.SYNOPSIS Deploys file(s) to an Artifactory endpoint. .DESCRIPTION Deploys files to an Artifactory endpoint and optionally extract the file contents in Artifactory if the source file is an archive (zip, tar, tar.gz, or tgz). .PARAMETER Deployment Deployment to run .PARAMETER Credential The credential with 'deploy' permissions in Artifactory .PARAMETER Repository Specified the artifact repository to deploy in to. Example: 'powershell-scripts' .PARAMETER Path Specifies the Path within artifactory to deploy to Example: 'Test/Scripts' .PARAMETER OrgPath Identifies the artifact's organization Example: 'server_group' .PARAMETER Module Identifies the artifact's module Example: 'my_module' .PARAMETER BaseRev Identifies the base revision part of the artifact version, excluding any integration information. Example: '1.5.10', or in case of an integration revision '1.2-SNAPSHOT' the base revision is '1.2' .PARAMETER FileItegRev Identifies the integration revision part in the artifact's file name, excluding the base revision. Example: In case of an integration revision '1.2-20110202.144533-'" the file integration revision is '20110202.144533-3' .PARAMETER Extension Specify an alternate file extension for the artifact .PARAMETER Checksum Allows to deploy with or without checksums (Default = $true) .PARAMETER DeployArchive Extract archive file (zip, tar, tar.gz, or tgz) once deployed. .PARAMETER Properties Specifies additional key-value pairs to be associated with the artifact. Example: @{generatedOn='2016-04-01'; generatedBy='Joe User'} #> param( [ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'PSDeploy.Deployment' })] [psobject[]]$Deployment, [pscredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Repository, [string]$Path, [string]$OrgPath, [string]$Module, [string]$BaseRev, [string]$FileItegRev, [string]$Extension, [bool]$Checksum = $true, [bool]$DeployArchive = $false, [hashtable]$Properties ) foreach($Deploy in $Deployment) { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting deployment [$($Deploy.DeploymentName)] to Artifactory" if (Test-Path -Path $Deploy.Source) { $src = Get-Item -Path $Deploy.Source if ($src.PSIsContainer) { throw 'The source is a directory. Please specify an individual file or multiple files to deploy.' } foreach($Target in $Deploy.Targets) { # Get the file extension of the source file if none is specified in the deployment if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Extension')) { $file = Get-Item -Path $Deploy.Source $Extension = $file.Extension.Substring(1) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) { # Build URL based on hard-coded path $url = "$Target/$Repository/$Path" } else { # Build URL to deploy to $url = "$Target/$Repository/$OrgPath/$Module/$module`-$BaseRev" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FileItegRev')) { $url += "-$FileItegRev`.$Extension" } else { $url += "`.$Extension" } } # If extra properties are specified, append them to the URL as query parameters # These will be presented as additional properties on the artifact in Artifactory if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Properties')) { foreach ($prop in $Properties.GetEnumerator()) { $url += ";$($prop.Name)=$($prop.Value)" } } if ($Checksum) { # Calculate hash of source file and set in headers Write-Verbose -Message "Calculating checksums" $md5 = (Get-FileHash -Path $Deploy.Source -Algorithm MD5).Hash.ToLower() $sha1 = (Get-FileHash -Path $Deploy.Source -Algorithm SHA1).Hash.ToLower() $sha256 = (Get-FileHash -Path $Deploy.Source -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower() Write-Verbose -Message "MD5: $md5" Write-Verbose -Message "SHA1: $sha1" Write-Verbose -Message "SHA256: $sha256" $headers = @{ "X-Checksum-Deploy" = $true "X-Checksum-Md5" = $md5 "X-Checksum-Sha1" = $sha1 "X-Checksum-Sha256" = $sha256 } } # If we are deploying an archive (zip, tar, tar.gz, or tgz) and want to extract the contents in Artifactory if ($DeployArchive) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Deploying artifacts from archive: true' $headers."X-Explode-Archive" = $true } Write-Verbose -Message "Deploying [$($Deploy.Source)] to [$url]" $params = @{ Uri = $url Method = 'Put' Headers = $headers InFile = $Deploy.Source Verbose = $false } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential')) { $params.Credential = $Credential } else { $params.UseDefaultCredentials = $true } try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod @params Write-Verbose -Message 'Deploy successful' } catch { throw $_ } } } else { throw "Unable to find [$($Deploy.Source)]" } } |