<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID ec461ea9-55b9-468a-8a71-a7545a65dec2 .AUTHOR Francois-Xavier Cat .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2018 François-Xavier Cat .TAGS Disqus Comment XML .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Initial Version #> <# .SYNOPSIS Script to convert a Disqus comments present in a export file generated on Disqus to a PowerShell Object .DESCRIPTION Note that the original format of the XML is not kept. The script will combine the threads and comments (called "post" in the Export) into one PowerShell object. I moved my website to static pages hosted on GitHub Pages. The current Comment System used is hosted externally in Disqus. I want to move that piece to files and use something like StaticMan This module will help me with that :-) Disqus Export can be found on the Disqus website under the admin portal: select "Community" and then "Export" A download link to a compressed GZ file will be send to your email. .PARAMETER Path Specify the path to the Disqus Export .EXAMPLE .\PSDisqusImport.ps1 -Path MyDisqusExport.xml Convert a Disqus export to a PowerShell Object .EXAMPLE .\PSDisqusImport.ps1 -Path MyDisqusExport.xml | ConvertTo-Json Convert a Disqus export to a Json Object #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String]$Path) Try { $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $ScriptCommand =$MyInvocation.Line Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Command '$ScriptCommand'" Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Load the file '$(Resolve-Path -Path $Path)' and interprete the XML" $Disqus = Get-Content -Path $Path $DisqusXML = ([xml]$Disqus).disqus Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Retrieve threads" $AllThreads = $DisqusXML.thread Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Retrieve Comments" $AllComments = $ Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Retrieve Comments properties" $Properties = $AllComments | Get-Member -MemberType Property Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Starting process..." $AllComments | Foreach-Object -process { # Current Comment $Comment = $_ # Create Hashtable $Post = @{} foreach ($prop in $ { if($prop -eq 'id') { $Post.DsqID = $[0] $Post.ID = $[1] } elseif($prop -eq 'author') { $Post.AuthorName = $ $Post.AuthorIsAnonymous = $ } elseif($prop -eq 'thread') { $Post.ThreadId = $ $ThreadInfo = $AllThreads | where-object -FilterScript {$[0] -eq $($Post.ThreadId)} if($ThreadInfo) { #$Post.ThreadPostPath = ''#if(($|Measure-Object).count -gt 1){$[1]} $Post.ThreadPostLink = $ThreadInfo.Link $Post.ThreadPostTitle = $ThreadInfo.title $Post.ThreadCreatedAt = $ThreadInfo.CreatedAt $Post.ThreadForum = $ThreadInfo.Forum } } elseif($prop -eq 'message') { $Post.Message = $Comment.message.'#cdata-section' } else{ $Post.$prop = $Comment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $prop |out-string } } # Return a PowerShell object for the current comment New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Post } } Catch { throw $_ } |