function Connect-Five9Statistics { <# .SYNOPSIS Function used to create a web service proxy with the Five9 admin web service .EXAMPLE Connect-Five9Statistics # If user has already connected PowerShell to the Five9 Admin Web Service, those credentails will be used # Otherwise, the user will be prompted to enter their Five9 username and password .EXAMPLE Connect-Five9Statistics -DataCenter "EU" # Domain being connected to is loacated in the Five9 EU data center .EXAMPLE $username = '' $password = 'P@ssword!' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $cred = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $username,$password Connect-Five9Statistics -Credential $cred # Create PSCredential object and connects to Five9 statistics web service #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param ( # PSCredential object, such as one returned by the Get-Credential cmdlet. # If parameter is omitted, Get-Credential will be called. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)][PSCredential]$Credential, # Optional API version. See Five9 documentation for details on what is provided with each version. # If omitted, most recent version will be used (recommended). [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Version = '12', <# Data center that contains the Five9 domain you are connecting to Options are: • US (Default) - United States data center - • EU - European Union data center (UK) - • EU_Frankfurt - European Union data center (Frankfurt) - • Canada - Canada Data center - #> [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('US', 'EU', 'EU_Frankfurt', 'Canada')][string]$DataCenter = 'US', # Maximum inactivity allowed for the supervisor session from 60 – 1800seconds (30min). # If omitted, the default value is 600 seconds (10 min) [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateRange(60,1800)][int]$IdleTimeOutSeconds = 600, # Whether to log out a second agent or supervisor who is attempting to log into a station that is in use. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$ForceLogoutSession = $false, # Time zone offset. # If omitted, the default value is -7 (PST). [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateRange(-12,14)][int]$TimeZoneOffset = '-7', <# Time range used to calculate aggregate statistics in Outbound Campaign Manager. Corresponds to Campaign Manager Rolling Period in the Supervisor VCC. Options are: • Minutes5 (Default) • Minutes10 • Minutes15 • Minutes30 • Hour1 • Hour2 • Hour2 • Hour3 • Today #> [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('Minutes5','Minutes10','Minutes15','Minutes30','Hour1','Hour2','Hour3','Today')][string]$RollingPeriod = 'Minutes5', <# Time interval for aggregate statistics. Options are: • CurrentDay (Default) • CurrentWeek • CurrentMonth • CurrentShift • Lifetime • RollingHour #> [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('CurrentDay','CurrentWeek','CurrentMonth','CurrentShift','Lifetime','RollingHour')][string]$StatisticsRange = 'CurrentDay', # Starting time for the day’s shift. Used to calculate certain statistics. # If omitted, the default value is '8am' [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][datetime]$ShiftStart = '8am', # Only used by iPad applications [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$AppType = 'Custom', # Returns an object that contains the web service proxy [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$PassThru = $false ) try { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Credential') { $statsCred = $Credential } elseif ($global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.Five9DomainName.Length -gt 0) { $statsCred = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.Credentials if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'DataCenter') { $DataCenter = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.DataCenter } if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'DataCenter') { $Version = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.Version } } else { $statsCred = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your Five9 admin credentials" } if ($DataCenter -eq 'EU') { $wsdl = "$Version/SupervisorWebService?wsdl&user=$($statsCred.UserName)" } else { $wsdl = "$Version/SupervisorWebService?wsdl&user=$($statsCred.UserName)" } Write-Verbose "Connecting to: $($wsdl)" $global:Five9StatisticsClient = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $wsdl -Namespace "PSFive9Admin" -Class "PSFive9Admin" -ErrorAction: Stop $global:Five9StatisticsClient.Credentials = $statsCred $global:Five9StatisticsClient.Credentials.UserName = $global:Five9StatisticsClient.Credentials.UserName $global:Five9StatisticsClient.Credentials.Domain = $null # set session params $viewSettings = New-Object PSFive9Admin.viewSettings $viewSettings.appType = "Custom" $viewSettings.forceLogoutSession = $ForceLogoutSession $viewSettings.forceLogoutSessionSpecified = $true $viewSettings.idleTimeOut = $IdleTimeOutSeconds $viewSettings.idleTimeOutSpecified = $true $viewSettings.rollingPeriod = $RollingPeriod $viewSettings.rollingPeriodSpecified = $true $viewSettings.shiftStart = $ShiftStart.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds $viewSettings.statisticsRange = $StatisticsRange $viewSettings.statisticsRangeSpecified = $true $viewSettings.timeZone = $TimeZoneOffset * 60 * 60 * 1000 Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Setting Five9 Statistics Session Parameters." $Five9StatisticsClient.setSessionParameters($viewSettings) } catch { throw "Error creating web service proxy to Five9 Statistics Web Service. $($_.Exception.Message)" return } if ($PassThru -eq $true) { return $global:Five9StatisticsClient } return } |