function Get-League { <# .SYNOPSIS Create correct league structure .DESCRIPTION This function makes a structure where the team is the key and the gameweek list object is the value. .PARAMETER leagueId This is an integer representing the league identification number for the mini-league to be parsed to an object. This can be found by clicking on your mini-league, then looing at the browser URL, which should be something like -{someNumberHere}/standings/c The {someNumberHere} value is the league identification number. .PARAMETER session This is a websession authenticated for use on the FPL server. You can generate this by using the Authenticate function of this module. .OUTPUTS System.Object. Get-League returns an object of the mini-league data. .EXAMPLE C:\> $league = Get-League -leagueId $leagueId -session $session; .EXAMPLE C:\> $league = Get-League -leagueId 1000 -session (Authenticate -credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('', ('somePassword' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force)))); .EXAMPLE C:\> $league = Get-League $leagueId $session; .EXAMPLE C:\> $league = Get-League 1000 (Authenticate -credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('', ('somePassword' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force)))); #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][int]$leagueId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][object]$session ) Write-Verbose "Attempt to build a structure of the specific mini-league"; $structure = CreateInitialLeagueStructure $leagueId $session; $leagueTable = @(); foreach($info in $structure) { if ($info.Manager) { $currentdata = $leagueTable | Where-Object {$_.TeamId -eq $info.TeamId}; $gameweek = New-Object PsObject -Property @{ GameWeek = $info.GameWeek; GameWeekPoints = $info.GameWeekPoints; PointsOnBench = $info.PointsOnBench; TransfersMade = $info.TransfersMade; TransfersCode = $info.TransfersCode; OverallPoints = $info.OverallPoints; GameWeekRank = $info.GameWeekRank; }; if ($currentdata) { $index = $leagueTable.IndexOf($currentdata); $currentdata.GameWeekHistory += $gameweek; $leagueTable[$index] = $currentdata; } else { $gameweekHistoryArray = @(); $gameweekHistoryArray += $gameweek; $leagueTable += New-Object PsObject -Property @{ TeamValue = $info.TeamValue; TeamId = $info.TeamId; Manager = $info.Manager; TeamName = $info.TeamName; GameWeekHistory = $gameweekHistoryArray; }; } } } return $leagueTable; } |