Function Get-PSDeploymentScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Get deployment types and associated scripts .DESCRIPTION Get deployment types and associated scripts Checks PSDeploy.yml, verifies deployment scripts exist, returns a hashtable of these. .PARAMETER Path Path to PSDeploy.yml defining deployment types Defaults to PSDeploy.yml in the module root .EXAMPLE Get-PSDeploymentScript Name Value ---- ----- Filesystem C:\Path\To\PSDeploy\PSDeployScripts\Filesystem.ps1 FilesystemRemote C:\Path\To\PSDeploy\PSDeployScripts\FilesystemRemote.ps1 .EXAMPLE Get-PSDeploymentScript -Path \\Path\To\Central\PSDeploy.yml Name Value ---- ----- Filesystem \\Path\To\Central\Scripts\Filesystem.ps1 FilesystemRemote \\Path\To\Central\Scripts\FilesystemRemote.ps1 OtherDeployment \\Path\To\Central\Scripts\OtherDeployment.ps1 .LINK about_PSDeploy .LINK .LINK Invoke-PSDeployment .LINK Get-PSDeployment .LINK Get-PSDeploymentType .LINK Invoke-PSDeploy #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [validatescript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})] [string]$Path = $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot PSDeploy.yml) ) # Abstract out reading the yaml and verifying scripts exist $DeploymentDefinitions = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Path $Path $DeployHash = @{} foreach($DeploymentType in $DeploymentDefinitions.Keys) { #Determine the path to this script $Script = $DeploymentDefinitions.$DeploymentType.Script if(Test-Path $Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $ScriptPath = $Script } else { # account for missing ps1 $ScriptPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "PSDeployScripts\$($Script -replace ".ps1$").ps1" } if(test-path $ScriptPath) { $DeployHash.$DeploymentType = $ScriptPath } else { Write-Error "Could not find path '$ScriptPath' for deployment $DeploymentType. Origin: $($DeploymentDefinitions.$DeploymentType.Script)" } } $DeployHash } |