Function Get-PSDeployment { <# .SYNOPSIS Read a Deployment.yml file .DESCRIPTION Read a Deployment.yml file The resulting object contains these properties DeploymentSource = Path to the deployment.yml DeploymentName = Deployment name DeploymentAuthor = Optional deployment author DeploymentType = Type of deployment, must be defined in PSDeploy.yml DeploymentOptions = Options for this deploymenttype Source = Path to source from the local machine SourceType = Directory or file SourceExists = Whether we can test path against the local source Targets = One or more targets to deploy to. Tags = One or more tags associated with this deployment Dependencies = One or more DeploymentNames that this deployment depends on Raw = Raw definition for yaml deployments This is oriented around deployments from a Windows system. It's a poor schema that grew from a single use case. .PARAMETER Path Path to deployment.yml to parse .PARAMETER DeploymentRoot Assumed root of the deployment.yml for relative paths. Default is the parent of deployment.yml .PARAMETER Deployment Used in the background by Invoke-PSDeploy .PARAMETER Tags Only return deployments with all of the specified Tags (like -and, not -or) .EXAMPLE Get-PSDeployment C:\Git\Module1\Deployments.yml # Get deployments from a yml file .EXAMPLE Get-PSDeployment -Path C:\Git\Module1\Deployments.yml, C:\Git\Module2\Deployments.yml | Invoke-PSDeployment -Force # Get deployments from two files, invoke deployment for all .EXAMPLE Get-PSDeployment -Path C:\Git\Module1\My.PSDeploy.ps1 -Tags Prod, Azure # Get deployments from My.PSDeploy.ps1, including only those tagged both 'prod' and 'azure' .LINK about_PSDeploy .LINK .LINK Invoke-PSDeployment .LINK Invoke-PSDeploy .LINK Get-PSDeploymentType .LINK Get-PSDeploymentScript #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='File')] Param( [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})] [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'File', Mandatory = $True)] [string[]]$Path, [string]$DeploymentRoot, [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Deployment', Mandatory = $True)] [object[]]$Deployment, [string[]]$Tags ) #Resolve relative paths... Thanks Oisin! if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeploymentRoot')) { $DeploymentRoot = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DeploymentRoot) } # Everything below here needs refactoring. # We assume on psdeploy.ps1 means all paths are psdeploy.ps1 # Will anyone specify a mix of yml, ps1? # Source path might not be testable for all resources # Avoid code re-use if it makes sense # Fix all the odd scoping $TagParam = @{} if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tags') ) { $TagParam.Add('Tags',$Tags) } # Handle PSDeploy.ps1 parsing if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File' -and $Path -like "*.psdeploy.ps1" ) { foreach($DeploymentFile in $Path) { $DeploymentFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DeploymentFile) if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeploymentRoot')) { $DeploymentRoot = Split-Path $DeploymentFile -parent } Write-Verbose "Parsing '$DeploymentFile' from '$DeploymentRoot'" $Script:Deployments = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList . $DeploymentFile if($Deployments.count -gt 0) { Get-PSDeployment -Deployment $Deployments -DeploymentRoot $DeploymentRoot @TagParam } } return } # Handle yaml and deployment object parsing elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { # This parses a deployment YML foreach($DeploymentFile in $Path) { #Resolve relative paths... Thanks Oisin! $DeploymentFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DeploymentFile) if(-not $DeploymentRoot) { $DeploymentRoot = Split-Path $DeploymentFile -parent } if(-not (Test-Path $DeploymentRoot -PathType Container)) { Write-Error "Skipping '$DeploymentFile', could not validate DeploymentRoot '$DeploymentRoot'" } $Deployments = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Path $DeploymentFile $DeploymentMap = foreach($DeploymentName in $Deployments.keys) { $DeploymentHash = $Deployments.$DeploymentName $Sources = @($DeploymentHash.Source) #TODO: Move this, not applicable to all deployment types foreach($Source in $Sources) { #Determine the path to this source. Try absolute, fall back on relative if(Test-Path $Source -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $LocalSource = ( Resolve-Path $Source ).Path } else { $LocalSource = Join-Path $DeploymentRoot $Source } $Exists = Test-Path $LocalSource if($Exists) { $Item = Get-Item $LocalSource if($Item.PSIsContainer) { $Type = 'Directory' } else { $Type = 'File' } } [pscustomobject]@{ DeploymentFile = $DeploymentFile DeploymentName = $DeploymentName DeploymentAuthor = $DeploymentHash.Author DeploymentType = $DeploymentHash.DeploymentType DeploymentOptions = $DeploymentHash.Options Source = $LocalSource SourceType = $Type SourceExists = $Exists Targets = @($DeploymentHash.Destination) Tags = $DeploymentHash.Tags Dependencies = $DeploymentHash.Dependencies Raw = $DeploymentHash } } } } } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Deployment') { $DeploymentMap = Foreach($DeploymentItem in $Deployment) { # TODO: This should be abstracted out, and use the same code that file parameterset uses... $Sources = @($DeploymentItem.Source) #TODO: Move this, not applicable to all deployment types foreach($Source in $Sources) { #Determine the path to this source. Try absolute, fall back on relative if(Test-Path $Source -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $LocalSource = ( Resolve-Path $Source ).Path } else { $LocalSource = Join-Path $DeploymentRoot $Source } $Exists = Test-Path $LocalSource if($Exists) { $Item = Get-Item $LocalSource if($Item.PSIsContainer) { $Type = 'Directory' } else { $Type = 'File' } } [pscustomobject]@{ DeploymentFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DeploymentFile) DeploymentName = $DeploymentItem.DeploymentName DeploymentType = $DeploymentItem.DeploymentType DeploymentOptions = $DeploymentItem.DeploymentOptions Source = $LocalSource SourceType = $Type SourceExists = $Exists Targets = $DeploymentItem.Targets Tags = $DeploymentItem.Tags Dependencies = $DeploymentItem.Dependencies Raw = $null } } } } if(-not $DeploymentMap) { Throw "No deployments processed. Something went wrong." } if( @($DeploymentMap.SourceExists) -contains $false) { Write-Error "Nonexistent paths found:`n`n$($DeploymentMap | Where {-not $_.SourceExists} | Format-List | Out-String)`n" } If($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tags')) { $DeploymentMap = Get-TaggedDeployment -Deployment $DeploymentMap @TagParam if(-not $DeploymentMap) { Write-Warning "No deployments found with tags '$tags'" return } } $DeploymentMap = Sort-PSDeployment -Deployments $DeploymentMap Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $DeploymentMap -TypeName 'PSDeploy.Deployment' } |