
using namespace DurableFunctionsCLI.Core.Discovery

function Get-DFTaskHubs
        # The resource group to search in

        # The specific storage account to search in
    begin {}
        $token = Get-AzureAccessToken
        $subscriptionId = Get-ConnectedSubscriptionId

        # build a task hub finder instance
        $taskHubFinderParams = @{
            SubscriptionId    = $subscriptionId
            Token             = $token
            ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
        if ($StorageAccountName) { $taskHubFinderParams['StorageAccountName'] = $StorageAccountName }
        $taskHubFinder = Build-TaskHubFinder @taskHubFinderParams

        # find all task hubs
            Find-TaskHubs -TaskHubFinder $taskHubFinder
            if ($_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException -is [DurableFunctionsCLI.Core.Exceptions.StorageAccountNotFoundException])
                throw "Could not retrieve storage account(s), please check $ResourceGroupName is a valid resource group in subscription $subscriptionId."
            if ($_.Exception.InnerException.InnerException -is [DurableFunctionsCLI.Core.Exceptions.StorageApiThrottledException])
                throw "Could not retrieve storage account(s) because storage API requests are being throttled. Please try again later or try adding the -StorageAccountName parameter for cheaper requests."

            throw "Unknown error occurred retrieving task hubs: $($_.Exception)"
    end {}