$Global:ElasticModule = 'PSElastic' $Global:ElasticFunction = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).Split('.')[0] $Global:ElasticModuleLocation = (Get-Item (Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)).parent.parent.parent.FullName $Global:ElasticMockDataLocation = "$ElasticModuleLocation\Tests\mock_data" Get-Module $ElasticModule | Remove-Module Import-Module "$ElasticModuleLocation\$ElasticModule.psd1" InModuleScope $ElasticModule { Describe "Get-ElasticParamSetVariables Unit Tests" -Tag 'Unit' { Context "$ElasticFunction return value validation" { # Prepare function Test-Function { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Params")] [string] $param1, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Params")] [System.Nullable``1[[System.Int32]]] $param2, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Params")] [switch] $param3 ) Get-ElasticParamSetVariables -Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters -Set 'Params' } # Act $result1 = Test-Function $result2 = Test-Function -param1 'test' -param2 1 -param3 # Assert It "No params does not return a value" { $result1 | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Params return a value" { $result2 | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Returns the expected type" { $result2 -is [object] | Should -Be $true } It "Returns the expected members" { $result2.param1 -is [string] | Should -Be $true $result2.param1 | Should -Be 'test' $result2.param2 -is [int] | Should -Be $true $result2.param2 | Should -Be 1 $result2.param3.IsPresent -is [bool] | Should -Be $true $result2.param3 | Should -Be $true } } } } |