function Get-DokuAllPage { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of all Wiki pages .DESCRIPTION Returns a list of all Wiki pages from the DokuWiki API. Includes the current user's ACL status of each page .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $AllPages = Get-DokuAllPage .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSObject[] .NOTES AndyDLP - 2018-05-26 Updated - 2019-02-20 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([psobject[]])] param() begin { } #begin process { $APIResponse = Invoke-DokuApiCall -MethodName 'wiki.getAllPages' if ($APIResponse.CompletedSuccessfully -eq $true) { $MemberNodes = ($APIResponse.XMLPayloadResponse | Select-Xml -XPath "//struct").Node foreach ($node in $MemberNodes) { $PageObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FullName = (($node.member)[0]).value.InnerText Acl = (($node.member)[1]).value.InnerText Size = (($node.member)[2]).value.InnerText LastModified = Get-Date -Date ((($node.member)[3]).value.InnerText) LastModifiedRaw = (($node.member)[3]).value.InnerText PageName = (((($node.member)[0]).value.InnerText) -split ":")[-1] ParentNamespace = (((($node.member)[0]).value.InnerText) -split ":")[-2] RootNamespace = (((($node.member)[0]).value.InnerText) -split ":")[0] } $PageObject } } elseif ($null -eq $APIResponse.ExceptionMessage) { Write-Error "Fault code: $($APIResponse.FaultCode) - Fault string: $($APIResponse.FaultString)" } else { Write-Error "Exception: $($APIResponse.ExceptionMessage)" } } # process end { } # end } |