
function Remove-DokuAclRule {
        Remove a principal from an ACL
        Allows you to remove a principal from an ACL. Use @groupname instead of user to remove an ACL rule for a group.
    .PARAMETER DokuSession
        The DokuSession from which to remove the ACL
    .PARAMETER FullName
        The full name of the scope to apply to ACL to
    .PARAMETER Principal
        The username or groupname to add to the ACL
        PS C:\> Remove-DokuAclRule -DokuSession $DokuSession -FullName 'study' -Principal 'testuser'
        AndyDLP - 2018-05-26

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1,
                   HelpMessage = 'The DokuSession from which to remove the ACL')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 2,
                   HelpMessage = 'The full name of the scope to apply to ACL to')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 3,
                   HelpMessage = 'The username or @groupname to add to the ACL')]
    $APIResponse = Invoke-DokuApiCall -DokuSession $DokuSession -MethodName 'plugin.acl.delAcl' -MethodParameters @($FullName,$Principal)
    if ($APIResponse.CompletedSuccessfully -eq $true) { 
        $ReturnValue = ($APIResponse.XMLPayloadResponse | Select-Xml -XPath "//value/boolean").Node.InnerText
        if ($ReturnValue -eq 0) {
            # error code generated = Fail
            Write-Error "Error: $ReturnValue - $($APIResponse.XMLPayloadResponse)"
    } elseif ($null -eq $APIResponse.ExceptionMessage) {
        Write-Error "Fault code: $($APIResponse.FaultCode) - Fault string: $($APIResponse.FaultString)"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Exception: $($APIResponse.ExceptionMessage)"