
        PSDT.Http is a collection of PowerShell cmdlets, which improves developer productivity.

        The PowerShell Developer Tools for Http encapsulates netsh http command line.
        This is helpful when creating services and one do not want to start e.g. Visual Studio with elevated priviledges.
        For more information see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms733768.aspx.

        PSDT.Http is shipped with a built-in (nested) module, which is intended to encapsulate
        general PSDT application logic.
        All cmdlets within this module use "Http" as noun prefix.
        To get an overview of available cmdlets use the PowerShell Get-Command cmdlet.
        The following functionality is supported:
        * Lists reserved URL ACLs
        * Adds the specified URL to the list of reserved URL
        * Removes the specified URL from the list of reserved URL
        List all reserved URLs.
        >PS \> Get-HttpUrlAcl

        Get matched URLs. In this case the URL matches e.g. port 8081
        >PS \> Get-HttpUrlAcl -Name 8081

        Get raw URL list. This is similar to the output of netsh http show urlacl.
        >PS \> Get-HttpUrlAcl -Raw

        The specified URL will be added to the reserved URL list. By default the domain account is taken from $env:USERDOMAIN and $env:USERNAME.
        >PS \> Add-HttpUrlAcl -Url http://+:8081/

        The specified URL will be added to the reserved URL list.
        >PS \> Add-HttpUrlAcl -Url http://+:8081/ -DomainAccount "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users"

        The specified URL will be removed from the reserved URL list.
        >PS \> Remove-HttpUrlAcl -Url http://+:8081/

        First a specific URL will be queried using Get-HttpUrlAcl and then piped to the Remove-HttpUrlAcl cmdlet.
        >PS \> Get-HttpUrlAcl -Name 8081 | Remove-HttpUrlAcl


        PSDT.Http is open source on GitHub:
        As you use the module and find what you believe to be are bugs,
        please submit them to:
        Better yet, fix the bug and submit a pull request.