function Save-AliasAsHotstring { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a hotstring from each command alias in the current session. .DESCRIPTION Creates a hotstring from each command alias in the current session. This command will create a hotstring definition from each command alias already defined in the current session. The command is designed to be run as often as necessary to capture the current aliases, such as after a new module has been loaded. The configuration file that stores the hotstrings is marked as read only. It is not intended to be edited by the user. The command will also reload the module so that the hotstrings are available immediately. .EXAMPLE Save-AliasAsHotstring .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS [System.Void] The function does not return anything. .NOTES Author : nmbell .LINK Edit-CustomHotstring .LINK Edit-CustomHotlist .LINK about_PSExpandLine #> # Function alias [Alias('Save-NativeAlias')] # Use cmdlet binding [CmdletBinding( HelpURI = '' )] # Declare output type [OutputType([System.Void])] # Declare parameters Param () BEGIN { # Common BEGIN: Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 $start = Get-Date $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Started: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))" # Function BEGIN: } PROCESS { # Export the hotstrings Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Exporting hotstrings to: $($Module.NativeHotstringsFilePath)" Get-Alias ` | Select-Object Name,Definition ` | Sort-Object Name ` | Tee-Object -Variable exportedAliases | Export-Csv -Path $Module.NativeHotstringsFilePath -Force # overwrite Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Exported hotstrings: $($exportedAliases.Count)" # Mark the file as ReadOnly $nativeAliasesFile = Get-Item -Path $Module.NativeHotstringsFilePath $nativeAliasesFile.IsReadOnly = $true # Reload the module Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Re-importing PSExpandLine module: $($Module.ModulePath)" Import-Module -Name $Module.ModulePath -Global -Force -Verbose:$false } END { # Function END: # Common END: $end = Get-Date $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Stopped: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($($duration.ToString('d\d\ hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')))" } } |