function ConvertTo-XmlRpcType { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert Data into XML declared datatype string .DESCRIPTION Convert Data into XML declared datatype string .OUTPUTS string .PARAMETER InputObject Object to be converted to XML string .PARAMETER CustomTypes Array of custom Object Types to be considered when converting .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-XmlRpcType "Hello World" -------- Returns <value><string>Hello World</string></value> .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-XmlRpcType 42 -------- Returns <value><int32>42</int32></value> .Notes Author : Oliver Lipkau <> 2014-06-05 Initial release Sourced from Oliver Lipkau's XmlRpc module on powershellgallery Modified to use DokuWiki compatible type names (case sensitive etc) #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [AllowNull()] [Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )] $InputObject, [Parameter()] [Array]$CustomTypes ) Begin { $Objects = @('Object') $objects += $CustomTypes } Process { if ($null -ne $inputObject) { [string]$Type=$inputObject.GetType().Name # [string]$BaseType=$inputObject.GetType().BaseType } else { return "" } # DokuWiki doesn't like capital letters $Type = $Type.ToLower() # Return simple Types if (('Double','False') -contains $Type) { return "<value><$($Type)>$($inputObject)</$($Type)></value>" } if ($Type -eq 'Boolean') { return "<value><$($Type)>$([int]$inputObject)</$($Type)></value>" } if ($Type -eq 'String') { if ($InputObject -match '^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$') { # Base64 encoded string return "<value><base64>$InputObject</base64></value>" } else { # Normal string: Encode string to HTML return "<value><$Type>$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($inputObject))</$Type></value>" } } # Int16 must be casted as Int if ($Type -eq 'Int16') { return "<value><int>$inputObject</int></value>" } # Int32 must be casted as i4 if ($Type -eq 'Int32') { return "<value><i4>$inputObject</i4></value>" } if ($type -eq "SwitchParameter") { return "<value><boolean>$inputObject.IsPresent</boolean></value>" } # Return In64 as Double if (('Int64') -contains $Type) { return "<value><Double>$inputObject</Double></value>" } # DateTime if('DateTime' -eq $Type) { return "<value><dateTime.iso8601>$($inputObject.ToString( 'yyyyMMddTHH:mm:ss'))</dateTime.iso8601></value>" } # Loop though Array if(($inputObject -is [Array]) -or ($Type -eq "List``1")) { try { return "<value><array><data>$( [string]::Join( '', ($inputObject | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $_) { ConvertTo-XmlRpcType $_ -CustomTypes $CustomTypes } else {} } ) ) )</data></array></value>" } catch { throw } } # Loop though HashTable Keys if('Hashtable' -eq $Type) { return "<value><struct>$( [string]::Join( '', ($inputObject.Keys| Foreach-Object { "<member><name>$($_)</name>$( if ($null -ne $inputObject[$_]) { ConvertTo-XmlRpcType $inputObject[$_] -CustomTypes $CustomTypes } else { ConvertTo-XmlRpcType $null })</member>" } ) ) )</struct></value>" } # Loop though Object Properties if(($Objects -contains $Type) -and ($inputObject)) { return "<value><struct>$( [string]::Join( '', ( ($inputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Name | Foreach-Object { if ($null -ne $inputObject.$_) { "<member><name>$($_)</name>$( ConvertTo-XmlRpcType $inputObject.$_ -CustomTypes $CustomTypes )</member>" } } ) ) )</struct></value>" } # XML if ('XmlElement','XmlDocument' -contains $Type) { # data types listed as System.String rather than string.... return $inputObject.InnerXml.ToString() } # XML if ($inputObject -match "<([^<>]+)>([^<>]+)</\\1>") { return $inputObject } } # process End { } # end } |