about_psfstools_content SHORT DESCRIPTION Simple file server tools for complex task. LONG DESCRIPTION Various task on a file server, require execution complexity; how and when to archive, create folders assigned to certain groups or delete files older than one month or delete folders that are no longer used. This module also provides cmdlets for monitoring and reporting on a file server. Tools: - New-ProjectFolder - Remove-OlderThan - Backup-ArchiveFiles - New-TemplateFileServer - Write-FileServerFromTemplate - Get-DedupFiles - Show-LatestCreatedFile - Show-LatestWritedFile - Show-LatestAccessedFile - Show-FolderLength SEE ALSO Measure-Object Get-ChildItem Get-Item Get-Acl Set-Acl LINK https://matteoguadrini.github.io/PSFSTools/ |