
function ConvertTo-XmlRpcMethodCall
            Create a XML RPC Method Call string
            Create a XML RPC Method Call string
        .PARAMETER Name
            Name of the Method to be called
        .PARAMETER Params
            Parameters to be passed to the Method
        .PARAMETER CustomTypes
            Array of custom Object Types to be considered when converting
            ConvertTo-XmlRpcMethodCall -Name updateName -Params @('oldName', 'newName')
            Returns (line split and indentation just for conveniance)
            <?xml version=""1.0""?>
            Author : Oliver Lipkau <>
            2014-06-05 Initial release
            Sourced from Oliver Lipkau's XmlRpc module on powershellgallery
            Modified to use DokuWiki compatible type names (case sensitive etc)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    Begin {}

            "<?xml version=""1.0""?><methodCall><methodName>$($Name)</methodName><params>"
                $Params | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($null -ne $_) {
                        "<param>$(&{ConvertTo-XmlRpcType $_ -CustomTypes $CustomTypes})</param>"
                "$(ConvertTo-XmlRpcType $NULL)"
        }) -join(''))

    End {}