# First, import all *-*.ps1 files from the module's root directory. foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -Path $psScriptRoot -Filter *-*.ps1) { . $file.FullName } # When the module loads we want to cache all possible names and metadata about the pipeline parts that exist. # We do this with two structures: $Script:ThingNames = #*A map of thing names to item names [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[ string, Collections.Generic.List[string] ]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:ThingData = #* A map of thing type + thing name to thing metadata [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,PSObject]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $myRoot = ([IO.FileInfo]$MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.File).Directory $myModuleName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.Name $myAdoDir = Get-ChildItem -Path $myRoot -Filter ado -Directory $dirList = [Collections.Generic.List[IO.DirectoryInfo]]::new() $dirList.Add($myAdoDir) $loadedModules = Get-Module :nextModule foreach ($m in $loadedModules) { $requiredModuleNames = @(foreach ($_ in $m.RequiredModules) { $_.Name }) if ($requiredModuleNames -notcontains $myModuleName -and $m.PrivateData.PSData.Tags -notcontains $myModuleName) { continue } $d = [IO.DirectoryInfo][IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($m.Path) foreach ($id in $d.GetDirectories()) { if ($id.Name -ine 'ado') { continue } if ($dirList.Contains($id)) { continue nextModule } $dirList.Add($id) continue nextModule } } foreach ($rootDir in $dirList) { $fileList = Get-ChildItem -Filter * -Recurse -Path $rootDir.FullName foreach ($f in $fileList) { if ($f.Directory -eq $rootDir) { continue } if ($f -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { continue } $n = $f.Name.Substring(0, $f.Name.Length - $f.Extension.Length) $t = $f.Directory.Name.TrimEnd('s') if (-not $ThingNames.ContainsKey($t)) { $ThingNames[$t] = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() } if (-not $ThingNames[$t].Contains($n)) { $ThingNames[$t].Add($n) } $ThingData["$($t).$($n)"] = [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ Name=$n Type=$t Extension = $f.Extension Path = $f.FullName } } } |