
function Enable-ADOExtension
        Enables Azure DevOps Extensions.
        Enables one or more Azure DevOps Extensions.
        Enable-ADOExtension -Organization StartAutomating -PublisherID ms-samples -ExtensionID samples-contributions-guide

    # The Organization.

    # The Publisher of an Extension.

    # The name of the Extension.

    # The server. By default https://dev.azure.com/.
    # To use against TFS, provide the tfs server URL (e.g. http://tfsserver:8080/tfs).
    $Server = "https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/",

    # The api version. By default, 5.1-preview.
    # If targeting TFS, this will need to change to match your server version.
    # See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/integrate/concepts/rest-api-versioning?view=azure-devops
    $ApiVersion = "5.1-preview"

    dynamicParam { . $GetInvokeParameters -DynamicParameter }
    begin {
        #region Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters
        $invokeParams = . $getInvokeParameters $PSBoundParameters
        #endregion Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters
        $q = [Collections.Queue]::new()

    process {

    end {
        while ($q.Count) {
            . $DQ $q # Pop one off the queue and declare all of it's variables (see /parts/DQ.ps1).
            $null = $DequedInput.Remove('WhatIf')
            $null = $DequedInput.Remove('Confirm')
            $theExt = Get-ADOExtension @dequedInput
            if (-not $theExt) { continue }
            $invokeParams.Uri = @(
                    "$server".TrimEnd('/')   # the Server (minus any trailing slashes),
                    (. $ReplaceRouteParameter $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
                                             # and any parameterized URLs in this parameter set.
            ) -join '/'
            $invokeParams.Uri += '?' + @(
                if ($Server -ne 'https://extmgmt.dev.azure.com/' -and
                    -not $PSBoundParameters.ApiVersion) {
                    $ApiVersion = '2.0'
                if ($ApiVersion) { # the api-version
            ) -join '&'
            $invokeParams.PSTypeName = "$Organization.InstalledExtension", 'PSDevOps.InstalledExtension'
            $invokeParams.Method = 'PATCH'
            $invokeParams.body = @{
                publisherId = $theExt.publisherId
                extensionId = $theExt.extensionId
                installState=  @{
                    flags = 'none'
            if ($WhatIfPreference) {
            if (-not $PsCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Enable $PublisherID $ExtensionID")) { continue }
            Invoke-ADORestAPI @invokeParams