@{ ModuleVersion = '0.4.5' RootModule = 'PSDevOps.psm1' Description = 'PowerShell Tools for DevOps' Guid = 'e6b56c5f-41ac-4ba4-8b88-2c063f683176' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = 'ADO', 'AzureDevOps', 'PSDevOps', 'DevOps' ProjectURI = '' LicenseURI = '' ReleaseNotes = @' 0.4.5 --- * New Commands: ** Connect/Disconnect-ADO: Caching connection info and saving default parameters! ** New-ADOBuild : Create build definitions! ** Remove-ADOAgentPool : Cleaning up pools, queues, and agents. * Core Improvements ** Invoke-ADORestApi *** Now supports -ContinuationToken (and auto-continues unless passed a $first or $top query parameter) *** Caches access tokens. *** BREAKING: Invoke-ADORestApi No longer has -Proxy* parameters. * Updated Commands: ** Get-ADOUser/Get-ADOTeam : Additional Graph scenarios added. ** New/Set-ADOWorkItem : Added -BypassRule, -ValidateOnly, -SkipNotification 0.4.4 --- * Get-ADOTask: Adding -YAMLSchema. * Get-ADOTeam: Adding -Setting/-FieldValue/-Iteration/-Board. * Get-ADOAreaPath/ADOIterationPath: Making parameter names match cmdlet. Honoring -AreaPath/-IterationPath. * Get-ADOProject: Adding -ProcessConfiguration, -Plan, -PlanID, and -DeliveryTimeline. * New Command: Set-ADOTeam 0.4.3 --- *Renaming commands: ** New-ADODashboard -> Add-ADODashboard ** New-ADOTeam -> Add-ADOTeam * Add-ADOTeam can now add members to a team * Get-ADOTeam can now get an -Identity * New Command: Get-ADOUser * Get-ADOAgentPool: Fixed pipelining bug, added -AgentName/-IncludeCapability/-IncludeLastCompletedRequest/-IncludeAssignedRequest. * Set-ADOProject: Can now -EnableFeature and -DisableFeature 0.4.2 --- * Build Step Improvements: ** New-ADOPipeline now has -PowerShellCore and -WindowsPowerShell ** Import-BuildStep now has parameter sets ** New-ADOPipeline/New-GitHubWorkflow now refer to a metadata collection based off of their noun. ** BuildStep directories can be aliased: *** ADOPipeline directories can be: ADOPipeline, ADO, AzDo, and AzureDevOps. *** GitHubWorkflow directories can be: GitHubWorkflow, GitHubWorkflows, and GitHub. * New Dashboard Commands: Clear/Update-ADODashboard * New Extension Commands: Enable/Disbale-ADOExtension * Improved formatting/types for Extensions. * Breaking change: Install/Uninstall-ADOExtension now accept -PublisherID and -ExtensionID, not -PublisherName and -ExtensionName. 0.4.1 --- * More GitHub Functionality: ** Write-GitHubDebug ** Write-GitHubOutput ** Hide-GitHubOutput ** New-GitHubWorkflow allows for more complex event mapping. * Azure DevOps Pipeline Changes ** Convert-BuildStep once again converts using ${{parameters}} syntax * New/Improved Azure DevOps Cmdlets ** Get/New/Remove-ADODashboard ** Get-ADOAgentPool now supports -PoolID ** Set-ADOProject ** Repositories returned from a build definition are now decorated as PSDevOps.Repository * Improved testing and static analysis compliance 0.4 --- * Overhaul of GitHub Workflow functionality. ** New-GitHubAction renamed to New-GitHubWorkflow ** /GitHubActions renamed to /GitHub ** Added -EventParameter to allow for parameters from events such as workflow_dispatch ** Added Write-GitHubError/GitHubWarning (updating Write-ADOError/Write-ADOWarning for consistency) ** Cleaning up GitHub Workflow parts * Get-ADOTask no longer has -ApiVersion parameter 0.3.9 --- * New/Get/Remove-ADOWorkItemType: Create/get/remove work custom work item types, states, rules, and behaviors. * Added Get-ADOBuild -IncludeAllProperty/-IncludeLatestBuild. * ScriptCop Integration: PowerShelllStaticAnalysis stage now runs ScriptCop as well. * Improved ScriptAnalyzer Integration: Rule name is now outputted. 0.3.8 --- * Add/Remove-ADOAreaPath * Formatter for AreaPaths 0.3.7 --- * Convert-ADOPipeline now has -Passthru and -Wherefore * Get-ADOWorkProcess now has -Behavior and -WorkItemType * Get-ADOWorkItem now has -Mine, -CurrentIteration, -Comment, -Update, -Revision. --- * Convert-ADOPipeline now binds to .Variables property * Fixing bug in PSDevOps.WorkItem types file, which displayed in formatting. 0.3.6 --- * Added: Get-ADOTask, Convert-ADOPipeline 0.3.5 --- * New Command: Get-ADOTeam * Get-ADOBuild -CodeCoverage * Progress bars on Get-ADORepository * Slight refactoring to make progress bars easier in any function --- * Removing supplied parameters in commands generated by Import-ADOProxy. 0.3.4 --- * New capability: Import-ADOProxy (Import a proxy module with for your ADO / TFS instance) * New REST Commands: Get-ADOAreaPath, Get-ADOIterationPath, Get-ADOExtension * More Features: Get-ADORepository -FileList * Massive Internal Refactoring (switching to dynamic parameters for -PersonalAccessToken etc, standardizing pstypenames) 0.3.3 --- * Now Caching Personal Access Tokens! * URLEncoding all segments in Parts/ReplaceRouteParameter. * Ensuring all Azure DevOps YAML Parameters are wrapped in a string. 0.3.2 --- * Pester workarounds - Steps/InstallPester and Steps/RunPester now accept a PesterMaxVersion (defaulting to 4.99.99) * Convert-BuildStep handles blank parameter defaults correctly * Get-ADOBuild can get yaml definitions directly, e.g Get-ADOBuild -DefinitionID 123 -DefinitionYaml 0.3.1 --- * Bugfixes and Improvements to Convert/Import/Expand-BuildStep: 1. Enforcing pluralization of certain fields within Azure DevOps 2. Handling [string[]], [int[]], [float[]], or [ScriptBlock] parameters * Allowing lists of primitives to not be indented in YAML. 0.3.0 --- * Added Convert/Import/Expand-BuildStep * Allowing build steps to be defined in functions * Automagically importing build step parameters 0.2.9 --- * Get/New/Remove-ADORepository * Get/New/Remove-ADOServiceEndpoint * Get-ADOAgentPool ** Improvements to New-ADOPipeline to avoid unexpected singletons 0.2.8 --- * Get/New/Update-ADOBuild * Improving New-ADOPipeline: ** Unknown -InputObject properties will no longer be pluralized ** Added 'Pool' to list of known singletons 0.2.7 --- * New Cmdlet: Set-ADOArtifactFeed * Improvements to New/Get/Remove-ADOArtifactFeed (better pipelining, renaming -FullyQualifiedID to -FeedID) 0.2.6 --- * New Cmdlets: ** New/Get/Remove-ADOArtifactFeed ** New/Remove-ADOProject ** New-GitHubAction 0.2.5 --- * Improving Get-ADOWorkItem: ** -Title allows getting work items by title ** -NoDetail allows for queries to only return IDs ** Passing -Field will skip formatting ** WorkItemsBatch will be used for query results. ** Passing an old -ApiVersion will not use workItemsBatch ** Formatting improved * Adding Get-ADOWorkProcess * Fixing issues with -ADOField commands when not provided a -Project 0.2.4 --- * Adding Adding -CanSortBy, -IsQueryable, and -ReadOnly to New-ADOField. * Adding parameter help to New-ADOField 0.2.3 --- * Adding New/Remove-ADOField * Adding help to Get-ADOField * Adding formatting for fields 0.2.2 --- * Adding New/Set/Remove-ADOWorkItem * Adding Get-ADOField * New Parameter: Get-ADOWorkItem -WorkItemType * New Parameter: New-ADOPipeline -Option * Initial formatting * Switching Parts to use latest VMImage 0.2.1 : * Added Get-ADOWorkItem --- 0.2 : --- * Added Invoke-ADORestAPI 0.1 : --- Initial Commit '@ } Colors = @{ Build = @{ Succeeded = '#00ff00' Failed = '#ff0000' } } } FormatsToProcess = 'PSDevOps.format.ps1xml' TypesToProcess = 'PSDevOps.types.ps1xml' Author = 'James Brundage' Copyright = '2019 Start-Automating' PowerShellVersion ='3.0' } |