

Adds a custom annotation to a monitor in DPA.

Adds a custom annotation to a monitor or monitors in DPA.

Database ID of the monitor to get annotations for. This cannot be used in
combination with MonitorName or Monitor.

.PARAMETER MonitorName
Name of the monitor to get annotations for. This cannot be used in combination
with DatabaseId or Monitor.

Monitor object to get annotations for. This cannot be used in combination with
DatabaseId or MonitorName.

The time the annotation occurred. If not specified the current time will be

The title of the annotation. This is the "Annotation" field in DPA.

.PARAMETER Description
A longer description of what happened. This is the "Details" field in DPA.

Who created the annotation. If not specified the username of the user running
the command will be used.

.PARAMETER EnableException
Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom! Use
this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch.

Add-DpaAnnotation -DatabaseId 1 -Title "Patching" -Description "Latest security patches" -CreatedBy "Andrew"

Adds an annotation "Patching" with a description of "Latest security patches" to
Database ID 1.

Add-DpaAnnotation -MonitorName 'MyMonitoredServer' -Title "Patching" -Description "Latest security patches" -CreatedBy "Andrew"

Adds an annotation "Patching" with a description of "Latest security patches" to

Get-DpaMonitor | Add-DpaAnnotation -Title "Patching" -Description "Latest security patches" -CreatedBy "Andrew"

Adds an annotation "Patching" with a description of "Latest security patches" to
all monitors.

Author: Andrew Wickham ( @awickham )

Copyright: (C) Andrew Wickham,
License: MIT


function Add-DpaAnnotation {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByName')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByDatabaseId', Mandatory)]
        [int[]] $DatabaseId,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByName', Mandatory)]
        [string[]] $MonitorName,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByMonitor', ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Monitor[]] $Monitor,

        [DateTime] $Time = (Get-Date),

        [string] $Title,

        [string] $Description,

        [string] $CreatedBy = ([Environment]::UserName),

        [switch] $EnableException

    begin {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByName') {
            $Monitor = Get-DpaMonitor -MonitorName $MonitorName
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByDatabaseId') {
            $Monitor = Get-DpaMonitor -DatabaseId $DatabaseId

    process {
        foreach ($monitorObject in $Monitor) {
            $endpoint = "/databases/$($monitorObject.DatabaseId)/annotations"

            $request = @{
                'title' = $Title
                'description' = $Description
                'createdBy' = $CreatedBy
                'time' = $Time.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH\:mm\:sszzz")

            $response = Invoke-DpaRequest -Endpoint $endpoint -Method 'Post' -Request $request
            New-Object -TypeName 'Annotation' -ArgumentList $