Function To { <# .SYNOPSIS Specify targets in a 'By' block of a PSDeploy.ps1 .DESCRIPTION Specify targets in a 'By' block of a PSDeploy.ps1 This is not intended to be used anywhere but in a *.PSDeploy.ps1 file. It is included here for intellisense support .PARAMETER Targets One or more targets to deploy to .EXAMPLE # This is a complete PSDeploy.ps1 example including a By function Deploy DeployMyModule By FileSystem { FromSource 'MyModule' To 'C:\sc\MyModule' WithOptions @{ Mirror = $True } } } # This would deploy the folder 'MyModule' to C:\sc\MyModule. It would mirror (i.e. remove items that are not in the source) .EXAMPLE # This is a complete PSDeploy.ps1 example including a By function Deploy DeployMyModule By FileSystem { FromSource 'MyModule' To 'C:\sc\' WithOptions @{ Mirror = $True } } By FileSystem Tasks { FromSource 'Tasks' To 'C:\sc\Tasks' } } # This illustrates using two of the same DeploymentTypes, with different options and details. # We specify a name to ensure uniqueness of the resulting DeploymentName: DeployMyModule and DeployMyModule-Tasks # This would deploy the folder 'MyModule' to C:\sc\MyModule. It would mirror (i.e. remove items that are not in the source) # This would deploy the folder Tasks to C:\sc\Tasks, without mirroring. .LINK about_PSDeploy .LINK about_PSDeploy_Definitions .LINK .LINK Deploy .LINK By .LINK FromSource .LINK Tagged .LINK WithOptions .LINK DependingOn .LINK Get-PSDeployment .LINK Get-PSDeploymentType .LINK Get-PSDeploymentScript #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [object[]]$Targets ) begin { $All = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } Process { [void]$All.AddRange( $Targets ) } end { $Script:ThisBy.Targets = $All } } |