function ConvertFrom-Color { [alias('Convert-FromColor')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RGBColors] $Color, [switch] $AsDecimal ) $Value = $Script:RGBColors."$Color" Write-Verbose "Convert-FromColor - Color Name: $Color Value: $Value" foreach ($arg in $Value) { $hexval = $hexval + [Convert]::ToString($arg, 16).ToUpper() } if ($AsDecimal) { return [Convert]::ToInt64($hexval,16) } else { return "#$($hexval)" } } function Get-DiscordConfig { param( [string] $Name = 'Primary' ) [string] $Path = [IO.Path]::Combine($Env:USERPROFILE, '.psdiscord') [string] $PathXML = [IO.Path]::Combine($Path, "config.xml") if (Test-Path -Path $PathXML) { $Configuration = Import-Clixml -Path $PathXML if ($null -ne $Configuration.$Name) { return $Configuration.$Name } } return $null } function Initialize-DiscordConfig { param( [string] $Name = 'Primary', [Uri] $URI ) [string] $Path = [IO.Path]::Combine($Env:USERPROFILE, '.psdiscord') [string] $PathXML = [IO.Path]::Combine($Path, "config.xml") # Creates required folder $Configuration = @{} $Configuration.$Name = $URI $null = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force Export-Clixml -Path $PathXML -InputObject $Configuration -Force } function New-DiscordAuthor { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $Name, [Uri] $Url, [Uri] $IconUrl, [Uri] $ProxyUrlIcon ) $Author = [ordered] @{ name = $Name url = $Url icon_url = $IconUrl proxy_icon_url = $ProxyUrlIcon } return $Author } function New-DiscordFact { [alias("New-DiscordField")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $Name, [string] $Value, [bool] $Inline ) If ($Name -ne '' -and $Value -ne '') { $Fact = [ordered] @{ name = $Name value = $Value inline = $inline } return $Fact } } function New-DiscordImage { [alias('New-DiscordThumbnail')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Uri] $Url, [int] $Width, [int] $Height ) $Thumbnail = [ordered] @{ "url" = $Url "width" = $Width "height" = $Height } return $Thumbnail } function New-DiscordMessage { [CmdletBinding()] param () $Message = [ordered] @{ "embeds" = @() } return , $Message } function New-DiscordSection { [alias("New-DiscordEmbed")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $Title, [string] $Description, [alias('Fields')][System.Collections.IDictionary[]] $Facts, [RGBColors] $Color, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Author, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Thumbnail, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Image ) $Section = [ordered] @{ title = $Title description = $Description fields = @() } $Section.fields = foreach ($Fact in $Facts) { if ($null -ne $Fact) { $Fact } } if ($null -ne $Color) { $Section.color = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color -AsDecimal } if ($null -ne $Author) { $ = $Author } if ($null -ne $Image) { $Section.image = $Image } if ($null -ne $Thumbnail) { $Section.thumbnail = $Thumbnail } return $Section } $Script:RGBColors = @{ "Black" = 0, 0, 0 "Navy" = 0, 0, 128 "DarkBlue" = 0, 0, 139 "MediumBlue" = 0, 0, 205 "Blue" = 0, 0, 255 "DarkGreen" = 0, 100, 0 "Green" = 0, 128, 0 "Teal" = 0, 128, 128 "DarkCyan" = 0, 139, 139 "DeepSkyBlue" = 0, 191, 255 "DarkTurquoise" = 0, 206, 209 "MediumSpringGreen" = 0, 250, 154 "Lime" = 0, 255, 0 "SpringGreen" = 0, 255, 127 "Aqua" = 0, 255, 255 "Cyan" = 0, 255, 255 "MidnightBlue" = 25, 25, 112 "DodgerBlue" = 30, 144, 255 "LightSeaGreen" = 32, 178, 170 "ForestGreen" = 34, 139, 34 "SeaGreen" = 46, 139, 87 "DarkSlateGray" = 47, 79, 79 "DarkSlateGrey" = 47, 79, 79 "LimeGreen" = 50, 205, 50 "MediumSeaGreen" = 60, 179, 113 "Turquoise" = 64, 224, 208 "RoyalBlue" = 65, 105, 225 "SteelBlue" = 70, 130, 180 "DarkSlateBlue" = 72, 61, 139 "MediumTurquoise" = 72, 209, 204 "Indigo" = 75, 0, 130 "DarkOliveGreen" = 85, 107, 47 "CadetBlue" = 95, 158, 160 "CornflowerBlue" = 100, 149, 237 "MediumAquamarine" = 102, 205, 170 "DimGray" = 105, 105, 105 "DimGrey" = 105, 105, 105 "SlateBlue" = 106, 90, 205 "OliveDrab" = 107, 142, 35 "SlateGray" = 112, 128, 144 "SlateGrey" = 112, 128, 144 "LightSlateGray" = 119, 136, 153 "LightSlateGrey" = 119, 136, 153 "MediumSlateBlue" = 123, 104, 238 "LawnGreen" = 124, 252, 0 "Chartreuse" = 127, 255, 0 "Aquamarine" = 127, 255, 212 "Maroon" = 128, 0, 0 "Purple" = 128, 0, 128 "Olive" = 128, 128, 0 #"Grey" = 92, 92, 92 "Gray" = 128, 128, 128 "Grey" = 128, 128, 128 "SkyBlue" = 135, 206, 235 "LightSkyBlue" = 135, 206, 250 "BlueViolet" = 138, 43, 226 "DarkRed" = 139, 0, 0 "DarkMagenta" = 139, 0, 139 "SaddleBrown" = 139, 69, 19 "DarkSeaGreen" = 143, 188, 143 "LightGreen" = 144, 238, 144 "MediumPurple" = 147, 112, 219 "DarkViolet" = 148, 0, 211 "PaleGreen" = 152, 251, 152 "DarkOrchid" = 153, 50, 204 "YellowGreen" = 154, 205, 50 "Sienna" = 160, 82, 45 "Brown" = 165, 42, 42 "DarkGray" = 169, 169, 169 "DarkGrey" = 169, 169, 169 "LightBlue" = 173, 216, 230 "GreenYellow" = 173, 255, 47 "PaleTurquoise" = 175, 238, 238 "LightSteelBlue" = 176, 196, 222 "PowderBlue" = 176, 224, 230 "FireBrick" = 178, 34, 34 "DarkGoldenrod" = 184, 134, 11 "MediumOrchid" = 186, 85, 211 "RosyBrown" = 188, 143, 143 "DarkKhaki" = 189, 183, 107 "Silver" = 192, 192, 192 "MediumVioletRed" = 199, 21, 133 "IndianRed" = 205, 92, 92 "Peru" = 205, 133, 63 "Chocolate" = 210, 105, 30 "Tan" = 210, 180, 140 "LightGray" = 211, 211, 211 "LightGrey" = 211, 211, 211 "Thistle" = 216, 191, 216 "Orchid" = 218, 112, 214 "Goldenrod" = 218, 165, 32 "PaleVioletRed" = 219, 112, 147 "Crimson" = 220, 20, 60 "Gainsboro" = 220, 220, 220 "Plum" = 221, 160, 221 "BurlyWood" = 222, 184, 135 "LightCyan" = 224, 255, 255 "Lavender" = 230, 230, 250 "DarkSalmon" = 233, 150, 122 "Violet" = 238, 130, 238 "PaleGoldenrod" = 238, 232, 170 "LightCoral" = 240, 128, 128 "Khaki" = 240, 230, 140 "AliceBlue" = 240, 248, 255 "Honeydew" = 240, 255, 240 "Azure" = 240, 255, 255 "SandyBrown" = 244, 164, 96 "Wheat" = 245, 222, 179 "Beige" = 245, 245, 220 "WhiteSmoke" = 245, 245, 245 "MintCream" = 245, 255, 250 "GhostWhite" = 248, 248, 255 "Salmon" = 250, 128, 114 "AntiqueWhite" = 250, 235, 215 "Linen" = 250, 240, 230 "LightGoldenrodYellow" = 250, 250, 210 "OldLace" = 253, 245, 230 "Red" = 255, 0, 0 "Fuchsia" = 255, 0, 255 "Magenta" = 255, 0, 255 "DeepPink" = 255, 20, 147 "OrangeRed" = 255, 69, 0 "Tomato" = 255, 99, 71 "HotPink" = 255, 105, 180 "Coral" = 255, 127, 80 "DarkOrange" = 255, 140, 0 "LightSalmon" = 255, 160, 122 "Orange" = 255, 165, 0 "LightPink" = 255, 182, 193 "Pink" = 255, 192, 203 "Gold" = 255, 215, 0 "PeachPuff" = 255, 218, 185 "NavajoWhite" = 255, 222, 173 "Moccasin" = 255, 228, 181 "Bisque" = 255, 228, 196 "MistyRose" = 255, 228, 225 "BlanchedAlmond" = 255, 235, 205 "PapayaWhip" = 255, 239, 213 "LavenderBlush" = 255, 240, 245 "Seashell" = 255, 245, 238 "Cornsilk" = 255, 248, 220 "LemonChiffon" = 255, 250, 205 "FloralWhite" = 255, 250, 240 "Snow" = 255, 250, 250 "Yellow" = 255, 255, 0 "LightYellow" = 255, 255, 224 "Ivory" = 255, 255, 240 "White" = 255, 255, 255 <# Alternative version "darkSlateGray" = 42, 42, 42 "darkGray" = 163, 163, 163 "whiteSmoke" = 240, 240, 240 "whiteSmoke" = 242, 242, 242 "DeepSkyBlue" = 0, 102, 221 "DarkSlateGrey" = 38, 38, 38 "DarkSlateGrey" = 51, 51, 51 "cornflowerblue" = 0, 102, 153 "WhiteSmoke" = 248, 248, 248 "Green" = 0, 130, 0 "SteelBlue" = 127, 157, 185 "Red" = 163, 21, 21 "cornflowerblue" = 43, 145, 175 "Royalblue" = 46, 117, 181 #> } Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" public enum RGBColors { Black, Navy, DarkBlue, MediumBlue, Blue, DarkGreen, Green, Teal, DarkCyan, DeepSkyBlue, DarkTurquoise, MediumSpringGreen, Lime, SpringGreen, Aqua, Cyan, MidnightBlue, DodgerBlue, LightSeaGreen, ForestGreen, SeaGreen, DarkSlateGray, DarkSlateGrey, LimeGreen, MediumSeaGreen, Turquoise, RoyalBlue, SteelBlue, DarkSlateBlue, MediumTurquoise, Indigo, DarkOliveGreen, CadetBlue, CornflowerBlue, MediumAquamarine, DimGray, DimGrey, SlateBlue, OliveDrab, SlateGray, SlateGrey, LightSlateGray, LightSlateGrey, MediumSlateBlue, LawnGreen, Chartreuse, Aquamarine, Maroon, Purple, Olive, Grey, Gray, //Grey, SkyBlue, LightSkyBlue, BlueViolet, DarkRed, DarkMagenta, SaddleBrown, DarkSeaGreen, LightGreen, MediumPurple, DarkViolet, PaleGreen, DarkOrchid, YellowGreen, Sienna, Brown, DarkGray, DarkGrey, LightBlue, GreenYellow, PaleTurquoise, LightSteelBlue, PowderBlue, FireBrick, DarkGoldenrod, MediumOrchid, RosyBrown, DarkKhaki, Silver, MediumVioletRed, IndianRed, Peru, Chocolate, Tan, LightGray, LightGrey, Thistle, Orchid, Goldenrod, PaleVioletRed, Crimson, Gainsboro, Plum, BurlyWood, LightCyan, Lavender, DarkSalmon, Violet, PaleGoldenrod, LightCoral, Khaki, AliceBlue, Honeydew, Azure, SandyBrown, Wheat, Beige, WhiteSmoke, MintCream, GhostWhite, Salmon, AntiqueWhite, Linen, LightGoldenrodYellow, OldLace, Red, Fuchsia, Magenta, DeepPink, OrangeRed, Tomato, HotPink, Coral, DarkOrange, LightSalmon, Orange, LightPink, Pink, Gold, PeachPuff, NavajoWhite, Moccasin, Bisque, MistyRose, BlanchedAlmond, PapayaWhip, LavenderBlush, Seashell, Cornsilk, LemonChiffon, FloralWhite, Snow, Yellow, LightYellow, Ivory, White } "@ function Send-DiscordMessage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [alias('Url', 'Uri')][Uri] $WebHookUrl, [alias('Embeds', 'Embed', 'Section')][System.Collections.IDictionary[]] $Sections, [alias('Content','Message')][string] $Text, [alias('Username')] [string] $AvatarName, [Uri] $AvatarUrl, [alias('TTS')][switch] $TextToSpeech, [switch] $CreateConfig, [string] $ConfigName ) if (-not $WebHookUrl) { $WebHookUrl = Get-DiscordConfig -Name 'Primary' } if ($null -eq $WebHookUrl) { Write-Warning 'Send-DiscordMessage - WebhookUrl is not set. Either provide it as parameter or initialize it with config.' } if ($CreateConfig) { if (-not $ConfigName) { $ConfigName = 'Primary' } Initialize-DiscordConfig -ConfigName $ConfigName -URI $WebHookUrl } $FullMessage = New-DiscordMessage if ($null -ne $Sections) { foreach ($Section in $Sections) { $FullMessage.embeds += $Section } } if ($null -ne $Text) { if ($TextToSpeech) { # Applies only to Content $FullMessage.tts = $true } $FullMessage.content = $Text } if ($null -ne $AvatarName) { $FullMessage.username = $AvatarName } if ($null -ne $AvatarUrl) { $FullMessage.avatar_url = $AvatarUrl } $Body = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6 -InputObject $FullMessage Write-Verbose -Message "Send-DiscordMessage - Body: `n$Body" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $WebHookUrl -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Verbose:$false } Export-ModuleMember ` -Function @('New-DiscordAuthor','New-DiscordFact','New-DiscordImage','New-DiscordSection','Send-DiscordMessage') ` -Alias @('New-DiscordEmbed','New-DiscordField','New-DiscordThumbnail') |