function Get-ADOAuditLog { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the Azure DevOps Audit Log .DESCRIPTION Gets the Azure DevOps Audit Log for a Given Organization .EXAMPLE Get-ADOAuditLog .LINK #> param( # The Organization [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='{Organization}/_apis/audit/auditlog')] [string] $Organization, # The size of the batch of audit log entries. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [int] $BatchSize, # The start time. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [DateTime] $StartTime, # The end time. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [DateTime] $EndTime, # The api-version. By default, 7.1-preview.1 [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("api-version")] [string] $ApiVersion = '7.1-preview.1' ) dynamicParam { . $GetInvokeParameters -DynamicParameter } begin { #region Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters $invokeParams = . $getInvokeParameters $PSBoundParameters $invokeParams.ExpandProperty = 'decoratedAuditLogEntries' $invokeParams.PSTypeName = "ADO.AuditLog.Entry" #endregion Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters # Declare a Regular Expression to match URL variables. $RestVariable = [Regex]::new(@' # Matches URL segments and query strings containing variables. # Variables can be enclosed in brackets or curly braces, or preceeded by a $ or : (?> # A variable can be in a URL segment or subdomain (?<Start>[/\.]) # Match the <Start>ing slash|dot ... (?<IsOptional>\?)? # ... an optional ? (to indicate optional) ... (?: \{(?<Variable>\w+)\}| # ... A <Variable> name in {} OR \[(?<Variable>\w+)\]| # A <Variable> name in [] OR \<(?<Variable>\w+)\>| # A <Variable> name in <> OR \:(?<Variable>\w+) # A : followed by a <Variable> ) | (?<IsOptional> # If it's optional it can also be [{\[](?<Start>/) # a bracket or brace, followed by a slash ) (?<Variable>\w+)[}\]] # then a <Variable> name followed by } or ] | # OR it can be in a query parameter: (?<Start>[?&]) # Match The <Start>ing ? or & ... (?<Query>[\w\-]+) # ... the <Query> parameter name ... = # ... an equals ... (?<IsOptional>\?)? # ... an optional ? (to indicate optional) ... (?: \{(?<Variable>\w+)\}| # ... A <Variable> name in {} OR \[(?<Variable>\w+)\]| # A <Variable> name in [] OR \<(?<Variable>\w+)\>| # A <Variable> name in <> OR \:(?<Variable>\w+) # A : followed by a <Variable> ) ) '@, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace') # Next declare a script block that will replace the rest variable. $ReplaceRestVariable = { param($match) if ($uriParameter -and $uriParameter[$match.Groups["Variable"].Value]) { return $match.Groups["Start"].Value + $( if ($match.Groups["Query"].Success) { $match.Groups["Query"].Value + '=' } ) + ([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode( $uriParameter[$match.Groups["Variable"].Value] )) } else { return '' } } $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand function ConvertRestInput { param([Collections.IDictionary]$RestInput = @{}, [switch]$ToQueryString) foreach ($ri in @($RestInput.GetEnumerator())) { $RestParameterAttributes = @($myCmd.Parameters[$ri.Key].Attributes) $restParameterName = $ri.Key $restParameterValue = $ri.Value foreach ($attr in $RestParameterAttributes) { if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.AmbientValueAttribute] -and $attr.Value -is [ScriptBlock]) { $_ = $this = $ri.Value $restParameterValue = & $attr.Value } if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { $restParameterName = $attr.Name } } $restParameterValue = if ($restParameterValue -is [DateTime]) { $restParameterValue.Tostring('o') } elseif ($restParameterValue -is [switch]) { $restParameterValue -as [bool] } else { if ($ToQueryString -and $restParameterValue -is [Array] -and $JoinQueryValue) { $restParameterValue -join $JoinQueryValue } else { $restParameterValue } } if ($restParameterValue -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $RestInput.Remove($ri.Key) foreach ($kv in $restParameterValue.GetEnumerator()) { $RestInput[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } } elseif ($restParameterName -ne $ri.Key) { $RestInput.Remove($ri.Key) $RestInput[$restParameterName] = $restParameterValue } else { $RestInput[$ri.Key] = $restParameterValue } } $RestInput } } process { $InvokeCommand = 'Invoke-ADORestAPI' $invokerCommandinfo = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Invoke-ADORestAPI', 'All') $method = '' $contentType = '' $bodyParameterNames = @('') $queryParameterNames = @('BatchSize','StartTime','EndTime','ApiVersion') $joinQueryValue = '' $uriParameterNames = @('Organization') $endpoints = @("{Organization}/_apis/audit/auditlog") $ForEachOutput = { } if ($ForEachOutput -match '^\s{0,}$') { $ForEachOutput = $null } if (-not $invokerCommandinfo) { Write-Error "Unable to find invoker '$InvokeCommand'" return } if (-not $psParameterSet) { $psParameterSet = $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName} if ($psParameterSet -eq '__AllParameterSets') { $psParameterSet = $endpoints[0]} $originalUri = "$psParameterSet" if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UriParameter')) { $uriParameter = [Ordered]@{} } foreach ($uriParameterName in $uriParameterNames) { if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey($uriParameterName)) { $uriParameter[$uriParameterName] = $psBoundParameters[$uriParameterName] } } $uri = $RestVariable.Replace($originalUri, $ReplaceRestVariable) $invokeSplat = @{} $invokeSplat.Uri = $uri if ($method) { $invokeSplat.Method = $method } if ($ContentType -and $invokerCommandInfo.Parameters.ContentType) { $invokeSplat.ContentType = $ContentType } if ($InvokeParams -and $InvokeParams -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $invokeSplat += $InvokeParams } $QueryParams = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($QueryParameterName in $QueryParameterNames) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($QueryParameterName)) { $QueryParams[$QueryParameterName] = $PSBoundParameters[$QueryParameterName] } else { $queryDefault = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($QueryParameterName).Value if ($null -ne $queryDefault) { $QueryParams[$QueryParameterName] = $queryDefault } } } $queryParams = ConvertRestInput $queryParams -ToQueryString if ($invokerCommandinfo.Parameters['QueryParameter'] -and $invokerCommandinfo.Parameters['QueryParameter'].ParameterType -eq [Collections.IDictionary]) { $invokeSplat.QueryParameter = $QueryParams } else { $queryParamStr = @(foreach ($qp in $QueryParams.GetEnumerator()) { $qpValue = $qp.value if ($JoinQueryValue -eq '&') { foreach ($qVal in $qpValue -split '&') { "$($qp.Key)=$([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($qValue).Replace('+', '%20'))" } } else { "$($qp.Key)=$([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($qpValue).Replace('+', '%20'))" } }) -join '&' if ($invokeSplat.Uri.Contains('?')) { $invokeSplat.Uri = "$($invokeSplat.Uri)" + '&' + $queryParamStr } else { $invokeSplat.Uri = "$($invokeSplat.Uri)" + '?' + $queryParamStr } } Write-Verbose "$($invokeSplat.Uri)" if ($ForEachOutput) { if ($ForEachOutput.Ast.ProcessBlock) { & $invokerCommandinfo @invokeSplat | & $ForEachOutput } else { & $invokerCommandinfo @invokeSplat | ForEach-Object -Process $ForEachOutput } } else { & $invokerCommandinfo @invokeSplat } } } |