.SYNOPSIS EXPERIMENTAL: Deploys a module as an AppVeyor artifact .DESCRIPTION EXPERIMENTAL: Deploys a module as an AppVeyor artifact Deployment source should be either: The path to the module folder, or; The path to the module manifest End users can follow the DSC Resource Development Build instructions: .NOTES Major thanks to Microsoft and the contributors behind this code .PARAMETER Deployment Deployment to run .PARAMETER PackageName NuGet Package Name. Defaults to module name. .PARAMETER Version NuGet Version. Required. TODO: Default to module version. .PARAMETER Author NuGet Author. Defaults to Unknown .PARAMETER Owners NuGet Owners. Defaults to the Author .PARAMETER LicenseUrl NuGet LicenseUrl. Optional .PARAMETER ProjectUrl NuGet ProjectUrl. Optional .PARAMETER Description NuGet Description. Defaults to the module name .PARAMETER Tags NuGet Tags. Optional #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'PSDeploy.Deployment' })] [psobject[]]$Deployment, $PackageName, $Version, $Author, $Owners, $LicenseUrl, $ProjectUrl, $Description, $Tags ) # From # License: function New-Nuspec { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new nuspec file for nuget package. Will create $packageName.nuspec in $destinationPath .EXAMPLE New-Nuspec -packageName "TestPackage" -version 1.0.1 -licenseUrl "http://license" -packageDescription "description of the package" -tags "tag1 tag2" -destinationPath C:\temp #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $packageName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $author, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $owners, [string] $licenseUrl, [string] $projectUrl, [string] $iconUrl, [string] $Description, [string] $releaseNotes, [string] $tags, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $destinationPath ) $year = (Get-Date).Year $content += "<?xml version=""1.0""?> <package xmlns=""""> <metadata> <id>$packageName</id> <version>$version</version> <authors>$author</authors> <owners>$owners</owners>" if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($licenseUrl)) { $content += " <licenseUrl>$licenseUrl</licenseUrl>" } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($projectUrl)) { $content += " <projectUrl>$projectUrl</projectUrl>" } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($iconUrl)) { $content += " <iconUrl>$iconUrl</iconUrl>" } $content +=" <requireLicenseAcceptance>true</requireLicenseAcceptance> <description>$Description</description> <releaseNotes>$releaseNotes</releaseNotes> <copyright>Copyright $year</copyright> <tags>$tags</tags> </metadata> </package>" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $destinationPath)) { New-Item -Path $destinationPath -ItemType Directory > $null } $nuspecPath = Join-Path $destinationPath "$packageName.nuspec" New-Item -Path $nuspecPath -ItemType File -Force > $null Set-Content -Path $nuspecPath -Value $content } # New-Nuspec $null = Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force foreach($Deploy in $Deployment) { #Validate expected deployment options $RequiredParams = echo Version If( -not (Validate-DeploymentParameters -Required $RequiredParams -Parameters $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Keys)) { Write-Error "Missing required DeploymentOption. Required DeploymentOptions:`n$($RequiredParams)" } $Source = $Deploy.Source $Targets = $Deploy.Targets if($Targets.count -eq 0){$Targets = @('Bah')} foreach($Target in $deploy.Targets) { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting deployment [$($deploy.DeploymentName)] to AppVeyor" $ThisSource = Get-Item $Source if($ThisSource.PSIsContainer) { $StagingDirectory = $ThisSource.Parent.FullName $Manifest = "$( Join-Path $Source $ThisSource.Name ).psd1" $ModuleName = $ThisSource.BaseName $ModulePath = $Source If(-not (Test-Path $Manifest)) { Write-Error "Could not find expected module manifest: $($Manifest)" continue } } elseif($ThisSource.Extension -eq '.psd1') { $Parent = Split-Path $Source -Parent $StagingDirectory = (Get-Item $Parent).Parent.FullName $Manifest = $target $ModuleName = $Parent.BaseName $ModulePath = $Parent } else { Write-Error "Source [$Source)] must be a container or psd1 file" continue } $ZipFilePath = Join-Path $StagingDirectory "$" Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($ModulePath, $ZipFilePath) # Set some defaults for for description=modulename, owners=author where not provided if(-not $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Description) { $Description = $ModuleName } else { $Description = $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Description } if(-not $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Author) { $Author = 'Unknown' } else { $Author = $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Author } if(-not $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Owners) { $Owners = $Author } else { $Owners = $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Owners } $Version = $Deployment.DeploymentOptions.Version $NuSpecParams = @{ PackageName = $ModuleName Version = $Deployment.DeploymentOptions.Version Author = $Author Description = $Description DestinationPath = $StagingDirectory Owners = $Owners LicenseUrl = $Deployment.DeploymentOptions.LicenseUrl } foreach($Key in $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.Keys) { # These seem optional if('licenseUrl', 'projectUrl', 'tags' -contains $Key) { $NuSpecParams.Add($Key, $Deploy.DeploymentOptions.$Key) } } New-Nuspec @NuSpecParams nuget pack "$StagingDirectory\$ModuleName.nuspec" -outputdirectory $StagingDirectory $NuGetPackagePath = "$StagingDirectory\$ModuleName.$Version.nupkg" $ZipFilePath, $nuGetPackagePath | % { Write-Verbose "Pushing package [$_] as Appveyor artifact" Push-AppveyorArtifact $_ } } } |