
Function Invoke-PSDeployment {
        Invoke a deployment
        Invoke a deployment
        Takes output from Get-PSDeployment, or a deployment yml path.
        Runs deployment scripts depending on each deployment's type.
        If a deployment is not found, we continue processing other deployments.
        See Get-Help about_PSDeploy for more information.
        Path to a specific yml Deployment file
    .PARAMETER Deployment
        Deployment object from Get-PSDeployment.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentFile
        Deployment file. We run Get-PSDeployment against it.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentParameters
        Hashtable of hashtables
        The first layer of keys are the deployment types
        These deployment types are assigned a hashtable of parameters
        So, pretend we have a FileSystemRemote deployement. Here's how we pass parameters:
        -DeploymentParameters @{
            FilesystemRemote = @{
                ComputerName = 'DeployFromThis'
                Credential = $CredentialForDeploy
                ConfigurationName = 'SomeSessionConfigToHit'
        In this case, any deployments of 'FilesystemRemote' type will use those parameters
        Why separate this out?
            What if I have a deployment that takes two sorts of parameters?
            What if I want to add a new deployment type without modifying this function?
        Okay, now what if we have two types, and want to fit it all on one line?
        - DeploymentParameters @{ FilesystemRemote=@{ComputerName = 'PC1'}; Filesystem=@{} }
    .PARAMETER PSDeployTypePath
        Specify a PSDeploy.yml file that maps DeploymentTypes to their scripts.
        This defaults to the PSDeploy.yml in the PSDeploy module folder
        Only invoke deployments that are tagged with all of the specified Tags (-and, not -or)
    .PARAMETER Force
        Force deployment, skipping prompts and confirmation
        Invoke-PSDeployment -Path C:\Git\Module1\Deployments.yml
        # Run deployments from a deployment yml. You will be prompted on whether to deploy
        Get-PSDeployment -Path C:\Git\Module1\Deployments.yml, C:\Git\Module2\Deployments.yml |
            Invoke-PSDeployment -Force
        # Get deployments from two yml files, invoke their deployment, no prompting
        Invoke-PSDeployment -Path C:\Git\Module1\Deployments.yml -PSDeployTypePath \\Path\To\Central\PSDeploy.yml
        # Run deployments from a deployment yml. Use deployment type definitions from a central config.

    [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Map',
                    SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
                    ConfirmImpact='High' )]
        [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'PSDeploy.Deployment' })]

        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [parameter( ParameterSetName='File',
                    Mandatory = $True)]


        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [string]$PSDeployTypePath = $(Join-Path $ModulePath PSDeploy.yml),


        # This script reads a deployment YML, deploys files or folders as defined
        Write-Verbose "Running Invoke-PSDeployment with ParameterSetName '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)' and params: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"
            # Create a map for deployments
                #Resolve relative paths... Thanks Oisin!
                $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)

                # Debating whether to make this a terminating error.
                # Stop all deployments because one is misconfigured?
                # I'm going with Copy-Item precedent.
                # Not terminating, so try catch is superfluous. Feel free to make this strict...
                $Deployment = Get-PSDeployment -Path $Path
                    $Deployment = Get-TaggedDeployment -Deployment $Deployment -Tags $Tags
                Throw "Error retrieving deployments from '$Path':`n$_"
        Write-Verbose "Deployments:`n$($Deployment | Out-String)"

        if( ($Force -and -not $WhatIf) -or
            $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Processed the deployment '$($Deployment.DeploymentName -join ", ")'",
                                    "Process the deployment '$($Deployment.DeploymentName -join ", ")'?",
                                    "Processing deployment" ))
            #Get definitions, and deployments in this particular yml
            $DeploymentDefs = Get-PSDeploymentScript
            $TheseDeploymentTypes = @( $Deployment.DeploymentType | Sort -Unique )

            #Build up hash, we call each deploymenttype script for applicable deployments
            $ToDeploy = @{}
            foreach($DeploymentType in $TheseDeploymentTypes)
                $DeploymentScript = $DeploymentDefs.$DeploymentType
                if(-not $DeploymentScript)
                    Write-Error "DeploymentType $DeploymentType is not defined in PSDeploy.yml"
                $TheseDeployments = @( $Deployment | Where-Object {$_.DeploymentType -eq $DeploymentType})

                #Define params for the script
                #Each deployment type can have a hashtable to splat.
                if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeploymentParameters') -and $DeploymentParameters.ContainsKey($DeploymentType))
                    $splat = $DeploymentParameters.$DeploymentType
                    $splat = @{}

                $splat.add('Deployment', $TheseDeployments)

                # PITA, but tasks can run two ways, each different than typical deployment scripts
                if($DeploymentType -eq 'Task')
                    foreach($Deployment in $TheseDeployments)
                        if($Deployment.Source -is [scriptblock])
                            . $Deployment.Source
                            . $DeploymentScript @splat
                    #Run the associated script, splat the parameters
                    . $DeploymentScript @splat