remember that Name is case sensitive."

        $campaignProfileToModify = $campaignProfileToModify | select -First 1

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Description')
            $campaignProfileToModify.description = $Description

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'InitialCallPriority')
            $campaignProfileToModify.initialCallPriority = $InitialCallPriority
            $campaignProfileToModify.initialCallPrioritySpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'MaxCharges')
            $campaignProfileToModify.maxCharges = $MaxCharges
            $campaignProfileToModify.maxChargesSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DialingTimeout')
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingTimeout = $DialingTimeout
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingTimeoutSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'NumberOfAttempts')
            $campaignProfileToModify.numberOfAttempts = $NumberOfAttempts
            $campaignProfileToModify.numberOfAttemptsSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ANI')
            $campaignProfileToModify.ANI = $ANI

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'IncludeNumber1')
            if ($IncludeNumber1 -eq $true)
                if ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers -notcontains 'Primary')
                    $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers += 'Primary'
                $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers = $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers | ? {$_ -ne 'Primary'}


        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'IncludeNumber2')
            if ($IncludeNumber1 -eq $true)
                if ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers -notcontains 'Alt1')
                    $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers += 'Alt1'
                $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers = $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers | ? {$_ -ne 'Alt1'}


        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'IncludeNumber3')
            if ($IncludeNumber1 -eq $true)
                if ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers -notcontains 'Alt2')
                    $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers += 'Alt2'
                $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers = $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.includeNumbers | ? {$_ -ne 'Alt2'}


        # number1 start/stop
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Number1StartTime')
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Primary'}).startTime.hours = $Number1StartTime.Hour
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Primary'}).startTime.minutes = $Number1StartTime.Minute

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Number1StopTime')
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Primary'}).stopTime.hours = $Number1StopTime.Hour
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Primary'}).stopTime.minutes = $Number1StopTime.Minute

        # number2 start/stop
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Number2StartTime')
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt1'}).startTime.hours = $Number2StartTime.Hour
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt1'}).startTime.minutes = $Number2StartTime.Minute

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Number2StopTime')
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt1'}).stopTime.hours = $Number2StopTime.Hour
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt1'}).stopTime.minutes = $Number2StopTime.Minute

        # number3 start/stop
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Number3StartTime')
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt2'}).startTime.hours = $Number3StartTime.Hour
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt2'}).startTime.minutes = $Number3StartTime.Minute

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Number3StopTime')
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt2'}).stopTime.hours = $Number3StopTime.Hour
            ($campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingSchedules | ? {$_.number -eq 'Alt2'}).stopTime.minutes = $Number3StopTime.Minute

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DialingOrder')
            if ($DialingOrder.Count -ne 3)
                throw "Parameter ""-DialingOrder"" must be an array that contains 3 strings in the order you would like to dial. i.e. -DialingOrder 'Number1', 'Number2', 'Number3'"

            $dialOrderMapping = @{
                'Number1,Number2,Number3' = 'PrimaryAlt1Alt2'
                'Number1,Number3,Number2' = 'PrimaryAlt2Alt1'
                'Number2,Number1,Number3' = 'Alt1PrimaryAlt2'
                'Number2,Number3,Number1' = 'Alt1Alt2Primary'
                'Number3,Number1,Number2' = 'Alt2PrimaryAlt1'
                'Number3,Number2,Number1' = 'Alt2Alt1Primary'

            $dialOrderString = $dialOrderMapping[$DialingOrder -join ',']

            if ($dialOrderString.Length -lt 5)
                Write-Warning -Message 'There was an error processing the DialingOrder parameter. Dialing order will not be modified on this campign profile. Please see ""Get-Help Set-Five9CampaignProfileSchedule -Full"" ' -ErrorAction: Continue
                $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingOrder = $dialOrderString
                $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialingOrderSpecified = $dialOrderString


        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DialASAPTimeout')
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialASAPTimeout = $DialASAPTimeout
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialASAPTimeoutSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DialASAPTimeoutPeriod')
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialASAPTimeoutPeriod = $DialASAPTimeoutPeriod
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialASAPTimeoutPeriodSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DialASAPSortOrder')
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialASAPSortOrder = $DialASAPSortOrder
            $campaignProfileToModify.dialingSchedule.dialASAPSortOrderSpecified = $true
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Modifying campaign profile '$Name'." 
        $response = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.modifyCampaignProfile($campaignProfileToModify)

        return $response
        $_ | Write-PSFive9AdminError
        $_ | Write-Error
