function Get-CovidCountriesStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to extract data (Country Stats) from the NovelCOVID API ( .DESCRIPTION Command used to extract data (Country Stats) from the NovelCOVID API ( Returns data of all countries that has COVID-19 .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-CovidCountryStats .OUTPUTS System.String. Get-CovidCountriesStats returns a string with all of the Covid-19 stats for every country affected .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Get-CovidCountriesStats | Format-Table -AutoSize DeathsPerOneMillion TodayCases CasesPerOneMillion Deaths Critical Active Recovered Country TodayDeaths Cases ------------------- ---------- ------------------ ------ -------- ------ --------- ------- ----------- ----- 0.07 0 0.5 1 0 6 0 Zimbabwe 0 7 0 1 2 0 0 29 0 Zambia 0 29 .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> BEGIN { } PROCESS { $CountriesHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $CountriesHeaders.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=d6907f091c38e985d84bd05e1faf548a61585349147") $CountriesResponses = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $CountriesHeaders -Body $body foreach ($Response in $CountriesResponses) { try { $properties = @{ Country = [string]$ TodayCases = [int]$Response.todayCases TodayDeaths = [int]$Response.todayDeaths Cases = [int]$Response.cases Active = [int]$ Critical = [int]$Response.critical Deaths = [int]$Response.deaths Recovered = [int]$Response.recovered CasesPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.casesPerOneMillion DeathsPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.deathsPerOneMillion } } catch { $properties = @{ Country = [string]$ TodayCases = [int]$Response.todayCases TodayDeaths = [int]$Response.todayDeaths Cases = [int]$Response.cases Active = [int]$ Critical = [int]$Response.critical Deaths = [int]$Response.deaths Recovered = [int]$Response.recovered CasesPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.casesPerOneMillion DeathsPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.deathsPerOneMillion } } finally { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties Write-Output $obj } } } END { } } function Get-CovidCountryStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to extract data (Country Stats) from the NovelCOVID API ( .DESCRIPTION Command used to extract data (Country Stats) from the NovelCOVID API ( Returns data of a specific country. .PARAMETER Country This is a mandatory field which you can enter manually or using tab to cycle through the options. This field uses the standard [ISO Country Codes]( .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-CovidCountryStats .OUTPUTS System.String. Get-CovidCountriesStats returns a string with all of the Covid-19 stats for the specified country. .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Get-CovidCountryStats -Country UK DeathsPerOneMillion : 18 TodayCases : 2433 CasesPerOneMillion : 288 Deaths : 1228 Critical : 163 Active : 18159 Recovered : 135 Country : UK TodayDeaths : 209 Cases : 19522 .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ParameterSet1', SupportsShouldProcess = $false, PositionalBinding = $false, HelpUri = '', ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ParameterSet1')] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [OutputType([String])] [ArgumentCompleter( { $Content = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' $ISOCodes = $Content | Sort-Object -Property Code foreach ($Code in $ISOCodes) { $Code.Code } }) ] [string] $Country ) BEGIN { } PROCESS { $CountryHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $CountryHeaders.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=d6907f091c38e985d84bd05e1faf548a61585349147") $CountryResponse = Invoke-RestMethod "$Country" -Method 'GET' -Headers $CountryHeaders -Body $body foreach ($Response in $CountryResponse) { try { $properties = @{ Country = [string]$ TodayCases = [int]$Response.todayCases TodayDeaths = [int]$Response.todayDeaths Cases = [int]$Response.cases Active = [int]$ Critical = [int]$Response.critical Deaths = [int]$Response.deaths Recovered = [int]$Response.recovered CasesPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.casesPerOneMillion DeathsPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.deathsPerOneMillion } } catch { $properties = @{ Country = [string]$ TodayCases = [int]$Response.todayCases TodayDeaths = [int]$Response.todayDeaths Cases = [int]$Response.cases Active = [int]$ Critical = [int]$Response.critical Deaths = [int]$Response.deaths Recovered = [int]$Response.recovered CasesPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.casesPerOneMillion DeathsPerOneMillion = [decimal]$Response.deathsPerOneMillion } } finally { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties Write-Output $obj } } } END { } } function Get-CovidHistoricalData { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to extract historical data from the NovelCOVID API ( .DESCRIPTION Command used to extract historical data from the NovelCOVID API ( .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-CovidHistoricalData .OUTPUTS System.String. Get-CovidHistoricalData returns a string with all of the Covid-19 stats for every country affected .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Get-CovidHistoricalData .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> BEGIN { } PROCESS { $HistoricalDataHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $HistoricalDataHeaders.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=d6907f091c38e985d84bd05e1faf548a61585349147") $HistoricalData = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $HistoricalDataHeaders -Body $body foreach ($Data in $HistoricalData) { try { $properties = @{ country = $ province = $Data.province Cases = $HistoricalData[0].timeline.cases Deaths = $HistoricalData[0].timeline.deaths } } catch { $properties = @{ country = $ province = $Data.province Cases = $HistoricalData[0].timeline.cases Deaths = $HistoricalData[0].timeline.deaths } } finally { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties Write-Output $obj } } } END { } } function Get-CovidjhucsseData { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to extract John HOpkins CSSE Data from the NovelCOVID API ( .DESCRIPTION Command used to extract John HOpkins CSSE Data from the NovelCOVID API ( Return data from the John Hopkins CSSE Data Repository (Provinces and such). .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-CovidjhucsseData .OUTPUTS System.String. Get-CovidjhucsseData returns a string with all of the Covid-19 stats for every country affected .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Get-CovidjhucsseData .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> BEGIN { } PROCESS { $jhucsseDataHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $jhucsseDataHeaders.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=d6907f091c38e985d84bd05e1faf548a61585349147") $jhucsseData = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $jhucsseDataHeaders -Body $body foreach ($jhucsse in $jhucsseData) { try { $properties = @{ City = [string]$ Province = [string]$jhucsse.province Country = [string]$ UpdatedAt = [datetime]$jhucsse.updatedAt Longitude = $jhucsse.coordinates.longitude Latitude = $jhucsse.coordinates.latitude Confirmed = $jhucsse.stats.confirmed Recovered = $jhucsse.stats.recovered Deaths = $jhucsse.stats.deaths } } catch { $properties = @{ City = [string]$ Province = [string]$jhucsse.province Country = [string]$ UpdatedAt = [datetime]$jhucsse.updatedAt Longitude = $jhucsse.coordinates.longitude Latitude = $jhucsse.coordinates.latitude Confirmed = $jhucsse.stats.confirmed Recovered = $jhucsse.stats.recovered Deaths = $jhucsse.stats.deaths } } finally { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties Write-Output $obj } } } END { } } function Get-CovidStateStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to extract Data for all US States from the NovelCOVID API ( .DESCRIPTION Command used to extract John HOpkins CSSE Data from the NovelCOVID API ( Return data from the John Hopkins CSSE Data Repository (Provinces and such). .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-CovidStateStats .OUTPUTS System.String. Get-CovidStateStats returns a string with all of the Covid-19 stats for all US States .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Get-CovidStateStats .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> BEGIN { } PROCESS { $StateHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $StateHeaders.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=d6907f091c38e985d84bd05e1faf548a61585349147") $StateResponses = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $StateHeaders -Body $body foreach ($Response in $StateResponses) { try { $properties = @{ State = [string]$Response.state TodayCases = [int]$Response.todayCases TodayDeaths = [int]$Response.todayDeaths Cases = [int]$Response.cases Active = [int]$ Deaths = [int]$Response.deaths } } catch { $properties = @{ State = [string]$Response.state TodayCases = [int]$Response.todayCases TodayDeaths = [int]$Response.todayDeaths Cases = [int]$Response.cases Active = [int]$ Deaths = [int]$Response.deaths } } finally { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties Write-Output $obj } } } END { } } function Get-CovidWorldStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to extract Data for all Returns all total cases, recovery, and deaths from the NovelCOVID API ( .DESCRIPTION Command used to extract John HOpkins CSSE Data from the NovelCOVID API ( Returns all total cases, recovery, and deaths. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-CovidWorldStats .OUTPUTS System.String. Get-CovidWorldStats returns a string of all total cases, recovery, and deaths. .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Get-CovidWorldStats Active : 536625 Recovered : 151312 Deaths : 33966 Cases : 721903 Updated : 30/03/2020 02:08:07 .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> BEGIN { } PROCESS { $AllHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $AllHeaders.Add("Cookie", "__cfduid=d6907f091c38e985d84bd05e1faf548a61585349147") $AllResponses = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $AllHeaders -Body $body $EpochStart = Get-Date "01/01/1970 00:00:00" foreach ($Response in $AllResponses) { try { $properties = @{ Cases = $Response.cases Deaths = $Response.Deaths Recovered = $Response.Recovered Updated = $EpochStart.AddMilliseconds($Response.Updated) Active = $Response.Active } } catch { $properties = @{ Cases = $Response.cases Deaths = $Response.Deaths Recovered = $Response.Recovered Updated = $EpochStart.AddMilliseconds($Response.Updated) Active = $Response.Active } } finally { $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties Write-Output $obj } } } END { } } function Show-CountryCodes { <# .SYNOPSIS Command used to display a list of Country Codes .DESCRIPTION This Command can be used to display a list of standard Country Codes from the standard [ISO Country Codes]( .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Show-CountryCodes .OUTPUTS System.String. Show-CountryCodes returns a string with all of the ISO Country Codes. .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitRepos> Show-CountryCodes Code Name ---- ---- AF Afghanistan AX Åland Islands AL Albania DZ Algeria AS American Samoa AD Andorra AO Angola AI Anguilla AQ Antarctica ............... .LINK .NOTES Author: Luke Leigh Website: LinkedIn: GitHub: GitHubGist: #> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' } |