@{ RootModule = 'PSEverything.dll' ModuleVersion = '3.3.0' GUID = 'f262ec02-4a88-49e5-94da-e25aab9cbf7a' Author = 'Staffan Gustafsson' CompanyName = 'PowerCode Consulting AB' Copyright = '(c) 2016 sgustafsson. All rights reserved.' Description = 'Powershell access to Everything - Blazingly fast file system searches' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' CompatiblePSEditions = "Desktop", "Core" FunctionsToExport = '' CmdletsToExport = 'Search-Everything', 'Select-EverythingString' VariablesToExport = '' AliasesToExport = 'se', 'sles' FileList = 'Everything32.dll', 'Everything64.dll', 'LICENSE', 'PSEverything.dll', 'PSEverything.dll-Help.xml', 'PSEverything.psd1' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @('Search', 'Everything', 'voidtools', 'regex', 'grep') LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = @' 2.3: Bug fixes. Sorted output. 2.1: Upgrading to SDK matching - Fixing hang when calling from Eleveated powershell to Everything. Now works with both eleveated and non-elevated processes as long as Everything is running as admin. 2.0: Implements tabcompletion. Quoting filter paths Requires PowerShell 5.0 or greater 1.3.3: Really fixing issue where an error was written in Select-EverythingString when Search-Everything did not return any results 1.3.2: Fixing issue where an error was written in Select-EverythingString when Search-Everything did not return any results 1.3.1: Bug fix for -Filter that didn't work in combination with non-global searches. '@ } } } |