
# Define a global stack variable
if (-not (Get-Variable -Name DirectoryStack -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
    Set-Variable -Name DirectoryStack -Value @() -Scope Global

function Set-DebugMode {
    param (
    if ($EnableDebug) {
        $global:DebugPreference = 'Continue'


function Push-Location {

    # Save the current location
    $global:DirectoryStack += (Get-Location)

    if ($Path) {
        Set-Location -Path $Path

function Pop-Location {
    if ($global:DirectoryStack.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Directory stack is empty."

    # Retrieve the last location
    $lastLocation = $global:DirectoryStack[-1]

    # Remove the last location from the stack
    $global:DirectoryStack = $global:DirectoryStack[0..($global:DirectoryStack.Count - 2)]

    # Change to the last location
    Set-Location -Path $lastLocation

function Switch-Location {
    if ($global:DirectoryStack.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Directory stack is empty."

    # Retrieve the last location
    $lastLocation = $global:DirectoryStack[-1]

    # Remove the last location from the stack
    $global:DirectoryStack = $global:DirectoryStack[0..($global:DirectoryStack.Count - 2)]

    # Save the current location
    $global:DirectoryStack += (Get-Location)

    # Change to the last location
    Set-Location -Path $lastLocation

function Set-LocationEnhanced {

    if ($Path -eq '-') {

    if (-not $Path) {
        $Path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile')

    # Ensure the path is resolved correctly
    $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    try {
        if ($resolvedPath) {
            if (Test-Path -Path $resolvedPath -PathType Leaf) {
                # If it's a file, get the parent directory
                $item = Get-Item -Path $resolvedPath -ErrorAction Stop
                Push-Location -Path $item.DirectoryName
            } else {
                # If it's a directory
                Push-Location -Path $resolvedPath
        } else {
    } catch {
        $parentPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path)
        if ($parentPath -and (Test-Path -Path $parentPath)) {
            Push-Location -Path $parentPath
        } else {
            Write-Error "Path '$Path' does not exist."

function Update-UserProfileForPSDirectoryStack {
    param (

    Set-DebugMode -EnableDebug:$Debug

    Write-Debug "Starting Update-UserProfileForPSDirectoryStack"

    # Manually check for --help argument in the invocation line
    $invocation = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation
    if ($Help -or $invocation.Line -like "*--help*") {
    Updates the user's PowerShell profile to import the PSDirectoryStack and set aliases.
    Update-UserProfileForPSDirectoryStack [-Help]
    This function dynamically determines the path to the PSDirectoryStack's .psm1 file,
    updates the user's PowerShell profile to import the module, and sets aliases for enhanced
    location handling. It then reloads the profile to apply the changes immediately.
        Displays this help message.
    PS> Update-UserProfileForPSDirectoryStack
    Updates the user's profile with the module import and alias commands, then reloads the profile.
    Author: T. Blackstone
    Company: Inspyre-Softworks
    This function is part of the PSDirectoryStack module.


    # Get the path to the user's profile script
    $profilePath = $PROFILE

    Write-Debug "User profile file: $PROFILE"

    # Content to add to the profile script
    $profileContentToAdd = @"
# Import the PSDirectoryStack module
Import-Module -Name PSDirectoryStack
# Create an alias for 'cd' to use Set-LocationEnhanced
Set-Alias -Name cd -Value Set-LocationEnhanced -Option AllScope
# Optional: Create aliases for Push-Location and Pop-Location
Set-Alias -Name pushd -Value Push-Location -Option AllScope
Set-Alias -Name popd -Value Pop-Location -Option AllScope
Set-Alias -Name switchd -Value Switch-Location -Option AllScope

    Write-Debug "Checking if the profile already contains the necessary content"

    # Check if the profile already contains the necessary content
    $profileContent = Get-Content -Path $profilePath -Raw
    if ($profileContent.Contains($profileContentToAdd.Trim())) {
        Write-Host "Profile already contains the necessary imports and aliases."
        Write-Debug "Profile already contains the necessary imports and aliases."
    } else {
        Write-Debug "Appending content to the profile script"

        # Append the content to the profile script
        Add-Content -Path $profilePath -Value $profileContentToAdd

        Write-Host "Profile updated successfully."
        Write-Debug "Profile updated successfully."

    Write-Host "Reloading profile..."
    Write-Debug "Reloading profile..."

    # Reload the profile script
    . $profilePath

    Write-Host "Reloading module PSDirectoryStack..."
    Write-Debug "Reloading module PSDirectoryStack..."

    # Reload the module to ensure the latest version is used
    if (Get-Module -Name PSDirectoryStack) {
        Remove-Module -Name PSDirectoryStack
    Import-Module -Name PSDirectoryStack

    Write-Host "Profile and module reloaded successfully."
    Write-Debug "Profile and module reloaded successfully."

# Example usage:
# Update-UserProfileForPSDirectoryStack

function Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion {
    param (

    if ($Debug) {
        Set-DebugMode -EnableDebug:$Debug

    Write-Debug "Starting Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion"

    # Manually check for --help argument in the invocation line
    $invocation = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation
    if ($Help -or $invocation.Line -like "*--help*") {
    Displays the version information of the PSDirectoryStack.
    Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion [-Help] [-Debug]
    This function reads the version information from the PSDirectoryStack's manifest file
    (PSDirectoryStack.psd1) and displays it.
        Displays this help message.
        Enables debug messages.
    PS> Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion
    Displays the version information of the PSDirectoryStack.
    PS> Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion -Debug
    Displays debug messages along with the version information.
    Author: T. Blackstone
    Company: Inspyre-Softworks
    This function is part of the PSDirectoryStack module.


    try {
        Write-Debug "Looking for the module manifest file (PSDirectoryStack.psd1)"
        $manifestPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'PSDirectoryStack.psd1'
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $manifestPath)) {
            throw "Module manifest file not found."

        Write-Debug "Importing manifest file from $manifestPath"
        $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $manifestPath
        $moduleVersion = $manifest.ModuleVersion

        Write-Host "PSDirectoryStack version $moduleVersion"
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to read version information: $_"

# Example usage:
# Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion
# Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion -Debug
# Get-PSDirectoryStackVersion -Help