# See the help for Set-StrictMode for the full details on what this enables. Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 Function Get-DotFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Enumerates dotfiles components .DESCRIPTION Enumerates the available dotfiles components, where each component is represented by a top-level folder in the folder specified by the $DotFilesPath variable or the -Path parameter. For each component a Component object is returned which specifies the component's basic details, availability, installation state, and other configuration settings. .PARAMETER AllowNestedSymlinks Toggles allowing directory symlinks to destinations outside of the source component path earlier in the path hierarchy. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks. If neither is specified the default is disabled. .PARAMETER Autodetect Toggles automatic detection of available components without any metadata. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesAutodetect. If neither is specified the default is disabled. .PARAMETER Path Use the specified directory as the dotfiles directory. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesPath. .EXAMPLE Get-DotFiles Enumerates all available dotfiles components and returns a collection of Component objects representing the status of each. .EXAMPLE Get-DotFiles -Autodetect Enumerates all available dotfiles components, attempting automatic detection of those that lack a metadata file. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Low', SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [String]$Path, [Switch]$Autodetect, [Switch]$AllowNestedSymlinks ) Initialize-PSDotFiles @PSBoundParameters return Get-DotFilesInternal @PSBoundParameters } Function Install-DotFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Installs dotfiles components .DESCRIPTION Installs all available dotfiles components, or the nominated subset provided via a collection of Component objects as previously returned by the Get-DotFiles cmdlet. For each installed component a Component object is returned which specifies the component's basic details, availability, installation state, and other configuration settings. .PARAMETER AllowNestedSymlinks Toggles allowing directory symlinks to destinations outside of the source component path earlier in the path hierarchy. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks. If neither is specified the default is disabled. .PARAMETER Autodetect Toggles automatic detection of available components without any metadata. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesAutodetect. If neither is specified the default is disabled. .PARAMETER Components A collection of Component objects to be installed as previously returned by Get-DotFiles. Note that only the Component objects with an appropriate Availability state will be installed. .PARAMETER Path Use the specified directory as the dotfiles directory. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesPath. .EXAMPLE Install-DotFiles Installs all available dotfiles components and returns a collection of Component objects representing the status of each. .EXAMPLE Get-DotFiles | ? Name -in git, vim | Install-DotFiles Installs only the git and vim dotfiles components, as provided by a filtered set of the components returned by Get-DotFiles. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Retrieve', ConfirmImpact='Low', SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Retrieve')] [String]$Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Retrieve')] [Switch]$Autodetect, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Pipeline', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [Component[]]$Components, [Switch]$AllowNestedSymlinks ) Begin { Initialize-PSDotFiles @PSBoundParameters if (!($IsAdministrator -or $IsWin10DevMode)) { if ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Warning -Message 'Missing privileges to create symlinks but ignoring due to -WhatIf.' } else { Write-Warning -Message 'We appear to be running under a user account without permission to create symlinks.' Write-Warning -Message 'To fix this perform one of the following:' Write-Warning -Message '- Run as an elevated user (ie. with Administrator privileges)' Write-Warning -Message "- If you're on Windows 10 Creators Update or newer enable Developer Mode" throw 'Unable to run Install-DotFiles as missing privileges to create symlinks.' } } [Component[]]$Processed = @() if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Retrieve') { [Component[]]$Components = Get-DotFilesInternal @PSBoundParameters } } Process { [Component[]]$ToInstall = $Components | Where-Object { $_.Availability -in ([Availability]::Available, [Availability]::AlwaysInstall) } foreach ($Component in $ToInstall) { $Name = $Component.Name [Boolean[]]$Results = @() $Parameters = @{ 'Component'=$Component 'SourceDirectories'=$Component.SourcePath } if (!($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, 'Install'))) { $Parameters['Simulate'] = $true } Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Source directory is: {1}' -f $Name, $Component.SourcePath) Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Installation path is: {1}' -f $Name, $Component.InstallPath) $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentDirectory @Parameters $Component.State = Get-ComponentInstallResult -Results $Results $Processed += $Component } } End { return $Processed } } Function Remove-DotFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes dotfiles components .DESCRIPTION Removes all installed dotfiles components, or the nominated subset provided via a collection of Component objects as previously returned by the Get-DotFiles cmdlet. For each removed component a Component object is returned which specifies the component's basic details, availability, installation state, and other configuration settings. .PARAMETER AllowNestedSymlinks Toggles allowing directory symlinks to destinations outside of the source component path earlier in the path hierarchy. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks. If neither is specified the default is disabled. .PARAMETER Autodetect Toggles automatic detection of available components without any metadata. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesAutodetect. If neither is specified the default is disabled. .PARAMETER Components A collection of Component objects to be removed as previously returned by Get-DotFiles. Note that only the Component objects with an appropriate Installed state will be removed. .PARAMETER Path Use the specified directory as the dotfiles directory. This overrides any default specified in $DotFilesPath. .EXAMPLE Remove-DotFiles Removes all installed dotfiles components and returns a collection of Component objects representing the status of each. .EXAMPLE Get-DotFiles | ? Name -in git, vim | Remove-DotFiles Removes only the git and vim dotfiles components, as provided by a filtered set of the components returned by Get-DotFiles. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Retrieve', ConfirmImpact='Low', SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Retrieve')] [String]$Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Retrieve')] [Switch]$Autodetect, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Pipeline', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [Component[]]$Components, [Switch]$AllowNestedSymlinks ) Begin { Initialize-PSDotFiles @PSBoundParameters [Component[]]$Processed = @() if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Retrieve') { [Component[]]$Components = Get-DotFilesInternal @PSBoundParameters } } Process { [Component[]]$ToInstall = $Components | Where-Object { $_.State -in ([InstallState]::Installed, [InstallState]::PartialInstall) } foreach ($Component in $ToInstall) { $Name = $Component.Name [Boolean[]]$Results = @() $Parameters = @{ 'Component'=$Component 'SourceDirectories'=$Component.SourcePath } if (!($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, 'Remove'))) { $Parameters['Simulate'] = $true } Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Source directory is: {1}' -f $Name, $Component.SourcePath) Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Installation path is: {1}' -f $Name, $Component.InstallPath) $Results += Remove-DotFilesComponentDirectory @Parameters $Component.State = Get-ComponentInstallResult -Results $Results -Removal $Processed += $Component } } End { return $Processed } } Function Get-DotFilesInternal { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [String]$Path, [Switch]$Autodetect, [Switch]$AllowNestedSymlinks ) [Component[]]$Components = @() $Directories = Get-ChildItem -Path $DotFilesPath -Directory foreach ($Directory in $Directories) { $Component = Get-DotFilesComponent -Directory $Directory if ($Component.Availability -in ([Availability]::Available, [Availability]::AlwaysInstall)) { [Boolean[]]$Results = @() $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentDirectory -Component $Component -SourceDirectories $Component.SourcePath -Verify $Component.State = Get-ComponentInstallResult -Results $Results } $Components += $Component } if (!$Components) { Write-Warning -Message 'Get-DotFiles returned no results. Are you sure your $DotFilesPath is set correctly?' } return $Components } Function Initialize-PSDotFiles { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [String]$Path, [Switch]$Autodetect, [Switch]$AllowNestedSymlinks ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) { $script:DotFilesPath = Test-DotFilesPath -Path $Path if (!$script:DotFilesPath) { throw "The provided dotfiles path is either not a directory or it can't be accessed." } } elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'DotFilesPath' -Scope Global -ErrorAction Ignore) { $script:DotFilesPath = Test-DotFilesPath -Path $global:DotFilesPath if (!$script:DotFilesPath) { throw "The default dotfiles path (`$DotFilesPath) is either not a directory or it can't be accessed." } } else { throw 'No dotfiles path was provided and the default path ($DotFilesPath) has not been configured.' } Write-Verbose -Message ('dotfiles directory: {0}' -f $DotFilesPath) if (Get-Variable -Name 'DotFilesSkipMetadataSchemaChecks' -Scope Global -ErrorAction Ignore) { $script:DotFilesSkipMetadataSchemaChecks = $global:DotFilesSkipMetadataSchemaChecks } else { $script:DotFilesSkipMetadataSchemaChecks = $false } if (!$DotFilesSkipMetadataSchemaChecks) { $MetadataSchemaPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Metadata.xsd' $script:MetadataSchema = New-Object -TypeName Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet $null = $MetadataSchema.Add($null, (Get-Item -Path $MetadataSchemaPath)) $MetadataSchema.Compile() # Implied on the first validation but do so now to ensure it's sane. Write-Debug -Message ('Metadata schema: {0}' -f $MetadataSchemaPath) } else { Write-Warning -Message 'Skipping validation of metadata files against XML schema.' } $script:GlobalMetadataPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'metadata' Write-Debug -Message ('Global metadata: {0}' -f $GlobalMetadataPath) $script:DotFilesMetadataPath = Join-Path -Path $DotFilesPath -ChildPath 'metadata' Write-Debug -Message ('Dotfiles metadata: {0}' -f $DotFilesMetadataPath) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Autodetect')) { $script:DotFilesAutodetect = $Autodetect } elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'DotFilesAutodetect' -Scope Global -ErrorAction Ignore) { $script:DotFilesAutodetect = $global:DotFilesAutodetect } else { $script:DotFilesAutodetect = $false } Write-Verbose -Message ('Automatic component detection: {0}' -f $DotFilesAutodetect) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AllowNestedSymlinks')) { $script:DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks = $AllowNestedSymlinks } elseif (Get-Variable -Name 'DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks' -Scope Global -ErrorAction Ignore) { $script:DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks = $global:DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks } else { $script:DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks = $false } Write-Verbose -Message ('Nested symlinks permitted: {0}' -f $DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks) # Cache these results for usage later $script:IsAdministrator = Test-IsAdministrator $script:IsWin10DevMode = Test-IsWin10DevMode $script:IsMkLinkNeeded = Test-IsMkLinkNeeded $script:RefreshInstalledPrograms = $true } Function Initialize-DotFilesComponent { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='New', Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Override', Mandatory)] [Component]$Component, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='New')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Override', Mandatory)] [Xml]$Metadata ) # Ensures XML methods are always available if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Metadata')) { $Metadata = New-Object -TypeName Xml.XmlDocument } # Create the component if we're not overriding if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'New') { $Component = [Component]::new($Name, $DotFilesPath) } else { $Name = $Component.Name } # Set the friendly name if one was provided if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/FriendlyName')) { $Component.FriendlyName = $Metadata.Component.Friendlyname } # Append any base path to the source path if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/BasePath')) { $Component.SourcePath = Join-Path -Path $Component.SourcePath -ChildPath $Metadata.Component.BasePath } # Configure ignore paths if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/IgnorePaths')) { foreach ($Path in $Metadata.Component.IgnorePaths.IgnorePath) { $Component.IgnorePaths += $Path } } # Configure additional paths if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/AdditionalPaths')) { foreach ($Path in $Metadata.Component.AdditionalPaths.AdditionalPath) { $Component.AdditionalPaths[$Path.source] += @($Path.TargetPath.symlink) } } # Configure rename paths if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/RenamePaths')) { foreach ($Path in $Metadata.Component.RenamePaths.RenamePath) { $Component.RenamePaths[$Path.source] = $Path.symlink } } # Configure symlink hiding if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/InstallPath/HideSymlinks')) { if ($Metadata.Component.InstallPath.HideSymlinks -eq 'true') { $Component.HideSymlinks = $true } } # Determine the detection method if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/Detection')) { $DetectionMethod = $Metadata.Component.Detection.Method } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'New') { $DetectionMethod = 'Automatic' } else { $DetectionMethod = $false } # Run component detection if ($DetectionMethod -eq 'Automatic') { $Parameters = @{ 'Name'=$Name 'RegularExpression'=$false 'CaseSensitive'=$false } if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/Detection/MatchRegEx')) { if ($Metadata.Component.Detection.MatchRegEx -eq 'true') { $Parameters['RegularExpression'] = $true } } if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/Detection/MatchCase')) { if ($Metadata.Component.Detection.MatchCase -eq 'true') { $Parameters['CaseSensitive'] = $true } } if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/Detection/MatchPattern')) { $Parameters['Pattern'] = $Metadata.Component.Detection.MatchPattern } $MatchingPrograms = Find-DotFilesComponent @Parameters if ($MatchingPrograms) { $NumMatchingPrograms = ($MatchingPrograms | Measure-Object).Count if ($NumMatchingPrograms -ge 1) { if ($NumMatchingPrograms -gt 1) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Automatic detection found {1} matching programs.' -f $Name, $NumMatchingPrograms) } $Component.Availability = [Availability]::Available if (!$Component.FriendlyName -and $MatchingPrograms.Name) { $Component.FriendlyName = [String]::Join(', ', ($MatchingPrograms.Name | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | Sort-Object )) } } else { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Automatic detection found {1} matching programs.' -f $Name, $NumMatchingPrograms) } } else { $Component.Availability = [Availability]::Unavailable } } elseif ($DetectionMethod -eq 'FindInPath') { if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/Detection/FindInPath')) { $FindBinary = $Metadata.Component.Detection.FindInPath } else { $FindBinary = $Component.Name } if (Get-Command -Name $FindBinary -ErrorAction Ignore) { $Component.Availability = [Availability]::Available } else { $Component.Availability = [Availability]::Unavailable } } elseif ($DetectionMethod -eq 'PathExists') { if (Test-Path -Path $Metadata.Component.Detection.PathExists) { $Component.Availability = [Availability]::Available } else { $Component.Availability = [Availability]::Unavailable } } elseif ($DetectionMethod -eq 'Static') { $Availability = $Metadata.Component.Detection.Availability $Component.Availability = [Availability]::$Availability } # If the component isn't available we're done if ($Component.Availability -notin ([Availability]::Available, [Availability]::AlwaysInstall)) { return $Component } # Set the default installation path initially if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'New') { $Component.InstallPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile') } # Configure install path if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/InstallPath')) { $SpecialFolder = $false $Destination = $false # Are we installing to a special folder? if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/InstallPath/SpecialFolder')) { $SpecialFolder = $Metadata.Component.InstallPath.SpecialFolder } # Are we installing to a custom destination? if ($Metadata.SelectSingleNode('//Component/InstallPath/Destination')) { $Destination = $Metadata.Component.InstallPath.Destination } # Determine the installation path if ($SpecialFolder -and $Destination) { if (!([IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Destination))) { $InstallPath = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath($SpecialFolder)) -ChildPath $Destination if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath -PathType Container -IsValid) { $Component.InstallPath = $InstallPath } else { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] The destination path for symlinking is invalid: {1}' -f $Name, $InstallPath) } } else { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] The destination path for symlinking is not a relative path: {1}' -f $Name, $Destination) } } elseif (!$SpecialFolder -and $Destination) { if ([IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Destination)) { if (Test-Path -Path $Destination -PathType Container -IsValid) { $Component.InstallPath = $Destination } else { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] The destination path for symlinking is invalid: {1}' -f $Name, $Destination) } } else { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] The destination path for symlinking is not an absolute path: {1}' -f $Name, $Destination) } } elseif ($SpecialFolder -and !$Destination) { $Component.InstallPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath($SpecialFolder) } } return $Component } Function Install-DotFilesComponentDirectory { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Install')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Component]$Component, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.DirectoryInfo[]]$SourceDirectories, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Simulate')] [Switch]$Simulate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Verify')] [Switch]$Verify ) # Beware: This function is called recursively! $Name = $Component.Name $SourcePath = $Component.SourcePath $InstallPath = $Component.InstallPath [Boolean[]]$Results = @() foreach ($SourceDirectory in $SourceDirectories) { # Check if we're operating on the top-level directory of a component or have recursed into a # subdirectory. If the latter, we need the relative path from the top-level directory so we # can adjust the target installation directory appropriately. Further, subdirectories may be # ignored by an <IgnorePaths> configuration, so also check this before proceeding further. if ($SourceDirectory.FullName -eq $SourcePath.FullName) { $ComponentRootDir = $true $TargetDirectory = $InstallPath # We need to check the source directory does actually exist. There are some edge cases # where this may not be the case, with a common case being an invalid BasePath setting. $SourceDirectory = Get-Item -Path $SourcePath.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Ignore if ($SourceDirectory -isnot [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $Results += $false if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Install') { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Unable to retrieve source directory: {1}' -f $Name, $SourcePath.FullName) } continue } } else { $ComponentRootDir = $false $SourceDirectoryRelative = $SourceDirectory.FullName.Substring($SourcePath.FullName.Length + 1) if ($SourceDirectoryRelative -in $Component.IgnorePaths) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Ignoring directory: {1}' -f $Name, $SourceDirectoryRelative) continue } $TargetDirectory = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $SourceDirectoryRelative } # We've got the directory source and target paths and have confirmed the source path is not # ignored. Start by trying to retrieve any item which may already exist at the target path. try { $ExistingTarget = Get-Item -Path $TargetDirectory -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { # Missing directory on a verification means the component is not/partially installed if ($Verify) { $Results += $false continue } # Missing directory on a simulation means this directory will be symlinked on install if ($Simulate) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Will symlink directory: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SourceDirectory.FullName) $Results += $true continue } # When operating on the top-level directory of a component we need to check that the # parent directory of the target path actually exists. If not, we'll create it. if ($ComponentRootDir) { $TargetParentDirectory = Split-Path -Path $TargetDirectory -Parent if (!(Test-Path -Path $TargetParentDirectory -PathType Container)) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Creating parent directory for target symlink: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetParentDirectory) $null = New-Item -Path $TargetParentDirectory -ItemType Directory } } # Nothing exists at the target path so we can create the directory symlink Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Symlinking directory: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SourceDirectory.FullName) $Symlink = New-Symlink -Path $TargetDirectory -Target $SourceDirectory.FullName # Set the hidden and system attributes if requested if ($Component.HideSymlinks) { $Attributes = Set-SymlinkAttributes -Symlink $Symlink if (!$Attributes) { $Results += $false Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Unable to set Hidden and System attributes on directory symlink: "{1}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory) continue } } $Results += $true continue } # We found an item but it's not a directory! The user will need to fix this conflict. if ($ExistingTarget -isnot [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $Results += $false if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Install') { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Expected a directory but found a file: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory) } continue } # We found a symbolic link. Either: # - It points where we expect -> nothing to do # - It points somewhere else -> recurse into it (AllowNestedSymlinks) # - It points somewhere unexpected -> unable to symlink this path element if ($ExistingTarget.LinkType -eq 'SymbolicLink') { $SymlinkTarget = Get-SymlinkTarget -Symlink $ExistingTarget if ($SourceDirectory.FullName -eq $SymlinkTarget) { $Results += $true Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Valid directory symlink: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SymlinkTarget) continue } elseif ($DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Recursing into existing symlink with target: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SymlinkTarget) } else { $Results += $false if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Install') { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Found a directory symlink to an unexpected target: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SymlinkTarget) } continue } } # We found a regular directory or a directory symlink to an unexpected target. As we # can't create a directory symlink recurse into the source path and attempt to symlink # each file into the target. $NextFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory.FullName -File -Force if ($NextFiles) { if ($Verify) { $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentFile -Component $Component -SourceFiles $NextFiles -Verify } elseif ($Simulate) { $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentFile -Component $Component -SourceFiles $NextFiles -Simulate } else { $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentFile -Component $Component -SourceFiles $NextFiles } } # As above, but now symlink each of the directories $NextDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory.FullName -Directory -Force if ($NextDirectories) { if ($Verify) { $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentDirectory -Component $Component -SourceDirectories $NextDirectories -Verify } elseif ($Simulate) { $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentDirectory -Component $Component -SourceDirectories $NextDirectories -Simulate } else { $Results += Install-DotFilesComponentDirectory -Component $Component -SourceDirectories $NextDirectories } } # Warn if there were no items in the source path and we couldn't symlink the directory if (!$NextFiles -and !$NextDirectories) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Unable to symlink empty directory as target exists: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SymlinkTarget) } } return $Results } Function Install-DotFilesComponentFile { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Install')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Component]$Component, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.FileInfo[]]$SourceFiles, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Simulate')] [Switch]$Simulate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Verify')] [Switch]$Verify ) # Beware: This function is called recursively! $Name = $Component.Name $SourcePath = $Component.SourcePath $InstallPath = $Component.InstallPath [Boolean[]]$Results = @() foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) { # We always need to determine the relative path of files from the top-level directory of the # component so we can adjust the target installation path appropriately. $SourceFileRelative = $SourceFile.FullName.Substring($SourcePath.FullName.Length + 1) # Like directories, files may also be ignored by an <IgnorePaths> configuration. if ($SourceFileRelative -in $Component.IgnorePaths) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Ignoring file: {1}' -f $Name, $SourceFileRelative) continue } Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Processing file: {1}' -f $Name, $SourceFileRelative) [String[]]$TargetFiles = @() # Determine additional target symlink paths. if ($Component.AdditionalPaths.ContainsKey($SourceFileRelative)) { foreach ($AdditionalPath in $Component.AdditionalPaths[$SourceFileRelative]) { $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $AdditionalPath Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Adding additional path: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) $TargetFiles += $TargetFile } } # Determine the target symlink with reference to any defined renamed path. if ($Component.RenamePaths.ContainsKey($SourceFileRelative)) { $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $Component.RenamePaths[$SourceFileRelative] Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Using renamed target path: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } else { $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $SourceFileRelative Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Using target path: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } $TargetFiles += $TargetFile foreach ($TargetFile in $TargetFiles) { # We've got the file source and target paths and have confirmed the source path is not # ignored. Start by trying to retrieve any item which may already exist at the target path. try { $ExistingTarget = Get-Item -Path $TargetFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { # Missing file on a verification means the component is not/partially installed if ($Verify) { $Results += $false continue } # Missing file on a simulation means this file will be symlinked on install if ($Simulate) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Will symlink file: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SourceFile.FullName) $Results += $true continue } # Nothing exists at the target path so we can create the file symlink Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Symlinking file: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SourceFile.FullName) $Symlink = New-Symlink -Path $TargetFile -Target $SourceFile.FullName # Set the hidden and system attributes if requested if ($Component.HideSymlinks) { $Attributes = Set-SymlinkAttributes -Symlink $Symlink if (!$Attributes) { $Results += $true Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Unable to set Hidden and System attributes on file symlink: "{1}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile) continue } } $Results += $true continue } # We found an item but it's not a file! The user will need to fix this conflict. if ($ExistingTarget -isnot [IO.FileInfo]) { $Results += $false if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Install') { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Expected a file but found a directory: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } continue } # We found a file. We can't replace it so this is another conflict for the user. if ($ExistingTarget.LinkType -ne 'SymbolicLink') { $Results += $false if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Install') { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Unable to create symlink as a file already exists: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } continue } # We found a symbolic link. Either it points where we expect it to and all is well, or # it points somewhere unexpected, and the user will need to investigate why that is. $SymlinkTarget = Get-SymlinkTarget -Symlink $ExistingTarget if ($SourceFile.FullName -eq $SymlinkTarget) { $Results += $true Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Valid file symlink: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SymlinkTarget) } else { $Results += $false if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Install') { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Found a file symlink to an unexpected target: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SymlinkTarget) } } } } return $Results } Function Remove-DotFilesComponentDirectory { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Component]$Component, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.DirectoryInfo[]]$SourceDirectories, [Switch]$Simulate ) # Beware: This function is called recursively! $Name = $Component.Name $SourcePath = $Component.SourcePath $InstallPath = $Component.InstallPath [Boolean[]]$Results = @() foreach ($SourceDirectory in $SourceDirectories) { # Check if we're operating on the top-level directory of a component or have recursed into a # subdirectory. If the latter, we need the relative path from the top-level directory so we # can adjust the target installation directory appropriately. Further, subdirectories may be # ignored by an <IgnorePaths> configuration, so also check this before proceeding further. if ($SourceDirectory.FullName -eq $SourcePath.FullName) { $TargetDirectory = $InstallPath # We need to check the source directory does actually exist. There are some edge cases # where this may not be the case, with a common case being an invalid BasePath setting. $SourceDirectory = Get-Item -Path $SourcePath.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Ignore if ($SourceDirectory -isnot [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $Results += $false Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Unable to retrieve source directory: {1}' -f $Name, $SourcePath.FullName) continue } } else { $SourceDirectoryRelative = $SourceDirectory.FullName.Substring($SourcePath.FullName.Length + 1) if ($SourceDirectoryRelative -in $Component.IgnorePaths) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Ignoring directory: {1}' -f $Name, $SourceDirectoryRelative) continue } $TargetDirectory = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $SourceDirectoryRelative } # We've got the directory source and target paths and have confirmed the source path is not # ignored. Start by trying to retrieve any item which may already exist at the target path. try { $ExistingTarget = Get-Item -Path $TargetDirectory -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Expected a directory but found nothing: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory) } continue } # We found an item but it's not a directory! This is unexpected, but as we're removing a # component it's not an error. It will break if the user attempts to install it though. if ($ExistingTarget -isnot [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Expected a directory but found a file: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory) } continue } # We found a symbolic link. Either: # - It points where we expect -> remove it # - It points somewhere else -> recurse into it (AllowNestedSymlinks) # - It points somewhere unexpected -> unable to remove this path element if ($ExistingTarget.LinkType -eq 'SymbolicLink') { $SymlinkTarget = Get-SymlinkTarget -Symlink $ExistingTarget # The symlink points somewhere other than the expected target. If nested symlinks # are permitted we'll recurse into it. Otherwise, this could be completely fine or # an error. We won't remove it so just warn the user of this potential issue. if ($SourceDirectory.FullName -ne $SymlinkTarget) { if ($DotFilesAllowNestedSymlinks) { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Recursing into existing symlink with target: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SymlinkTarget) } } else { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Found a directory symlink to an unexpected target: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SymlinkTarget) } continue } } else { # The symlink points where we expect so we're good to proceed with its removal if ($Simulate) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Will remove directory symlink: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SourceDirectory.FullName) } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Removing directory symlink: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetDirectory, $SourceDirectory.FullName) # Remove-Item doesn't correctly handle deleting directory symbolic links # See: [IO.Directory]::Delete($TargetDirectory) } $Results += $true continue } } # We found a regular directory or a directory symlink to an unexpected target. As we # can't remove the directory recurse into it looking for file symlinks to remove. $NextFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory.FullName -File -Force if ($NextFiles) { if ($Simulate) { $Results += Remove-DotFilesComponentFile -Component $Component -SourceFiles $NextFiles -Simulate } else { $Results += Remove-DotFilesComponentFile -Component $Component -SourceFiles $NextFiles } } # As above, but now for directory symlinks $NextDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory.FullName -Directory -Force if ($NextDirectories) { if ($Simulate) { $Results += Remove-DotFilesComponentDirectory -Component $Component -SourceDirectories $NextDirectories -Simulate } else { $Results += Remove-DotFilesComponentDirectory -Component $Component -SourceDirectories $NextDirectories } } } return $Results } Function Remove-DotFilesComponentFile { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Component]$Component, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.FileInfo[]]$SourceFiles, [Switch]$Simulate ) # Beware: This function is called recursively! $Name = $Component.Name $SourcePath = $Component.SourcePath $InstallPath = $Component.InstallPath [Boolean[]]$Results = @() foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) { # We always need to determine the relative path of files from the top-level directory of the # component so we can adjust the target installation path appropriately. $SourceFileRelative = $SourceFile.FullName.Substring($SourcePath.FullName.Length + 1) # Like directories, files may also be ignored by an <IgnorePaths> configuration. if ($SourceFileRelative -in $Component.IgnorePaths) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Ignoring file: {1}' -f $Name, $SourceFileRelative) continue } Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Processing file: {1}' -f $Name, $SourceFileRelative) [String[]]$TargetFiles = @() # Determine additional target symlink paths. if ($Component.AdditionalPaths.ContainsKey($SourceFileRelative)) { foreach ($AdditionalPath in $Component.AdditionalPaths[$SourceFileRelative]) { $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $AdditionalPath Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Adding additional path: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) $TargetFiles += $TargetFile } } # Determine the target symlink with reference to any defined renamed path. if ($Component.RenamePaths.ContainsKey($SourceFileRelative)) { $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $Component.RenamePaths[$SourceFileRelative] Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Using renamed target path: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } else { $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $InstallPath -ChildPath $SourceFileRelative Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Using target path: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } $TargetFiles += $TargetFile foreach ($TargetFile in $TargetFiles) { # We've got the file source and target paths and have confirmed the source path is not # ignored. Start by trying to retrieve any item which may already exist at the target path. try { $ExistingTarget = Get-Item -Path $TargetFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Expected a file but found nothing: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } continue } # We found an item but it's not a file! This is unexpected, but as we're removing a # component it's not an error. It will break if the user attempts to install it though. if ($ExistingTarget -isnot [IO.FileInfo]) { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Expected a file but found a directory: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } continue } # We found a file but it's not a symbolic link! Like the above, this is unexpected but # as we're removing a component we'll just warn the user (though an install won't work). if ($ExistingTarget.LinkType -ne 'SymbolicLink') { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Found a file instead of a symbolic link: {1}' -f $Name, $TargetFile) } continue } # We found a symbolic link. Either it points where we expect it to and we'll remove it, # or it points somewhere unexpected, and the user will need to investigate why that is. $SymlinkTarget = Get-SymlinkTarget -Symlink $ExistingTarget # The symlink points to an unexpected target. This could be an error or completely fine. # As we won't make any changes warn the user and let them decide what to do. if ($SourceFile.FullName -ne $SymlinkTarget) { if (!$Simulate) { Write-Warning -Message ('[{0}] Found a file symlink to an unexpected target: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SymlinkTarget) } continue } # The symlink points where we expect so we're good to proceed with its removal if ($Simulate) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Will remove file symlink: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SourceFile.FullName) } else { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Removing file symlink: "{1}" -> "{2}"' -f $Name, $TargetFile, $SourceFile.FullName) Remove-Item -Path $TargetFile -Force } $Results += $true } } return $Results } Function Find-DotFilesComponent { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object[]])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [String]$Pattern, [Switch]$CaseSensitive, [Switch]$RegularExpression ) if ($RefreshInstalledPrograms) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Refreshing installed programs ...' $script:InstalledPrograms = Get-InstalledPrograms if (Get-Module -Name Appx -ListAvailable) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Refreshing installed app packages ...' $AppPackages = Get-AppxPackage $script:InstalledPrograms += $AppPackages Write-Debug -Message ('Found {0} app packages.' -f ($AppPackages | Measure-Object).Count) } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Not retrieving app packages as Appx module not available.' } $script:RefreshInstalledPrograms = $false } $Parameters = @{ 'Property'='Name' } if ($Pattern) { $Parameters['Value'] = $Pattern } else { $Parameters['Value'] = '*{0}*' -f $Name } if ($CaseSensitive -and $RegularExpression) { $Parameters['CMatch'] = $true } elseif ($CaseSensitive -and !$RegularExpression) { $Parameters['CLike'] = $true } elseif (!$CaseSensitive -and $RegularExpression) { $Parameters['IMatch'] = $true } else { $Parameters['ILike'] = $true } $MatchingPrograms = @($InstalledPrograms | Where-Object @Parameters) return (, $MatchingPrograms) } Function Get-ComponentInstallResult { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [Boolean[]]$Results, [Switch]$Removal ) if ($Results.Count) { $TotalResults = $Results.Count $SuccessCount = ($Results | Where-Object { $_ -eq $true } | Measure-Object).Count $FailureCount = ($Results | Where-Object { $_ -eq $false } | Measure-Object).Count if ($SuccessCount -eq $TotalResults) { if (!$Removal) { return [InstallState]::Installed } else { return [InstallState]::NotInstalled } } elseif ($FailureCount -eq $TotalResults) { if (!$Removal) { return [InstallState]::NotInstalled } else { return [InstallState]::Installed } } return [InstallState]::PartialInstall } return [InstallState]::Unknown } Function Get-ComponentMetadata { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Path ) try { $Metadata = [Xml](Get-Content -Path $Path) } catch { Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to load metadata file: {0}' -f $Path) throw $_ } if (!$DotFilesSkipMetadataSchemaChecks) { $Metadata.Schemas = $MetadataSchema try { $Metadata.Validate($null) } catch { Write-Warning -Message ('Unable to validate metadata file: {0}' -f $Path) throw $_ } } return $Metadata } Function Get-DotFilesComponent { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.DirectoryInfo]$Directory ) $Name = $Directory.Name $MetadataFile = '{0}.xml' -f $Name $GlobalMetadataFile = Join-Path -Path $GlobalMetadataPath -ChildPath $MetadataFile $GlobalMetadataPresent = Test-Path -Path $GlobalMetadataFile -PathType Leaf $CustomMetadataFile = Join-Path -Path $DotFilesMetadataPath -ChildPath $MetadataFile $CustomMetadataPresent = Test-Path -Path $CustomMetadataFile -PathType Leaf if ($GlobalMetadataPresent -or $CustomMetadataPresent) { if ($GlobalMetadataPresent) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Loading global metadata ...' -f $Name) $Metadata = Get-ComponentMetadata -Path $GlobalMetadataFile $Component = Initialize-DotFilesComponent -Name $Name -Metadata $Metadata } if ($CustomMetadataPresent) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Loading custom metadata ...' -f $Name) $Metadata = Get-ComponentMetadata -Path $CustomMetadataFile # TODO: Merge metadata so we can call Initialize-DotFilesComponent once if ($GlobalMetadataPresent) { $Component = Initialize-DotFilesComponent -Component $Component -Metadata $Metadata } else { $Component = Initialize-DotFilesComponent -Name $Name -Metadata $Metadata } } } elseif ($DotFilesAutodetect) { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] Running automatic detection ...' -f $Name) $Component = Initialize-DotFilesComponent -Name $Name } else { Write-Debug -Message ('[{0}] No metadata & automatic detection disabled.' -f $Name) $Component = [Component]::new($Name, $DotFilesPath) $Component.Availability = [Availability]::NoLogic } $Component.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'PSDotFiles.Component') return $Component } Function Get-InstalledPrograms { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object[]])] Param() $Hives = @('HKLM', 'HKCU') $NativeRegPath = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' $Wow6432RegPath = 'Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' $UninstallKeys = @() foreach ($Hive in $Hives) { $HiveNativeRegPath = '{0}:\{1}' -f $Hive, $NativeRegPath $UninstallKeys += Get-ChildItem -Path $HiveNativeRegPath $HiveWow6432RegPath = '{0}:\{1}' -f $Hive, $Wow6432RegPath if (Test-Path -Path $HiveWow6432RegPath -PathType Container) { $UninstallKeys += Get-ChildItem -Path $HiveWow6432RegPath } } $InstalledPrograms = @() foreach ($UninstallKey in $UninstallKeys) { $Program = Get-ItemProperty -Path $UninstallKey.PSPath if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['DisplayName'] -and !$Program.PSObject.Properties['SystemComponent'] -and !$Program.PSObject.Properties['ReleaseType'] -and !$Program.PSObject.Properties['ParentKeyName'] -and ($Program.PSObject.Properties['UninstallString'] -or $Program.PSObject.Properties['NoRemove'])) { $InstalledProgram = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Program.DisplayName Publisher = $null InstallDate = $null EstimatedSize = $null Version = $null Location = $null Uninstall = $null } if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['Publisher']) { $InstalledProgram.Publisher = $Program.Publisher } if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['InstallDate']) { $InstalledProgram.InstallDate = $Program.InstallDate } if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['EstimatedSize']) { $InstalledProgram.EstimatedSize = $Program.EstimatedSize } if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['DisplayVersion']) { $InstalledProgram.Version = $Program.DisplayVersion } if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['InstallLocation']) { $InstalledProgram.Location = $Program.InstallLocation } if ($Program.PSObject.Properties['UninstallString']) { $InstalledProgram.Uninstall = $Program.UninstallString } $InstalledPrograms += $InstalledProgram } } Write-Debug -Message ('Found {0} installed programs.' -f ($InstalledPrograms | Measure-Object).Count) return (, $InstalledPrograms) } Function Get-SymlinkTarget { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.FileSystemInfo]$Symlink ) if ($Symlink.LinkType -ne 'SymbolicLink') { return $false } # The type of the Target property differs by PowerShell version: # - <7: A String[] with a single element # - >=7: A String if ($Symlink.Target -is [Array]) { $Target = $Symlink.Target[0] } else { $Target = $Symlink.Target } $IsAbsolute = [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Target) if ($IsAbsolute) { return $Target } return (Resolve-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $Symlink -Parent) -ChildPath $Target)).Path } Function New-Symlink { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Target ) if (!($IsAdministrator -or $IsWin10DevMode)) { throw 'Missing symbolic link creation privileges.' } if (!$IsMkLinkNeeded) { try { $Symlink = New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path $Path -Value $Target -ErrorAction Stop } catch { throw $_ } } else { $TargetItem = Get-Item -Path $Target $QuotedPath = '"{0}"' -f $Path $QuotedTarget = '"{0}"' -f $Target if ($TargetItem -is [IO.FileInfo]) { Start-Process -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList @('/D', '/C', 'mklink', $QuotedPath, $QuotedTarget, '>nul') -NoNewWindow -Wait } elseif ($TargetItem -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { Start-Process -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList @('/D', '/C', 'mklink', '/D', $QuotedPath, $QuotedTarget, '>nul') -NoNewWindow -Wait } else { throw ('Symlink target is not a file or directory: {0}' -f $Target) } if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Warning -Message ('mklink returned unexpected exit code: {0}' -f $LASTEXITCODE) } try { $Symlink = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop } catch { throw ('Expected symlink from mklink invocation not found: {0}' -f $Path) } } return $Symlink } Function Set-SymlinkAttributes { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [IO.FileSystemInfo]$Symlink, [Switch]$Remove ) if ($Symlink.LinkType -ne 'SymbolicLink') { return $false } $Hidden = [IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden $System = [IO.FileAttributes]::System try { if ($Remove) { if ($Symlink.Attributes -band $System) { $Symlink.Attributes = $Symlink.Attributes -bxor $System } if ($Symlink.Attributes -band $Hidden) { $Symlink.Attributes = $Symlink.Attributes -bxor $Hidden } } else { $Symlink.Attributes = $Symlink.Attributes -bor $System $Symlink.Attributes = $Symlink.Attributes -bor $Hidden } } catch { return $false } return $true } Function Test-DotFilesPath { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Path ) try { $PathItem = Get-Item -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { return $false } if ($PathItem -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $PathLink = Get-SymlinkTarget -Symlink $PathItem if ($PathLink) { return (Test-DotFilesPath -Path $PathLink) } return $PathItem } return $false } Function Test-IsAdministrator { [CmdletBinding()] Param() $User = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() if ($User.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { return $true } return $false } Function Test-IsMkLinkNeeded { [CmdletBinding()] Param() # The support for creating symlinks without Administrator privileges depends on passing a new # flag to the CreateSymbolicLink() API call. PowerShell didn't become aware of this flag until # the PowerShell Core 6.2 release. Prior versions will fail to create symlinks on calling the # New-Item command as the necessary flag won't be set. # # The workaround is to call mklink which is a built-in cmd command. It's *much* slower, as each # symlink to create requires a separate process launch. That's still preferable though to not # working at all. Currently no Windows version ships with a PowerShell release with the support. # # See: if (!$IsAdministrator) { $MinPoshVersion = [Version]::new(6, 2) if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt $MinPoshVersion) { return $true } } return $false } Function Test-IsWin10DevMode { [CmdletBinding()] Param() # Windows 10 Creators Update introduced support for creating symlinks without Administrator # privileges. The underlying support was introduced in Windows Insider Preview Build 14972. $BuildNumber = [Int](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Verbose:$false).BuildNumber if ($BuildNumber -lt 14972) { return $false } # Check if Developer Mode is enabled which permits unprivileged users to create symlinks $DevModeKey = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock' if (Test-Path -Path $DevModeKey -PathType Container) { $DevMode = Get-ItemProperty -Path $DevModeKey if ($DevMode.PSObject.Properties['AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense']) { if ($DevMode.AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense -eq 1) { return $true } } } return $false } Enum Availability { # The component was detected Available # The component was not detected Unavailable # The component will be ignored # # This is distinct from "Unavailable" as it indicates the component is not # available on the underlying platform. Ignored # The component will always be installed AlwaysInstall # The component will never be installed NeverInstall # A failure occurred during component detection DetectionFailure # No detection logic was available NoLogic } Enum InstallState { # The component is installed Installed # The component is not installed NotInstalled # The component is partially installed # # After Get-DotFiles this typically means either: # - Additional files have been added since it was last installed # - A previous installation attempt was only partially successful # # After Install-DotFiles or Remove-DotFiles this typically means errors were # encountered during the installation or removal operation (or simulation). PartialInstall # The install state of the component can't be determined # # This can occur when attempting to install a component that has no files or # folders, or when they're all ignored via the component's metadata file. Unknown # The install state of the component has yet to be determined NotEvaluated } Class Component { # The directory name within the dotfiles directory [String]$Name # Source directory derived from $DotFilesPath and $Name [IO.DirectoryInfo]$SourcePath # Friendly name if one was provided or could be determined [String]$FriendlyName # The availability state per the Availability enumeration [Availability]$Availability = [Availability]::DetectionFailure # The install state per the InstallState enumeration [InstallState]$State = [InstallState]::NotEvaluated # Installation directory # Note: Influenced by the <SpecialFolder> and <Destination> elements [String]$InstallPath # Hides newly created symlinks per the <HideSymlinks> element [Boolean]$HideSymlinks # Source paths to be ignored # Note: Set by <Path> elements under <IgnorePaths> [String[]]$IgnorePaths # Source paths with additional target symlink paths # Note: Set by <AdditionalPath> elements under <AdditionalPaths> [Hashtable]$AdditionalPaths = @{ } # Source paths with renamed target symlink paths # Note: Set by <RenamePath> elements under <RenamePaths> [Hashtable]$RenamePaths = @{ } Component ([String]$Name, [IO.DirectoryInfo]$DotFilesPath) { $this.Name = $Name $this.SourcePath = Get-Item -Path (Resolve-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $DotFilesPath -ChildPath $Name)) } [String] ToString() { return 'PSDotFiles: {0}' -f $this.Name } } |