Function Get-CronNextOccurrence { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the next occurrence for a crontab .DESCRIPTION This function will either return the next occurrence, or if an end date is supplied, it will return all the occurrences between the start and end date. .PARAMETER Crontab A valid crontab string .PARAMETER StartTime The datetime object to find the next occurrence from. Uses current time if not supplied. .PARAMETER EndTime The datetime object to stop finding occurrences for from the StartTime .EXAMPLE Get-CronNextOccurrence -Crontab '0 17 * * *' Will return the next occurrence of the crontab from the current time .EXAMPLE $Date = Get-Date '12/14/2032' Get-CronNextOccurrence -Crontab '0 17 * * *' -StartTime $Date Will return the next occurrence of the crontab from the time provided .EXAMPLE Get-CronNextOccurrence -Crontab '0 17 * * *' -StartTime $Date -EndTime $Date.AddDays(3) Will return the all occurrences of the crontab between the two times .OUTPUTS A datetime object for every occurrence returned #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('datetime')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Crontab, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [datetime]$StartTime = (Get-Date), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [datetime]$EndTime ) # validat crontab $Schedule = Test-CrontabSchedule -Crontab $Crontab # if no end date, just get next occurrence, else find all occurrences between start and end if ($Schedule.valid -eq $true -and $null -eq $EndTime) { $schedule.schedule.GetNextOccurrence($StartTime) } elseif ($Schedule.valid -eq $true) { $schedule.schedule.GetNextOccurrences($StartTime, $EndTime) } else { throw $Schedule.ErrorMsg } } |