[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('UseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments','')] # Set key handlers for hotlist selection $sbSelect = { Param ($Key,$Arg) # Get the items from the appropriate list $chord = $Key ? "Ctrl+$($Key.Key.ToString().Replace('D',''))" : $Module.DefaultHotlist $listItems = Get-Variable -Name hotlists -Scope 1 -ValueOnly $listItems = $listItems[$chord] $listItems = @($listItems | Select-Object -Unique) If ($listItems) { # Create an ordered list for rapid matching $matchList = [Ordered]@{} $i = 0 $listItems | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Item = $_ Posn = ($i++) Length = $_.Length } } ` | Sort-Object @{ Expression = 'Length'; Descending = $true },@{ Expression = 'Posn'; Ascending = $true } ` | ForEach-Object { $matchList[$_.Item] = $_.Posn } # Set the variables in the parent scope Set-Variable -Name listPosn -Value 0 -Scope 1 Set-Variable -Name listItems -Value $listItems -Scope 1 Set-Variable -Name matchList -Value $matchList -Scope 1 } Else { # Reset the variables in the parent scope Set-Variable -Name listItems -Value $null -Scope 1 Set-Variable -Name matchList -Value $null -Scope 1 } } |