function Get-DokuRecentChanges { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of recent changes since given timestamp .DESCRIPTION Returns a list of recent changes since given timestamp. As stated in recent_changes: Only the most recent change for each page is listed, regardless of how many times that page was changed .PARAMETER DokuSession The DokuSession from which to get the changes .PARAMETER VersionTimestamp Get all pages since this timestamp .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-DokuRecentChanges -DokuSession $DokuSession -VersionTimestamp $VersionTimestamp .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSObject[] .NOTES AndyDLP - 2018-05-26 #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $true)] [OutputType([psobject[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'The DokuSession from which to get the changes')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [DokuWiki.Session.Detail]$DokuSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Get all pages since this timestamp')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [int]$VersionTimestamp ) begin { } # begin process { $APIResponse = Invoke-DokuApiCall -DokuSession $DokuSession -MethodName 'wiki.getRecentChanges' -MethodParameters @($VersionTimestamp) if ($APIResponse.CompletedSuccessfully -eq $true) { $MemberNodes = ($APIResponse.XMLPayloadResponse | Select-Xml -XPath "//struct").Node foreach ($node in $MemberNodes) { $ChangeObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FullName = (($node.member)[0]).value.innertext LastModified = Get-Date -Date ((($node.member)[1]).value.innertext) Author = (($node.member)[2]).value.innertext VersionTimestamp = (($node.member)[3]).value.innertext } $ChangeObject } } elseif ($null -eq $APIResponse.ExceptionMessage) { Write-Error "Fault code: $($APIResponse.FaultCode) - Fault string: $($APIResponse.FaultString)" } else { Write-Error "Exception: $($APIResponse.ExceptionMessage)" } } # process end { } # end } |