# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. # # Azure Resource Manager documentation definitions # # A function to break out parameters from an ARM template. function global:GetTemplateParameter { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject]$InputObject ) process { foreach ($property in $InputObject.parameters.PSObject.Properties) { $result = @{ Name = $property.Name Description = '' } if ([bool]$property.Value.PSObject.Properties['metadata'] -and [bool]$property.Value.metadata.PSObject.Properties['description']) { $result.Description = $property.Value.metadata.description; } if ([bool]$property.Value.PSObject.Properties['defaultValue']) { $result['defaultValue'] = $property.Value.defaultValue; $result['Required'] = 'Optional' } if ([bool]$property.Value.PSObject.Properties['allowedValues']) { $result['allowedValues'] = $property.Value.allowedValues; } [PSCustomObject]$result; } } } # A function to create an example JSON parameter file snippet. function global:GetTemplateExample { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String]$Path ) process { if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path)) { $Path = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath $Path; } $template = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json; # $normalPath = GetTemplateRelativePath -Path $Path; $normalPath = $PSDocs.Source.Path; $baseContent = [PSCustomObject]@{ '$schema'= "`#" contentVersion = '' metadata = [PSCustomObject]@{ template = $normalPath } parameters = [ordered]@{} } foreach ($property in $template.parameters.PSObject.Properties) { $propertyValue = $Null; $hasMetadata = [bool]$property.Value.PSObject.Properties['metadata']; if ($hasMetadata -and [bool]$property.Value.metadata.PSObject.Properties['ignore'] -and $True -eq $property.Value.metadata.ignore) { continue; } # Populate secure string if ($property.Value.type -eq 'secureString') { $param = [PSCustomObject]@{ reference = [PSCustomObject]@{ keyVault = [PSCustomObject]@{ id = '/subscriptions/__SUBSCRIPTION_ID__/resourceGroups/__RESOURCE_GROUP__/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/__VAULT__' } secretName = '__SECRET_NAME__' } }; $baseContent.parameters[$property.Name] = $param; continue; } if ($hasMetadata -and [bool]$property.Value.metadata.PSObject.Properties['example'] -and $Null -ne $property.Value.metadata.example) { $propertyValue = $property.Value.metadata.example; } elseif ([bool]$property.Value.PSObject.Properties['defaultValue'] -and $Null -ne $property.Value.defaultValue) { $propertyValue = $property.Value.defaultValue; # Determine if optional parameters should be omitted from snippet if ($Null -ne $propertyValue -and $PSDocs.Configuration.GetBoolOrDefault('AZURE_SNIPPET_SKIP_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER', $False)) { continue; } # Handle function default values if ($propertyValue -match '^\[(?!\[)[\s\S]+\]$') { # Parameters with a function for the default value are omitted from snippet if ($PSDocs.Configuration.GetBoolOrDefault('AZURE_SNIPPET_SKIP_DEFAULT_VALUE_FN', $True)) { continue; } else { $propertyValue = $Null; } } } # Populate type defaults if ($Null -eq $propertyValue) { if ($property.Value.type -eq 'array') { $propertyValue = @(); } elseif ($property.Value.type -eq 'object') { $propertyValue = [PSCustomObject]@{}; } elseif ($property.Value.type -eq 'int') { $propertyValue = 0; } elseif ($property.Value.type -eq 'string') { $propertyValue = ''; } } $param = [PSCustomObject]@{ value = $propertyValue } $baseContent.parameters[$property.Name] = $param } $baseContent; } } # Synopsis: Function to get the relative path of the template function global:GetTemplateRelativePath { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String]$Path ) process { if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path)) { $Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($PWD, $Path); } $normalPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path); if ($normalPath.StartsWith($PWD, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { $normalPath = $normalPath.Substring(([String]$PWD).Length); $normalPath = $normalPath.Replace('\', '/').TrimStart('/') } return $normalPath; } } # A function to import metadata function global:GetTemplateMetadata { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject]$InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String]$Path ) process { $metadata = @{}; # Get metadata from template file if ([bool]$InputObject.PSObject.Properties['metadata']) { foreach ($property in $InputObject.metadata.PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator()) { $metadata[$property.Name] = $property.Value; } } # Get missing metadata from metadata.json $metadataFilePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent) -ChildPath 'metadata.json'; if (Test-Path -Path $metadataFilePath) { $extraMetadata = Get-Content -Path $metadataFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json; foreach ($property in $extraMetadata.PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator()) { if ($property.Name -eq 'itemDisplayName' -and !$metadata.ContainsKey('name')) { $metadata['name'] = $property.Value; } elseif ($property.Name -eq 'summary' -and !$metadata.ContainsKey('summary')) { $metadata['summary'] = $property.Value; } elseif ($property.Name -eq 'description' -and !$metadata.ContainsKey('description')) { $metadata['description'] = $property.Value; } elseif (!$metadata.ContainsKey($property.Name) -and $property.Name -ne '$schema') { $metadata[$property.Name] = $property.Value; } } } return $metadata; } } # A function to import outputs function global:GetTemplateOutput { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [PSObject]$InputObject ) process { foreach ($property in $InputObject.outputs.PSObject.Properties) { $output = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $property.Name Type = $property.Value.type Description = '' } if ([bool]$property.Value.PSObject.Properties['metadata'] -and [bool]$property.Value.metadata.PSObject.Properties['description']) { $output.Description = $property.Value.metadata.description } $output; } } } # Synopsis: A definition to generate markdown for an ARM template Document 'README' -With 'Azure.TemplateSchema' { $templatePath = $PSDocs.Source.FullName; $template = $PSDocs.TargetObject; if ($PSDocs.TargetObject -is [String]) { $templatePath = (Get-Item -Path $PSDocs.TargetObject).FullName; $template = Get-Content -Path $templatePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json; $relativePath = (Split-Path (GetTemplateRelativePath -Path $templatePath) -Parent).Replace('\', '/').TrimStart('/'); } else { $relativePath = Split-Path -Path $PSDocs.Source.Path -Parent; } Write-Verbose -Message "Reading from template: $templatePath" Write-Verbose -Message "Reading from template: $relativePath" # Read JSON files $parameters = $template | GetTemplateParameter; $metadata = $template | GetTemplateMetadata -Path $templatePath; $outputs = $template | GetTemplateOutput; # Set document title if ($Null -ne $metadata -and $metadata.ContainsKey('name')) { Title $ } else { Title $LocalizedData.DefaultTitle } # Add short description if ($Null -ne $metadata -and $metadata.ContainsKey('summary')) { $metadata.summary } # Add badges $relativePathEncoded = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($relativePath); Include '.ps-docs/' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -BaseDirectory $PWD -Replace @{ '{{ template_path }}' = $relativePath '{{ template_path_encoded }}' = $relativePathEncoded } # Add detailed description if ($Null -ne $metadata -and $metadata.ContainsKey('description')) { $metadata.description } # Add table and detail for each parameter Section $LocalizedData.Parameters { $parameters | Table -Property @{ Name = $LocalizedData.ParameterName; Expression = { $_.Name }}, @{ Name = $LocalizedData.Required; Expression = { if($_.Required) { $LocalizedData.RequiredNo } else { $LocalizedData.RequiredYes } } }, @{ Name = $LocalizedData.Description; Expression = { $_.Description }} foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { Section $parameter.Name { if($parameter.Required){ "![Parameter Setting](" } else { "![Parameter Setting](" } $parameter.Description; if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameter.DefaultValue)) { "**$($LocalizedData.DefaultValue)**" if ($parameter.DefaultValue -is [PSObject]) { $parameter.DefaultValue | Code 'json' } else { $parameter.DefaultValue | Code 'text' } } if ($Null -ne $parameter.AllowedValues -and $parameter.AllowedValues.Length -gt 0) { "**$($LocalizedData.AllowedValues)**" $parameter.AllowedValues | Code 'text' } } } } # Add table for outputs Section $LocalizedData.Outputs { $outputs | Table -Property @{ Name = $LocalizedData.Name; Expression = { $_.Name }}, @{ Name = $LocalizedData.Type; Expression = { $_.Type }}, @{ Name = $LocalizedData.Description; Expression = { $_.Description }} } # Insert snippets Section $LocalizedData.Snippets { # Add parameter file snippet if ($PSDocs.Configuration.GetBoolOrDefault('AZURE_USE_PARAMETER_FILE_SNIPPET', $True)) { Section $LocalizedData.ParameterFile { $example = GetTemplateExample -Path $templatePath; $example | Code 'json' } } # Add command line snippet if ($PSDocs.Configuration.GetBoolOrDefault('AZURE_USE_COMMAND_LINE_SNIPPET', $False)) { Section $LocalizedData.CommandLine { Section 'PowerShell' { 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name <deployment-name> -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -TemplateFile <path-to-template> -TemplateParameterFile <path-to-templateparameter>' | Code powershell } Section 'Azure CLI' { 'az group deployment create --name <deployment-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --template-file <path-to-template> --parameters @<path-to-templateparameterfile>' | Code text } } } } } |