[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')] param () $errorActionPreference = 'Stop' Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor -lt 1) { Write-Warning -Message 'Cannot run PSDscResources integration tests on PowerShell versions lower than 5.1' return } $script:testFolderPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $script:testHelpersPath = Join-Path -Path $script:testFolderPath -ChildPath 'TestHelpers' Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:testHelpersPath -ChildPath 'CommonTestHelper.psm1') $script:testEnvironment = Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment ` -DscResourceModuleName 'PSDscResources' ` -DscResourceName 'MSFT_GroupResource' ` -TestType 'Integration' try { Describe 'Group Integration Tests' { BeforeAll { Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:testHelpersPath ` -ChildPath 'MSFT_GroupResource.TestHelper.psm1') $script:confgurationWithMembersFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot ` -ChildPath 'MSFT_GroupResource_Members.config.ps1' $script:confgurationWithMembersToIncludeExcludeFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot ` -ChildPath 'MSFT_GroupResource_MembersToIncludeExclude.config.ps1' # Fake users for testing $testUsername1 = 'TestUser1' $testUsername2 = 'TestUser2' $testUsernames = @( $testUsername1, $testUsername2 ) $testPassword = 'T3stPassw0rd#' $secureTestPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $testPassword -AsPlainText -Force foreach ($username in $testUsernames) { $testUserCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( $username, $secureTestPassword ) $null = New-User -Credential $testUserCredential } } AfterAll { foreach ($username in $testUsernames) { Remove-User -UserName $username } } It 'Should use Group from PSDscResources' { $groupResource = Get-DscResource -Name 'Group' $groupResource | Should Not Be $null if ($groupResource.Count -gt 1) { $sortedGroupResrources = $groupResource | Sort-Object -Property 'Version' -Descending $groupResource = $sortedGroupResrources | Select-Object -First 1 } $groupResource.ModuleName | Should Be 'PSDscResources' } It 'Should create an empty group' { $configurationName = 'CreateEmptyGroup' $testGroupName = 'TestEmptyGroup1' $resourceParameters = @{ Ensure = 'Present' GroupName = $testGroupName } Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $false try { { . $script:confgurationWithMembersFilePath -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @resourceParameters Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should Not Throw Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName -Members @() | Should Be $true } finally { if (Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName) { Remove-Group -GroupName $testGroupName } } } It 'Should create a group with two test users using Members' { $configurationName = 'CreateGroupWithTwoMembers' $testGroupName = 'TestGroupWithMembers2' $groupMembers = $testUsernames $resourceParameters = @{ Ensure = 'Present' GroupName = $testGroupName Members = $groupMembers } Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $false try { { . $script:confgurationWithMembersFilePath -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @resourceParameters Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should Not Throw Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName -Members $groupMembers | Should Be $true } finally { if (Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName) { Remove-Group -GroupName $testGroupName } } } It 'Should add a member to a group with MembersToInclude' { $configurationName = 'CreateGroupWithTwoMembers' $testGroupName = 'TestGroupWithMembersToInclude3' $groupMembers = @( $testUsername1 ) $resourceParameters = @{ Ensure = 'Present' GroupName = $testGroupName MembersToInclude = $groupMembers } Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $false New-Group -GroupName $testGroupName Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $true try { { . $script:confgurationWithMembersToIncludeExcludeFilePath -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @resourceParameters Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should Not Throw Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName -MembersToInclude $groupMembers | Should Be $true } finally { if (Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName) { Remove-Group -GroupName $testGroupName } } } It 'Should remove a member from a group with MembersToExclude' { $configurationName = 'CreateGroupWithTwoMembers' $testGroupName = 'TestGroupWithMembersToInclude3' $groupMembersToExclude = @( $testUsername1 ) $resourceParameters = @{ Ensure = 'Present' GroupName = $testGroupName MembersToExclude = $groupMembersToExclude } Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $false New-Group -GroupName $testGroupName -Members $groupMembersToExclude Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $true try { { . $script:confgurationWithMembersToIncludeExcludeFilePath -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @resourceParameters Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should Not Throw Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName -MembersToExclude $groupMembersToExclude | Should Be $true } finally { if (Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName) { Remove-Group -GroupName $testGroupName } } } It 'Should remove a group' { $configurationName = 'RemoveGroup' $testGroupName = 'TestRemoveGroup1' $resourceParameters = @{ Ensure = 'Absent' GroupName = $testGroupName } Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $false New-Group -GroupName $testGroupName Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $true try { { . $script:confgurationWithMembersFilePath -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @resourceParameters Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should Not Throw Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName | Should Be $false } finally { if (Test-GroupExists -GroupName $testGroupName) { Remove-Group -GroupName $testGroupName } } } } } finally { Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $script:testEnvironment } |