
 function Initialize-PSDeployment {
        Creates a sample deployment config file, yaml or *.psdeploy.ps1
        Creates a sample deployment config file, yaml or *.psdeploy.ps1.
        Use this Function to put a sample file in a Directory.
        One can then edit the ps1 or yaml file as per the project needs.
        Pick between a ps1 (*.psdeploy.ps1) or a yaml deployment configuration
        Defaults to ps1, as yaml is deprecated
        Path to place deployment.yml sample file.
        Initialize-PSDeployment C:\Git\Module1\
        # Creates a sample deployment.yml file and puts it in the directory C:\Git\Module1
        Initialize-PSDeployment -Type yml -Path C:\Git\Module1\, C:\Git\Module2\
        # Places sample deployment.yml file in the two directories
        Initialize-PSDeployment -Path C:\Git\Module1\
        # Places sample my.psdeploy.ps1 file in the C:\Git\Module1

     [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Medium")]
         # Path where the sample deployment.yml file will be placed.

         # Specify Force if you want to overwrite the existing deployment.yml file.

         [string]$Type = 'ps1'
        foreach($dir in $path)
            $FilePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($dir)
            if($Type -eq 'yml')
                # create the sample YAML string, Formatting sucks by using Here-String inside Process block.
                $deployfile = 'deployment.yml'
                $deploystring = @"
$(Split-Path -Path $FilePath -Leaf): # Deployment name. This needs to be unique. Call it whatever you want.
  Author: '$($env:USERNAME)' # Author. Optional.
  Source: # One or more sources to deploy. Absolute, or relative to deployment.yml parent
    - 'Tasks\AD\Some-ADScript.ps1'
    - 'Tasks\AllOfThisDirectory'
  Destination: # One or more destinations to deploy the sources to
    - '\\\share$\Tasks'
  DeploymentType: Filesystem # Deployment type. See Get-PSDeploymentType
    Mirror: True # If the source is a folder, triggers robocopy purge. Danger.

            elseif($Type -eq 'ps1')
                $deployfile = 'my.psdeploy.ps1'
                $deploystring = @"
Deploy $(Split-Path -Path $FilePath -Leaf) { # Deployment name. This needs to be unique. Call it whatever you want
    By Filesystem { # Deployment type. See Get-PSDeploymentType
        FromSource 'Tasks\AD\Some-ADScript.ps1', # One or more sources to deploy. Absolute, or relative to deployment.yml parent
        To '\\\share$\Tasks' # One or more destinations to deploy the sources to
        Tagged Prod # One or more tags you can use to restrict deployments or queries
        WithOptions @{
            Mirror = `$True # If the source is a folder, triggers robocopy purge. Danger


            New-Item -Path $FilePath -Name $deployfile -Value $deploystring
     } # end Process