
    Get the best Azure region from a provided list of regions based on ElectricityMaps emissions data.

    Retrieves the best Azure region from a provided list of regions based on ElectricityMaps emissions data.

    .PARAMETER Regions
    The list of Azure Regions to get the ElectricityMaps value for.

    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    The ElectricityMaps API token to use for authentication.

    Get-ElectricityMapsBestAzureRegion -Regions @("westeurope", "northeurope", "eastus") -AuthToken $token

    "westeurope", "northeurope", "eastus" | Get-ElectricityMapsBestAzureRegion -AuthToken $token

    You will need to register an account for an API token from to use this function.




    - The Azure Regions to get the ElectricityMaps value for.

    - Timestamp: The timestamp of the ElectricityMaps data.
    - CarbonIntensity: The carbon intensity of the electricity.
    - CarbonIntensityUnit: The unit of measure of the carbon intensity value.
    - FossilFuelPercentage: The percentage of fossil fuel used to generate electricity.
    - Region: The Azure Region.
    - CountryCode: The country location code from ElectricityMaps.


function Get-ElectricityMapsBestAzureRegion {
    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The list of Azure Regions to get the ElectricityMaps value for."

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The ElectricityMaps API token to use for authentication."

    $regionData = @()
    foreach ($region in $Regions) {
        $regionData += Get-ElectricityMapsForAzureRegion -Region $region -AuthToken $AuthToken

    $regionData | Sort-Object CarbonIntensity | Select-Object -First 1

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ElectricityMapsBestAzureRegion