function Convert-BuildStep { <# .Synopsis Converts Build Steps into build system input .Description Converts Build Steps defined in a PowerShell script into build steps in a build system .Example Get-Command Convert-BuildStep | Convert-BuildStep .Link Import-BuildStep .Link Expand-BuildStep #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [OutputType([Collections.IDictionary])] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "", Justification="ScriptAnalyzer False Positive")] param( # The name of the build step [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Name, # The Script Block that will be converted into a build step [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock',ValueFromPipeline)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, # The module that -ScriptBlock is declared in. If piping in a command, this will be bound automatically [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo] $Module, # The path to the file [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='PathAndExtension')] [Alias('Fullname')] [string] $Path, # The extension of the file [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='PathAndExtension')] [string] $Extension, # The name of parameters that should be supplied from event input. # Wildcards accepted. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('InputParameters')] [Collections.IDictionary] $InputParameter, # The name of parameters that should be supplied from build variables. # Wildcards accepted. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('VariableParameters')] [string[]] $VariableParameter, # The name of parameters that should be supplied from the environment. # Wildcards accepted. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('EnvironmentParameters')] [string[]] $EnvironmentParameter, # The name of parameters that should be referred to uniquely. # For instance, if converting function foo($bar) {} and -UniqueParameter is 'bar' # The build parameter would be foo_bar. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('UniqueParameters')] [string[]] $UniqueParameter, # The name of parameters that should be excluded. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ExcludeParameters')] [string[]] $ExcludeParameter, # Default parameters for a build step [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $DefaultParameter = @{}, # The build system. Currently supported options, ADO and GitHub. Defaulting to ADO. [ValidateSet('ADOPipeline', 'ADOExtension','GitHubWorkflow','GitHubAction')] [string] $BuildSystem = 'ADOPipeline', # Options for the build system. The can contain any additional parameters passed to the build system. [PSObject] $BuildOption ) begin { $MatchesAnyWildcard = { param([string[]]$text, [string[]]$Wildcard) foreach ($t in $text) { foreach ($wc in $Wildcard) { if ($t -like $wc) {return $t } } } return $false } } process { # If we have been given a path and an extension, if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PathAndExtension') { if ($Extension -eq '.ps1') # and that extension is .ps1 { $splatMe= @{} + $PSBoundParameters # then we recursively call ourselves. $splatMe.Remove('Path') # Before we do, take out the -Path and $splatMe.Remove('Extension') # -Extension parameters. Get-Item -LiteralPath $path |# Get the script file, Get-Command { $_.FullName } | # resolve it to a command Convert-BuildStep @splatMe # pipe that input to ourselves. } elseif ($Extension -eq '.sh') # The other extension we know how to deal with is .sh { $shellScript = Get-Content -LiteralPath $path -Raw if ($BuildSystem -eq 'ADOPipeline') { # If the buildsystem is Azure DevOps [Ordered]@{ bash= $shellScript displayName=$Name } # echo out a bash: step. } elseif ($BuildSystem -in 'GitHubWorkflow', 'GitHubAction') { [Ordered]@{ name=$Name run=$shellScript shell='bash' } } } elseif ($Extension -eq '.py') { $pythonScript = Get-Content -LiteralPath $path -Raw if ($BuildSystem -eq 'ADOPipeline') { [Ordered]@{ task = 'PythonScript@0' inputs = [Ordered]@{ scriptSource = 'inline' script = $pythonScript } } } elseif ($BuildSystem -in 'GitHubWorkflow','GitHubAction') { [Ordered]@{ name = $Name run = $pythonScript shell = 'python' } } } return } $innerScript = "$ScriptBlock" $sbParams = # Determine if script block had parameters, by examining AST. if ($ScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock) { $ScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock } elseif ($ScriptBlock.ast.Body.ParamBlock) { $ScriptBlock.Ast.Body.ParamBlock } $definedParameters = @() $eventParameters = @{} if ($sbParams) { # If it had parameters, $executionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.set('function:_TempFunction', $ScriptBlock) # create a temporary function $tempCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand("_TempFunction",'Function') $tempCmdMd = [Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]$tempCmd # and get it's command metadata #region Accumulate Parameter Script $collectParameters = @( '$Parameters = @{}' # First, we'll create a hashtable to store the parameters. foreach ($parameterName in $tempCmdMd.Parameters.Keys) { # Then we'll walk thru each parameter, $parameterAttributes = $tempCmdMd.Parameters[$parameterName].Attributes $isMandatory = # determine if it is mandatory foreach ($attr in $parameterAttributes) { if ($attr.IsMandatory) { $true; break } } # and create a 'disambiguated' parameter name $disambiguatedParameter = $Name + '_' + $parameterName # (e.g. Get-Command_Syntax). $shouldExclude = # Next, we see if it should be excluded & $MatchesAnyWildCard $disambiguatedParameter, $parameterName $ExcludeParameter if ($shouldExclude) { continue } # if so continue. $defaultValue = # If we provided a default value for the disambiguated parameter, if ($DefaultParameter[$disambiguatedParameter]) { $DefaultParameter[$disambiguatedParameter] # use that as the default value. } # Otherwise, if we have provided a default by name, elseif ($DefaultParameter[$parameterName]) { $DefaultParameter[$parameterName] # use that as the default. } # Otherwise, the default value can be found with the AST. else { foreach ($param in $sbParams.Parameters) { if ($parameterName -eq $param.Name.VariablePath) { if ($param.DefaultValue.SubExpression) { # If the default value was a subexpression break # then break, which will actually have a blank default. # This is desirable, because otherwise, we have to allow string expansion on _any_ incoming parameter # Doing that would allow generic code injection into a pipeline, which we do not want. } "$($param.DefaultValue)" break } } } # No matter the build system, we'll probably want to know a few things about the parameter. $paramType = $tempCmdMd.Parameters[$parameterName].ParameterType # Determine if it needs to be made unique. $makeUnique = & $MatchesAnyWildcard $parameterName,$disambiguatedParameter $UniqueParameter # What the step parameter name would be (which depends on -MakeUnique). $stepParamName = if ($makeUnique) { $disambiguatedParameter } else {$ParameterName} # In Azure DevOps pipelines, we can pass parameters as a variable. # In GitHub Workflows, variables can come from secrets. $VariableName = & $MatchesAnyWildcard $disambiguatedParameter, $parameterName $VariableParameter if ($BuildSystem -eq 'ADOPipeline') { # In Azure DevOps pipelines, we can also get parameters from the environment. $EnvVariableName = & $MatchesAnyWildcard $disambiguatedParameter, $parameterName $EnvironmentParameter # If we wanted to pass this parameter as a variable, if ($variableName) { # The syntax is like PowerShell string expansion, so put it in single quotes to be safe. "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = '`$($stepParamName)'" } # If wanted to pass this parameter as an environment variable elseif ($envVariableName) { "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = `${env:$($stepParamName)}" # just use the environment provider. } # If we wanted this parameter to become a parameter for the pipeline else { # We have to create it. $thisParameter = [Ordered]@{ name = $stepParamName # The name we already know type = # how it maps to Azure DevOps' parameter types gets tedious: $( # If it was a [switch] or a [bool], if ([switch], [bool] -contains $paramType) { 'boolean' # in Azure DevOps, it's a boolean } # [int]s, [float]s, [double]s, [uint32]s, [byte], and [long]s become elseif ([int],[float],[double],[uint32],[byte], [long] -contains $paramType) { 'number' # numbers in Azure DevOps. } elseif ([string], # any number of other safe types [Version], [DateTime], [TimeSpan], [DateTime[]], [ScriptBlock],[ScriptBlock[]], [string[]], [int[]], [float[]] -contains $paramType -or $paramType.IsSubclassOf([Enum])) { 'string' # will be considered a string } # otherwise, we'll treat it as an object else { 'object' # (though passing it down is currently so simple). } ) } if ($paramType.IsSubclassOf([Enum])) { # If the parameter is an enum, $thisParameter.values = [Enum]::GetValues($paramType) } else { foreach ($attr in $parameterAttributes) { # or if the parameter has a ValidateSet if ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute]) { $thisParameter.values = $attr.ValidValues # we know a list of valid values break } } } if (-not $isMandatory) { # If the parameter was not mandatory $thisParameter.default = if ($paramType -eq [switch]) { $false} else {''} # default to blank if ($thisParameter.Contains('values')) { # if it had valid values $thisParameter.values = @('') + $thisParameter.values # default those values to blank. } } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($defaultValue)) { # If we have a default, $thisParameter.default = $defaultValue # set it on the object } $definedParameters += $thisParameter # keep track of which parameters we define "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = @' `${{parameters.$stepParamName}} '@" # and output the text to bind to this parameter. } } if ($BuildSystem -in 'GitHubWorkflow','GitHubAction') { # In GitHub Workflows, variables can come from an event. $eventName = & $MatchesAnyWildcard $disambiguatedParameter, $parameterName $InputParameter.Keys if ($variableName) { $eventParameters[$stepParamName] = "`${{secrets.$stepParamName}}" } if ($eventName) { foreach ($evt in $eventName) { if ($evt -match '\.(?:\*)?$') { $evt = ($evt -replace '\.(?:\*)?$') + '.' + $stepParamName } if ($evt -notlike '${{*' -and $evt -notlike '*.*') { $evt = $(if ($BuildSystem -eq 'GitHubWorkflow') { '${{' } else { '${{inputs.' }) + $stepParamName + '}}' } if ($evt -notlike '${{*' -and $evt -notlike 'github.*') { $evt = "github." + '.' + $stepParamName } if ($evt -like '${{*') { $eventParameters[$stepParamName] = $evt } else { $eventParameters[$stepParamName] = "`${{$evt}}" } } # Event parameters might come from workflow_dispatch, so we have to prepare the parameter information. $thisParameter = [Ordered]@{ $stepParamName = [Ordered]@{ required = $isMandatory -as [bool] } } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($defaultValue)) { # If we have a default, $thisParameter.$stepParamName.default = $defaultValue # set it on the object } $parameterHelp = Get-Command _tempFunction -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-Help -Parameter $parameterName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($parameterHelp.description.text) { $thisParameter.$stepParamName.description = ($parameterHelp.description.text | Out-String -Width 1kb).Trim() } $definedParameters += $thisParameter } "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = `${env:$($stepParamName)}" } # If the parameter type was and [int[]], [string[]], or [float[]], if ([int[]], [string[]],[float[]] -contains $paramType) { # it can be split by semicolons. "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = `$parameters.$ParameterName -split ';' -replace '^[''`"]' -replace '[''`"]$'" } if ([switch], [bool] -contains $paramType) { "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = `$parameters.$ParameterName -match 'true';" } # If the parameter type was a scriptblock if ([ScriptBlock], [ScriptBlock[]] -contains $paramType) { "`$Parameters.$ParameterName = foreach (`$p in `$parameters.$ParameterName){ [ScriptBlock]::Create(`$p) }" } } if ($tempCmdmd.SupportsShouldProcess) { '$Parameters.Confirm = $false' } @' foreach ($k in @($parameters.Keys)) { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($parameters[$k])) { $parameters.Remove($k) } } '@ ) $collectParameters = $collectParameters -join [Environment]::NewLine -replace '\$\{','`${' $logParameters = @( if ($BuildSystem -eq 'ADOPipeline') { 'Write-Host "##[command]' } elseif ($BuildSystem -in'GitHubWorkflow','GitHubAction') { 'Write-Host "::debug::' } if ($name) { $name} '$(@(foreach ($p in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {''-'' + $p.Key + '' '' + $p.Value}) -join '' '')"' ) -join ' ' #endregion Accumulate Parameter Script if ($Name -and $Module) { # if the command we're converting came from a module $modulePathVariable = "${Module}Path" $sb = [ScriptBlock]::Create(@" $collectParameters Import-Module `$($modulePathVariable) -Force -PassThru $logParameters $Name `@Parameters "@) $innerScript = $sb } else { $sb = [scriptBlock]::Create(@" $CollectParameters $logParameters & {$ScriptBlock} `@Parameters "@) $innerScript = $sb } Remove-Item -Force function:_TempFunction } $out = [Ordered]@{} if ($BuildSystem -eq 'ADOPipeline') { if ($DebugPreference -ne 'silentlycontinue') { $innerScript = @" try { $innerScript } catch { `$err = `$_; `"##[error]`$(`$_ | Out-String)`"; `$_| Write-Error } "@ } if ( ($outObject.pool -and $outObject.pool.vmimage -notlike '*win*' -and (-not $BuildOption.WindowsPowerShell) ) -or $BuildOption.PowerShellCore ) { $out.pwsh = "$innerScript" -replace '`\$\{','${' } else { $out.powershell = "$innerScript" -replace '`\$\{','${' } $ = $Name $out.displayName = $Name if ($definedParameters) { $out.parameters = $definedParameters } if ($BuildOption.UseSystemAccessToken) { if (-not $out.env) { $out.env = @{}} $out.env."SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"='$(System.AccessToken)' } } elseif ($BuildSystem -in 'GitHubWorkflow','GitHubAction') { if ($DebugPreference -ne 'silentlycontinue') { $innerScript = @" try { $innerScript } catch { `$err = `$_; `"::error::`$(`$_ | Out-String)`"; `$_| Write-Error } "@ } $ = $Name $ = $Name -replace '\W' $ = 'pwsh' if ($eventParameters.Count) { if (-not $out.env) { $out.env = @{}} foreach ($ep in $eventParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $out.env[$ep.Key] = $ep.value } } if ($definedParameters) { $out.parameters = $definedParameters } $ = "$innerScript" -replace '`\$\{','${' } $out } } |