
# Global preferences
[bool] $Global:CouchDBCachePreference = $false
[bool] $Global:CouchDBSaveCredentialPreference = $true

# CouchDB exception class
class PSCouchDBRequestException : System.Exception {
    [string] $CouchDBMessage
    [int] $CouchDBStausCode

    PSCouchDBRequestException([int]$statusCode, [string]$response) {
        $this.CouchDBStausCode = $statusCode
        switch ($this.CouchDBStausCode) {
            304 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Not Modified: The additional content requested has not been modified." }
            400 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Bad Request: Bad request structure. The error can indicate an error with the request URL, path or headers." }
            401 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Unauthorized: The item requested was not available using the supplied authorization, or authorization was not supplied." }
            403 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Forbidden: The requested item or operation is forbidden." }
            404 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Not Found: The requested content could not be found." }
            405 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Method Not Allowed: A request was made using an invalid HTTP request type for the URL requested." }
            406 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Not Acceptable: The requested content type is not supported by the server." }
            409 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Conflict: Request resulted in an update conflict." }
            412 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Precondition Failed: The request headers from the client and the capabilities of the server do not match." }
            413 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Request Entity Too Large: A document exceeds the configured couchdb/max_document_size value or the entire request exceeds the httpd/max_http_request_size value." }
            415 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Unsupported Media Type: The content types supported, and the content type of the information being requested or submitted indicate that the content type is not supported." }
            416 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Requested Range Not Satisfiable: The range specified in the request header cannot be satisfied by the server." }
            417 { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Expectation Failed: The bulk load operation failed." }
            { $this.CouchDBStausCode -ge 500 } { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Internal Server Error: The request was invalid, either because the supplied JSON was invalid, or invalid information was supplied as part of the request." }
            Default { $this.CouchDBMessage = "[$($this.CouchDBStausCode)] Unknown Error: something wrong." }
        if ($response) {
            $this.CouchDBMessage += "`nCouchDB Response -> $response"

# Native Powershell CouchDB class
class PSCouchDBDocument {
    CouchDB document
    Class than representing the CouchDB document
    using module PSCouchDB
    $doc = New-Object PSCouchDBDocument

    # Propetries
    [string] $_id
    [string] $_rev
    [hashtable] $_attachments = @{}
    hidden [hashtable] $doc = @{}

    # Constructors
    # No specified _id
    PSCouchDBDocument () { 
        $this._id = (New-Guid).Guid.Replace('-', $null)
        $this.doc.Add('_id', $this._id)

    # Specified _id
    PSCouchDBDocument ([string]$_id) {
        $this._id = $_id
        $this.doc.Add('_id', $this._id)

    # Specified _id and _rev
    PSCouchDBDocument ([string]$_id, [string]$_rev) {
        $this._id = $_id
        $this._rev = $_rev
        $this.doc.Add('_id', $this._id)
        $this.doc.Add('_rev', $this._rev)

    # Specified _id, _rev and _attachments
    PSCouchDBDocument ([string]$_id, [string]$_rev, [PSCouchDBAttachment]$attachment) {
        $this._id = $_id
        $this._rev = $_rev
        $this._attachments.Add($attachment.filename, $attachment)
        $this.doc.Add('_id', $this._id)
        $this.doc.Add('_rev', $this._rev)
        $this.doc.Add('_attachments', @{})
        $this.doc._attachments.Add($attachment.filename, @{'content_type' = $attachment.content_type; 'data' = $ })

    PSCouchDBDocument ([string]$_id, [string]$_rev, [string]$attachment) {
        $this._id = $_id
        $this._rev = $_rev
        $attach = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBAttachment -ArgumentList $attachment
        $this._attachments.Add($attach.filename, $attach)
        $this.doc.Add('_id', $this._id)
        $this.doc.Add('_rev', $this._rev)
        $this.doc.Add('_attachments', @{})
        $this.doc._attachments.Add($attach.filename, @{'content_type' = $attach.content_type; 'data' = $ })

    # Methods
    [hashtable] GetDocument () {
        return $this.doc

    SetDocumentId ([string]$id) {
        $this.doc['_id'] = $id
        $this._id = $id

    SetElement ([string]$key) {
        # Check key isn't _id
        if (-not($key -eq "_id")) { 
            $this.doc[$key] = $null
        } else {
            Write-Warning -Message "_id must have a value. _id unchanged."

    SetElement ([string]$key, $value) {
        if ($key -eq "_id") {
            $this._id = $value
        } elseif ($key -eq "_rev") {
            $this._rev = $value
        $this.doc[$key] = $value

    RemoveElement ([string]$key) {
        if ($this.doc.ContainsKey($key)) {
        } else {
            Write-Error -Message "Document element `"$key`" doesn't exists."

    [string] ToJson () {
        return $this.doc | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress:$false

    [string] ToJson ([int]$depth) {
        return $this.doc | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $depth -Compress:$false

    [string] ToJson ([int]$depth, [bool]$compress) {
        return $this.doc | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $depth -Compress:$compress

    [hashtable] FromJson ([string]$json) {
        $body = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $json
        $ | ForEach-Object {
            # Skip attachments
            if ($_.Name -eq '_attachments') { return }
            if ($_.Name -and $null -ne $_.Value) {
                $this.SetElement($_.Name, $_.Value)
            } else {
        if ($this.doc._id) { $this._id = $this.doc._id }
        if ($this.doc._rev) { $this._rev = $this.doc._rev }
        return $this.doc

    AddAttachment ([PSCouchDBAttachment]$attachment) {
        $this._attachments.Add($attachment.filename, $attachment)
        if (-not($this.doc.ContainsKey('_attachments'))) {
            $this.doc.Add('_attachments', @{})
        $this.doc._attachments.Add($attachment.filename, @{'content_type' = $attachment.content_type; 'data' = $ })

    AddAttachment ([string]$attachment) {
        $attach = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBAttachment -ArgumentList $attachment
        $this._attachments.Add($attach.filename, $attach)
        if (-not($this.doc.ContainsKey('_attachments'))) {
            $this.doc.Add('_attachments', @{})
        $this.doc._attachments.Add($attach.filename, @{'content_type' = $attach.content_type; 'data' = $ })

    ReplaceAttachment ([PSCouchDBAttachment]$attachment) {

    ReplaceAttachment ([string]$attachment) {
        $attach = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBAttachment -ArgumentList $attachment

    RemoveAttachment ([string]$attachment) {
        if ($this._attachments.ContainsKey($attachment)) {

    RemoveAllAttachments () {
        if ($this.doc.ContainsKey('_attachments')) {
            $this._attachments = @{}
            if ($this.doc.ContainsKey('_attachments')) {

class PSCouchDBAttachment {
    CouchDB document attachment
    Class than representing the CouchDB document attachment
    using module PSCouchDB
    $attachment = New-Object PSCouchDBAttachment -ArgumentList "C:\test.txt"

    # Propetries
    [string] $filename
    [string] $content_type
    hidden $data

    # Constructors
    PSCouchDBAttachment ([string] $path) {
        if (Test-Path -Path $path) {
            # Get a filename
            $name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($path)
            $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path)
            $this.filename = "$name$extension"
            # Get a content-type
            $this.content_type = [PSCouchDBAttachment]::ConfirmMime($this.filename)
            # Get data
            if ((Get-Item -Path $path).length -gt 0) {
                $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((Get-Content -Path $path -Raw))
                $ = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
            } else {
                throw [System.IO.InvalidDataException] "$path attachment is empty."
        } else {
            throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "$path attachment not found."

    [string] GetData () {
        # Get data to string
        $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($
        return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($bytes)

    SaveData ($file) {
        $this.GetData() | Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding utf8

    [byte[]] GetRawData () {
        return [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($

    [string] static ConfirmMime ([string]$filename) {
        $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($filename)
        $mime = switch ($extension) {
            # application MIME
            ".exe" { "application/octet-stream"; break }
            ".bin" { "application/octet-stream"; break }
            ".pdf" { "application/pdf"; break }
            ".crt" { "application/pkcs8"; break }
            ".cer" { "application/pkcs8"; break }
            ".p7b" { "application/pkcs8"; break }
            ".pfx" { "application/pkcs8"; break }
            ".zip" { "application/zip"; break }
            ".7z" { "application/zip"; break }
            ".rar" { "application/zip"; break }
            ".tar" { "application/zip"; break }
            ".tar.gz" { "application/zip"; break }
            # audio MIME
            ".mp3" { "audio/mpeg"; break }
            ".mp4" { "audio/mpeg"; break }
            ".ogg" { "audio/vorbis"; break }
            ".vob" { "audio/vorbis"; break }
            # font MIME
            ".woff" { "font/woff"; break }
            ".ttf" { "font/ttf"; break }
            ".otf" { "font/otf"; break }
            # image MIME
            ".jpeg" { "image/jpeg"; break }
            ".jpg" { "image/jpeg"; break }
            ".png" { "image/png"; break }
            ".bmp" { "image/bmp"; break }
            ".svg" { "image/svg+xml"; break }
            ".heic" { "image/heic"; break }
            ".tiff" { "image/tiff"; break }
            ".wmf" { "image/wmf"; break }
            ".gif" { "image/gif"; break }
            ".webp" { "image/webp"; break }
            # model 3d MIME
            ".3mf" { "model/3mf"; break }
            ".vml" { "model/vml"; break }
            ".dwf" { "model/vnd.dwf"; break }
            # text MIME
            ".css" { "text/css"; break }
            ".csv" { "text/csv"; break }
            ".dns" { "text/dns"; break }
            ".html" { "text/html"; break }
            ".md" { "text/markdown"; break }
            ".rtf" { "text/rtf"; break }
            ".vcard" { "text/vcard"; break }
            ".xml" { "text/xml"; break }
            # video MIME
            ".3gpp" { "video/3gpp"; break }
            ".mpeg" { "video/mpeg4-generic"; break }
            ".avi" { "video/mpeg4-generic"; break }
            ".xvid" { "video/mpeg4-generic"; break }
            ".dvix" { "video/mpeg4-generic"; break }
            ".mpg" { "video/mpeg4-generic"; break }
            default {
                "multipart/form-data"; break
        return $mime

class PSCouchDBQuery {
    Native query of CouchDB
    Class than representing the native query of CouchDB
    using module PSCouchDB
    $query = New-Object PSCouchDBQuery

    # Properties of query
    [hashtable]$selector = @{ }
    [array]$sort = @()
    [array]$fields = @()
    [array]$use_index = @()
    [bool]$update = $true

    # Hidden properties
    hidden [int]$Depth
    hidden [ValidateSet('$and', '$or', '$not', '$nor', '$all', '$elemMatch', '$allMatch')]
    hidden [ValidateSet('$lt', '$lte', '$eq', '$ne', '$gte', '$gt', '$exists', '$type', '$in', '$nin', '$size', '$mod', '$regex')]

    # Method for add selector key=value
    AddSelector ($key, $value) {
        if (-not($this.selector.ContainsKey($key))) {
            $this.selector.Add($key, $value)
        } else {
            throw "selector $key already exists!"

    # Method for replace selector key=value
    ReplaceSelector ($key, $value) {
        if (-not($this.selector.ContainsKey($key))) {
            $this.selector.Add($key, $value)
        } else {
            $this.selector.Add($key, $value)

    # Method for remove specific selector
    RemoveSelector ($key) {
        if ($this.selector.ContainsKey($key)) {
        } else {
            throw "selector $key not exists!"

    # Method for setting limit properties
    SetLimit ($limit) { $this.limit = $limit }

    # Method for setting skip properties
    SetSkip ($skip) { $this.skip = $skip }

    # Method for adding sort properties to sort array
    AddSortAsc ($selector) {
        foreach ($condition in $this.sort) {
            if ($condition.Values -contains 'desc') {
                throw 'Sort "desc" id defined! Remove it before add "asc"'
        $this.sort += @{ $selector = 'asc' }
    AddSortDesc ($selector) {
        foreach ($condition in $this.sort) {
            if ($condition.Values -contains 'asc') {
                throw 'Sort "asc" id defined! Remove it before add "desc"'
        $this.sort += @{ $selector = 'desc' }

    # Method for removing all sort properties
    RemoveSort () {
        $this.sort = @()

    # Method for removing one sort properties
    RemoveSort ($sort) {
        $newsort = $this.sort | Where-Object { $_.Keys.Where( { $_ -ne $sort }) }
        $this.sort = $newsort

    # Method for adding field properties to fields array
    AddFields ($fields) {
        $this.fields += $fields

    # Method for adding index properties to indexies array
    AddIndexies ($indexies) {
        $this.use_index += $indexies

    # Method for removing fields properties to fields array
    RemoveFields () {
        $this.fields = @()

    # Method for removing one field properties to fields array
    RemoveFields ($field) {
        $newfields = $this.fields | Where-Object { $_ -ne $field }
        $this.fields = $newfields

    # Method for remove indexies properties to indexies array
    RemoveIndexies () {
        $this.use_index = @()

    # Method for remove one index properties to indexies array
    RemoveIndexies ($index) {
        $newindex = $this.use_index | Where-Object { $_ -ne $index }
        $this.use_index = $newindex

    # Method for setting read quorum
    SetReadQuorum ($r) {
        $this.r = $r

    # Method for setting bookmark
    SetBookmark ($bookmark) {
        $this.bookmark = $bookmark

    # Method for disabling update
    DisableUpdate () {
        $this.update = $false

    # Method for setting update
    SetStable ($bool) {
        $this.stable = $bool

    # Method for setting stale
    SetStale () {
        $this.stable = $true
        $this.stale = 'ok'

    # Method for setting update
    SetExecutionStat ($bool) {
        $this.execution_stats = $bool

    # Method for adding logical operator
    AddLogicalOperator ($operator) {
        if ($this.selector.Count -ne 0) {
            $this.LogicalOperator = $operator
            $clone_selector = $this.selector.Clone()
            # Check if array or selector
            if (('$and', '$or', '$nor', '$all') -contains $operator ) {
                # Array
                $this.selector.Add($operator, @())
                foreach ($selector in $clone_selector.Keys) {
                    $this.selector."$operator" += @{ $selector = $clone_selector[$selector] }
                $this.Depth = $this.Depth + 2
            } else {
                # Selector
                $this.selector.Add($operator, $clone_selector)
                $this.Depth = $this.Depth + 1
        } else {
            throw "One or more selector are required!"

    # Method for adding operator to selector
    AddSelectorOperator ($operator) {
        if ($this.selector.Count -ne 0) {
            $this.operator = $operator
            $clone_selector = $this.selector.Clone()
            # Check if array, selector or json
            if (('$lt', '$lte', '$eq', '$ne', '$gte', '$gt', '$exists', '$type', '$mod', '$regex') -contains $operator) {
                # JSON
                foreach ($selector in $clone_selector.Keys) {
                    if (('$and', '$or', '$not', '$nor', '$all', '$elemMatch', '$allMatch') -contains $selector) {
                        $this.selector.Add($selector, $clone_selector[$selector])
                    $this.selector.Add($selector, @{ })
                    if ($clone_selector[$selector] -is [int]) {
                        $this.selector.$selector.Add($operator, [int]$clone_selector[$selector])
                    } elseif (($clone_selector[$selector] -eq "true") -or ($clone_selector[$selector] -eq "false")) {
                        $this.selector.$selector.Add($operator, [bool]$clone_selector[$selector])
                    } else {
                        $this.selector.$selector.Add($operator, $clone_selector[$selector])
            } elseif (('$in', '$nin', '$size') -contains $operator) {
                # Array
                foreach ($selector in $clone_selector.Keys) {
                    if (('$and', '$or', '$not', '$nor', '$all', '$elemMatch', '$allMatch') -contains $selector) {
                        $this.selector.Add($selector, $clone_selector[$selector])
                    $this.selector.Add($selector, @{ })
                    if ($clone_selector[$selector] -is [int]) {
                        $this.selector.$selector.Add($operator, @([int]$clone_selector[$selector]))
                    } elseif (($clone_selector[$selector] -eq "true") -or ($clone_selector[$selector] -eq "false")) {
                        $this.selector.$selector.Add($operator, @([bool]$clone_selector[$selector]))
                    } else {
                        $this.selector.$selector.Add($operator, @($clone_selector[$selector]))
            $this.Depth = $this.Depth + 3
        } else {
            throw "One or more selector are required!"

    # Method for adding operator to selector and value
    AddSelectorOperator ($operator, $key, $value) {
        if ($this.selector.Count -ne 0) {
            $this.operator = $operator
            if ($this.selector.ContainsKey($key)) {
                if (-not(('$and', '$or', '$not', '$nor', '$all', '$elemMatch', '$allMatch') -contains $key)) {
                    # Check if array, selector or json
                    $this.selector.$key = @{ }
                    if (('$lt', '$lte', '$eq', '$ne', '$gte', '$gt', '$exists', '$type', '$mod', '$regex') -contains $operator) {
                        # JSON
                        if ($value -is [int]) {
                            $this.selector.$key.Add($operator, [int]$value)
                        } elseif (($value -eq "true") -or ($value -eq "false")) {
                            $this.selector.$key.Add($operator, [bool]$value)
                        } else {
                            $this.selector.$key.Add($operator, $value)
                    } elseif (('$in', '$nin', '$size') -contains $operator) {
                        # Array
                        if ($value -is [int]) {
                            $this.selector.$key.Add($operator, @([int]$value))
                        } elseif (($value -eq "true") -or ($value -eq "false")) {
                            $this.selector.$key.Add($operator, @([bool]$value))
                        } else {
                            $this.selector.$key.Add($operator, @($value))
                $this.Depth = $this.Depth + 3
            } else {
                throw "selector $key not exists!"
        } else {
            throw "One or more selector are required!"

    # Method for get a native query in json format
    [string] GetNativeQuery () {
        [hashtable]$query = @{ }
        if ($this.selector.PSBase.Count -ne 0) {
            $query.selector = $this.selector
            $this.Depth = $this.Depth + $query.selector.PSBase.Count
        } else {
            throw "One selector is required."
        if ($this.limit) { $query.limit = $this.limit }
        if ($this.skip) { $query.skip = $this.skip }
        if ($this.sort) { $query.sort = $this.sort }
        if ($this.fields) { $query.fields = $this.fields }
        if ($this.use_index) { $query.use_index = $this.use_index }
        if ($this.r) { $query.r = $this.r }
        if ($this.bookmark) { $query.bookmark = $this.bookmark }
        $query.update = $this.update
        if ($this.stable) { $query.stable = $this.stable }
        if ($this.stale) { $query.stale = $this.stale }
        if ($this.execution_stats) { $query.execution_stats = $this.execution_stats }
        return $query | ConvertTo-Json -Depth ($this.Depth + 1)

class PSCouchDBView {
    View object for CouchDB design document
    Class than representing the CouchDB view; this object contains the view function and reduce.
    using module PSCouchDB
    $design_doc = New-Object PSCouchDBView -ArgumentList "view_name"

    # Properties
    [PSCustomObject] $view = @{}
    [string] $name
    [string] $map
    [ValidateSet('_approx_count_distinct', '_count', '_stats', '_sum')]
    [string] $reduce

    # Constructor
    PSCouchDBView ([string]$name) {
        $ = $name
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.view NoteProperty $ @{}
        $this.view."$($".Add('map', $null)

    PSCouchDBView ([string]$name, [string]$map) {
        $ = $name
        $ = $map
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.view NoteProperty $ @{}
        $this.view."$($".Add('map', $map)

    PSCouchDBView ([string]$name, [string]$map, [string]$reduce) {
        $ = $name
        $ = $map
        $this.reduce = $reduce
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.view NoteProperty $ @{}
        $this.view."$($".Add('map', $map)
        $this.view."$($".Add('reduce', $reduce)

    # Methods
    [string] ToString () {
        return $this.GetJsonView()

    [hashtable] GetView () {
        return $this.view."$($"

    [string] GetJsonView () {
        return $this.view | ConvertTo-Json

    AddMapFunction ([string]$function) {
        if ($null -eq $this.view."$($".map) {
            $ = $function
            $this.view."$($".map = $function
        } else {
            throw "Map function already exists! Use ReplaceMapFunction() for substitute it."

    ReplaceMapFunction ([string]$function) {
        $ = $function
        $this.view."$($".map = $function

    RemoveMapFunction () {
        if ($null -ne $this.view."$($".map) {
            $ = $null
            $this.view."$($".map = $null
        } else {
            throw "Map function doesn't exists!"

    AddReduceFunction ([string]$function) {
        if ($null -eq $this.view."$($".reduce) {
            $this.reduce = $function
            $this.view."$($".reduce = $function
        } else {
            throw "Reduce function already exists! Use ReplaceReduceFunction() for substitute it."

    ReplaceReduceFunction ([string]$function) {
        $this.reduce = $function
        $this.view."$($".reduce = $function

    RemoveReduceFunction () {
        if ($null -ne $this.view."$($".reduce) {
            $this.reduce = $null
            $this.view."$($".reduce = $null
        } else {
            throw "Reduce function doesn't exists!"

    static [string] BuildMapFunction ([hashtable] $condition) {
        possible CONDITION:
            EQUAL = 'doc.field1 == 0'; # Add if condition to function: if (doc.field1 == 0) {}
            EQUEMIT = 'doc.field1'; # Add emit function to if equal condition: if (doc.field1 == 0) {emit(doc.field1)}
            MINIMUM = 'doc.field1 < 0'; # Add if condition to function: if (doc.field1 < 0) {}
            MINEMIT = 'doc.field2'; # Add emit function to if equal condition: if (doc.field1 < 0) {emit(doc.field1)}
            MAXIMUM = 'doc.field1 > 0'; # Add if condition to function: if (doc.field1 > 0) {}
            MAXEMIT = 'doc.field3'; # Add emit function to if equal condition: if (doc.field1 > 0) {emit(doc.field1)}
            EMITDOC = "doc" # If other emit is specified, this is null

        $fun = "function(doc){{"
        # Substitute variable in hashtable; the pattern is {NAME}
        $currentIndex = 0
        $replacementList = @()
        if (-not($condition.ContainsKey('EMITDOC'))) { $condition.Add('EMITDOC', 'doc') }
        foreach ($key in $condition.Keys) {
            # Build function
            switch ($key) {
                'EQUAL' { if ($condition.ContainsKey('EQUEMIT')) { $fun += 'if ({EQUAL}) {{emit({EQUEMIT});}}' } else { $fun += 'if ({EQUAL}) {{emit({EMITDOC});}}' } }
                'MINIMUM' { if ($condition.ContainsKey('MINEMIT')) { $fun += 'if ({MINIMUM}) {{emit({MINEMIT});}}' } else { $fun += 'if ({MINIMUM}) {{emit({EMITDOC});}}' } }
                'MAXIMUM' { if ($condition.ContainsKey('MAXEMIT')) { $fun += 'if ({MAXIMUM}) {{emit({MAXEMIT});}}' } else { $fun += 'if ({MAXIMUM}) {{emit({EMITDOC});}}' } }
            $inputPattern = '{(.*)' + $key + '(.*)}'
            $replacementPattern = '{${1}' + $currentIndex + '${2}}'
            $fun = $fun -replace $inputPattern, $replacementPattern
            $replacementList += $condition[$key]
        $fun += '}}'
        return $fun -f $replacementList

class PSCouchDBDesignDoc : PSCouchDBDocument {
    Native CouchDB design document
    Class than representing the CouchDB design documents, are used to build indexes, validate document updates, format query results, and filter replications.
    using module PSCouchDB
    $design_doc = New-Object PSCouchDBDesignDoc

    # Properties
    [string] $validate_doc_update
    hidden [string] $language = 'javascript'

    # Constructor
    PSCouchDBDesignDoc () {
        $this._id = "_design/$((New-Guid).Guid.Replace('-', $null))"
        $this.views = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[PSCouchDBView]
        $this.doc['_id'] = $this._id
        $this.doc.Add('views', @{})

    # Specified _id
    PSCouchDBDesignDoc ([string]$_id) {
        if ($_id -match '_design/') {
            $this._id = $_id
        } else {
            $this._id = "_design/$_id"
        $this.views = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[PSCouchDBView]
        $this.doc['_id'] = $this._id

    # Specified _id and _rev
    PSCouchDBDesignDoc ([string]$_id, [string]$_rev) {
        if ($_id -match '_design/') {
            $this._id = $_id
        } else {
            $this._id = "_design/$_id"
        $this._rev = $_rev
        $this.views = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[PSCouchDBView]
        $this.doc['_id'] = $this._id
        $this.doc['_rev'] = $this._rev

    # Specified _id, _rev and _attachments
    PSCouchDBDesignDoc ([string]$_id, [string]$_rev, [PSCouchDBView]$view) {
        if ($_id -match '_design/') {
            $this._id = $_id
        } else {
            $this._id = "_design/$_id"
        $this._rev = $_rev
        $this.views = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[PSCouchDBView]
        $this.doc['_id'] = $this._id
        $this.doc['_rev'] = $this._rev
        $this.doc.Add('views', @{})
        $this.doc.views.Add($, $view.GetView())

    # Methods
    AddView ([PSCouchDBView]$view) {
        if ($this.views -notcontains $view) {
            [void] $this.views.Add($view)
            if (-not($this.doc.ContainsKey('views'))) { $this.doc.Add('views', @{}) }
            $this.doc.views.Add($, $view.GetView())

    AddView ([string]$name, [string]$map) {
        $view = New-Object PSCouchDBView -ArgumentList $name, $map

    AddView ([string]$name, [string]$map, [string]$reduce) {
        $view = New-Object PSCouchDBView -ArgumentList $name, $map, $reduce

    RemoveView ([string]$name) {
        if ($ -contains $name) {
            foreach ($view in $this.views) {
                if ($ -eq $name) {
                    [void] $this.views.Remove($view)

    ReplaceView ([PSCouchDBView]$view) {

    ReplaceView ([string]$name, [string]$map) {
        $view = New-Object PSCouchDBView -ArgumentList $name, $map

    ReplaceView ([string]$name, [string]$map, [string]$reduce) {
        $view = New-Object PSCouchDBView -ArgumentList $name, $map, $reduce

    SetValidateFunction ([string]$function) {
        $this.validate_doc_update = $function
        $this.doc.Add("validate_doc_update", $function)

class PSCouchDBBulkDocument {
    CouchDB bulk document
    Class than representing the CouchDB bulk document
    using module PSCouchDB
    $bdocs = New-Object PSCouchDBBulkDocument -ArgumentList '{"_id":"test","name":"test"}'
    # for multiple docs
    $doc120 = New-Object PSCouchDBDocument -ArgumentList '120'
    $doc121 = New-Object PSCouchDBDocument -ArgumentList '121'
    $doc122 = New-Object PSCouchDBDocument -ArgumentList '122'
    $bdocs = [PSCouchDBBulkDocument]@{docs=@($doc120,$doc121,$doc122)}
    # Propetries
    [PSCouchDBDocument[]] $docs

    # Constructor
    PSCouchDBBulkDocument () {
        $ = @()

    PSCouchDBBulkDocument ([PSCouchDBDocument] $doc) {
        $ = @()
        $ += $doc

    PSCouchDBBulkDocument ([string] $doc) {
        $ = @()
        $addDoc = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBDocument
        [void] $addDoc.FromJson($doc)
        $ += $addDoc

    PSCouchDBBulkDocument ([PSCouchDBDocument[]] $docs) {
        $ = $docs

    # Method
    AddDocument ([string] $doc) {
        $addDoc = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBDocument
        [void] $addDoc.FromJson($doc)
        $ += $addDoc

    AddDocument ([PSCouchDBDocument] $doc) {
        $ += $doc

    RemoveDocument ([string] $_id) {
        $ = $ | Where-Object { $_._id -ne $_id }

    SetDeleted () {
        foreach ($doc in $ {
            $doc.SetElement("_deleted", $true)

    [PSCouchDBDocument[]] GetDocuments () {
        return $

    [string] ToString () {
        [hashtable] $documents = @{docs = @() }
        foreach ($doc in $ {
            $ += $doc.GetDocument()
        return $documents | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99

class PSCouchDBSecurity {
    CouchDB security database document
    Class than representing the CouchDB security database document
    using module PSCouchDB
    $sec = New-Object PSCouchDBSecurity -ArgumentList 'myadmin'
    # Multiple names or roles
    $sec = [PSCouchDBSecurity]@{admins=@{names=@('myadmin','admin'); roles=@('admin')}}
    $sec = [PSCouchDBSecurity]@{admins=@{names=@('myadmin','admin'); roles=@('admin')}; members=@{names=@('reader','member1'); roles=@('read', 'access')}}

    # Propetries
    [pscustomobject] $admins = @{
        roles = @()
        names = @()

    [pscustomobject] $members = @{
        roles = @()
        names = @()

    # Constructor
    PSCouchDBSecurity () {}

    PSCouchDBSecurity ([string]$adminName) { $this.admins.names += $adminName }

    PSCouchDBSecurity ([string]$adminName, [string]$adminRoles) { 
        $this.admins.names += $adminName
        $this.admins.roles += $adminRoles

    PSCouchDBSecurity ([string]$adminName, [string]$adminRole, [string]$memberName) { 
        $this.admins.names += $adminName
        $this.admins.roles += $adminRole
        $this.members.names += $memberName

    PSCouchDBSecurity ([string]$adminName, [string]$adminRole, [string]$memberName, [string]$memberRole) { 
        $this.admins.names += $adminName
        $this.admins.roles += $adminRole
        $this.members.names += $memberName
        $this.members.roles += $memberRole

    PSCouchDBSecurity ([array]$adminsNames, [array]$adminsRoles) { 
        $this.admins.names = $adminsNames
        $this.admins.roles = $adminsRoles

    PSCouchDBSecurity ([array]$adminsNames, [array]$adminsRoles, [array]$membersNames, [array]$membersRoles) { 
        $this.admins.names = $adminsNames
        $this.admins.roles = $adminsRoles
        $this.members.names = $membersNames
        $this.members.roles = $membersRoles

    # Method
    [hashtable] GetAdmins () {
        return $this.admins

    [hashtable] GetMembers () {
        return $this.members

    [string] ToJson () {
        return $this | ConvertTo-Json

    [string] ToString () {
        return $this.ToJson()

    AddAdmins ([string]$name) {
        $this.admins.names += $name

    AddAdmins ([array]$name) {
        $this.admins.names = $this.admins.names + $name

    AddAdmins ([string]$name, [string]$role) {
        $this.admins.names += $name
        $this.admins.roles += $role

    AddAdmins ([array]$name, [array]$role) {
        $this.admins.names = $this.admins.names + $name
        $this.admins.roles = $this.admins.roles + $role

    AddMembers ([string]$name) {
        $this.members.names += $name

    AddMembers ([array]$name) {
        $this.members.names = $this.admins.names + $name

    AddMembers ([string]$name, [string]$role) {
        $this.members.names += $name
        $this.members.roles += $role

    AddMembers ([array]$name, [array]$role) {
        $this.members.names = $this.members.names + $name
        $this.members.roles = $this.members.roles + $role

    RemoveAdminName ([string]$name) {
        [array] $this.admins.names = $this.admins.names | Where-Object { $_ -ne $name }

    RemoveAdminRole ([string]$role) {
        [array] $this.admins.roles = $this.admins.roles | Where-Object { $_ -ne $role }

    RemoveMemberName ([string]$name) {
        [array] $this.members.names = $this.members.names | Where-Object { $_ -ne $name }

    RemoveMemberRole ([string]$role) {
        [array] $this.members.roles = $this.members.roles | Where-Object { $_ -ne $role }

class PSCouchDBReplication {
    CouchDB replication database document
    Class than representing the CouchDB replication database document
    using module PSCouchDB
    # local replication
    $rep = New-Object PSCouchDBReplication -ArgumentList 'db','repdb'
    # remote replication
    $rep = New-Object PSCouchDBReplication -ArgumentList 'db','repdb', 'remoteserver'

    # Propetries
    [string] $_id
    [string] $_rev
    [System.UriBuilder] $source
    [System.UriBuilder] $target
    hidden [bool] $cancel
    hidden [int] $checkpoint_interval = 0
    [bool] $continuous
    hidden [bool] $create_target
    hidden [array] $doc_ids = @()
    hidden [string] $filter
    hidden [string] $source_proxy
    hidden [string] $target_proxy
    hidden [hashtable] $query_params
    hidden [string] $selector
    hidden [string] $since_seq
    hidden [bool] $use_checkpoints
    hidden [bool] $winning_revs_only
    hidden [hashtable] $replicator = @{}

    # Constuctor
    PSCouchDBReplication ([string]$sourceDb, [string]$targetDb) {
        $this._id = "${sourceDb}_${targetDb}"
        $this.source = "http://localhost:5984/$sourceDb"
        $ = "http://localhost:5984/$targetDb"
        $this.replicator.Add('_id', $this._id)
        $this.replicator.Add('source', [uri] $this.source.Uri)
        $this.replicator.Add('target', [uri] $

    PSCouchDBReplication ([string]$sourceDb, [string]$targetDb, [string]$targetServer) {
        $this._id = "${sourceDb}_${targetDb}"
        $this.source = "http://localhost:5984/$sourceDb"
        $ = "http://${targetServer}:5984/$targetDb"
        $this.replicator.Add('_id', $this._id)
        $this.replicator.Add('source', [uri] $this.source.Uri)
        $this.replicator.Add('target', [uri] $

    # Method
    SetRevision ([string]$revision) {
        $this._rev = $revision
        $this.replicator.Add('_rev', $this._rev)

    AddSourceAuthentication ([string]$user, [string]$passwd) {
        $this.source.UserName = "${user}:${passwd}"
        $this.replicator['source'] = [uri] $this.source.Uri

    AddTargetAuthentication ([string]$user, [string]$passwd) {
        $ = "${user}:${passwd}"
        $this.replicator['target'] = [uri] $

    SetSourceSsl () {
        $this.source.Scheme = "https"
        $this.source.Port = 6984
        $this.replicator['source'] = [uri] $this.source.Uri

    SetSourceSsl ([int]$port) {
        $this.source.Scheme = "https"
        $this.source.Port = $port
        $this.replicator['source'] = [uri] $this.source.Uri

    SetTargetSsl () {
        $ = "https"
        $ = 6984
        $this.replicator['target'] = [uri] $

    SetTargetSsl ([int]$port) {
        $ = "https"
        $ = $port
        $this.replicator['target'] = [uri] $

    SetSourceServer ([string]$server) {
        $this.source.Host = $server
        $this.replicator['source'] = [uri] $this.source.Uri

    SetTargetServer ([string]$server) {
        $ = $server
        $this.replicator['target'] = [uri] $

    SetCancel () { 
        $this.cancel = $true
        $this.replicator.Add('cancel', $this.cancel)

    SetCheckpointInterval ([int]$ms) { 
        $this.checkpoint_interval = $ms
        $this.replicator.Add('checkpoint_interval', $this.checkpoint_interval)

    SetContinuous () { 
        $this.continuous = $true
        $this.replicator.Add('continuous', $this.continuous)

    CreateTarget () { 
        $this.create_target = $true
        $this.replicator.Add('create_target', $this.create_target)

    AddDocIds ([array]$ids) { 
        $this.doc_ids += $this.doc_ids + $ids
        $this.replicator.Add('doc_ids', $this.doc_ids)

    SetFilter ([string]$filter) { 
        $this.filter = $filter
        $this.replicator.Add('filter', $this.filter)

    SetSourceProxy ([string]$proxyUri) { 
        $this.source_proxy = $proxyUri
        $this.replicator.Add('source_proxy', [uri] $this.source_proxy)

    SetTargetProxy ([string]$proxyUri) { 
        $this.target_proxy = $proxyUri
        $this.replicator.Add('target_proxy', [uri] $this.target_proxy)

    SetQueryParams ([hashtable]$paramaters) { 
        $this.query_params = $paramaters
        $this.replicator.Add('query_params', $this.query_params)

    SetSelector ([string]$selector) { 
        $this.selector = $selector
        $this.replicator.Add('selector', $this.selector)

    SetSelector ([PSCouchDBQuery]$selector) { 
        $this.selector = $selector.GetNativeQuery()
        $this.replicator.Add('selector', $this.selector)

    SetSinceSequence ([string]$sequence) { 
        $this.since_seq = $sequence
        $this.replicator.Add('since_seq', $this.since_seq)

    UseCheckpoints () { 
        $this.use_checkpoints = $true
        $this.replicator.Add('use_checkpoints', $this.use_checkpoints)

    SetWinningRevisionOnly ([bool]$value) {
        $this.winning_revs_only = $value
        $this.replicator.Add('winning_revs_only', $this.winning_revs_only)

    [hashtable] GetDocument () {
        return $this.replicator

    [string] ToJson () {
        return $this.GetDocument() | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5

    [string] ToString () {
        return $this.ToJson()


class PSCouchDBRequest {
    CouchDB web request
    Class than representing the CouchDB web request
    using module PSCouchDB
    # Get database info
    $req = New-Object PSCouchDBRequest -ArgumentList 'db'
    # GET http://localhost:5984/db
    # remote replication
    $req = New-Object PSCouchDBRequest -ArgumentList 'db','doc'
    # GET http://localhost:5984/db/doc

    # Propetries
    [System.UriBuilder] $uri
    [ValidateSet("HEAD", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "POST")]
    [string] $method = 'GET'
    [string] $protocol = 'http'
    [string] $server = 'localhost'
    [int] $port = 5984
    [string] $database
    [string] $document
    [PSCouchDBAttachment] $attachment
    [PSCredential] $authorization
    [string] $parameter
    [string] $data
    hidden [bool] $cache
    hidden [System.Net.WebRequest] $client
    hidden [System.Net.WebProxy] $proxy

    # Constructor
    PSCouchDBRequest () {
        # Add uri
        if ($this.server -match "^http(?s)") {
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.server
            $this.server = $this.uri.Host
            $this.protocol = $this.uri.Scheme
            $this.port = $this.uri.Port
            $this.parameter = $this.uri.Query
        } else {
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.protocol, $this.server, $this.port
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.uri LastStatusCode 0

    PSCouchDBRequest ([string]$database) {
        # Add uri
        if ($this.server -match "^http(?s)") {
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.server
            $this.server = $this.uri.Host
            $this.protocol = $this.uri.Scheme
            $this.port = $this.uri.Port
            $this.parameter = $this.uri.Query
        } else {
            $this.database = $database
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.protocol, $this.server, $this.port, $this.database
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.uri LastStatusCode 0

    PSCouchDBRequest ([string]$database, [string]$document) {
        # Add uri
        if ($this.server -match "^http(?s)") {
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.server
            $this.server = $this.uri.Host
            $this.protocol = $this.uri.Scheme
            $this.port = $this.uri.Port
            $this.parameter = $this.uri.Query
        } else {
            $this.database = $database
            $this.document = $document
            $Path = $this.database, $this.document -join "/"
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.protocol, $this.server, $this.port, $Path
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.uri LastStatusCode 0

    # Method
    [PSCustomObject] Request () {
        # Create web client
        $this.client = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($this.uri.Uri)
        $this.client.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
        $this.client.Method = $this.method
        $this.client.UserAgent = "User-Agent: PSCouchDB (compatible; MSIE 7.0;)"
        # Check proxy
        if ($this.proxy) {
            $this.client.Proxy = $this.proxy
        # Check authorization
        if ($this.authorization) {
            $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("$($this.uri.UserName):$($this.uri.Password)")))
            $this.client.Headers.Add("Authorization", ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo))
        # Check data
        if ($ -or $this.attachment) {
            $Stream = $this.client.GetRequestStream()
            if ($ {
                $Body = [byte[]][char[]]$
                $Stream.Write($Body, 0, $Body.Length)
            # Check attachment
            elseif ($this.attachment) {
                $this.client.ContentType = $this.attachment.content_type
                $Body = [byte[]]$this.attachment.GetRawData()
                $Stream.Write($Body, 0, $Body.Length)
        try {
            [System.Net.WebResponse] $resp = $this.client.GetResponse()
            $this.uri.LastStatusCode = $resp.StatusCode
        } catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $errcode = $_.Exception.Response
            $this.uri.LastStatusCode = $errcode.StatusCode
            throw ([PSCouchDBRequestException]::New($errcode.StatusCode, $errcode.StatusDescription)).CouchDBMessage
        $rs = $resp.GetResponseStream()
        [System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $rs
        [string] $results = $sr.ReadToEnd()
        # Check cache
        if ($this.cache) {
            $cached = ($results | ConvertFrom-Json)
        if ($results -match "^({.*)|(\[.*)$") {
            return $results | ConvertFrom-Json
        } else {
            return [PSCustomObject]@{ results = $results }

    RequestAsJob ([string]$name) {
        $job = Start-Job -Name $name {
            param($uri, $method, $user, $pass, $data, $attachment)
            # Create web client
            $Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
            $Request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
            $Request.Method = $method
            $Request.UserAgent = "User-Agent: PSCouchDB (compatible; MSIE 7.0;)"
            # Check proxy
            if ($this.proxy) {
                $this.client.Proxy = $this.proxy
            # Check authorization
            if ($user -and $pass) {
                $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("${user}:${pass}")))
                $Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo))
            # Check data
            if ($data -or $attachment) {
                $Stream = $Request.GetRequestStream()
                if ($data) {
                    $Body = [byte[]][char[]]$data
                    $Stream.Write($Body, 0, $Body.Length)
                # Check attachment
                elseif ($attachment) {
                    $Request.ContentType = $ttachment.content_type
                    $Body = [byte[]]$attachment.GetRawData()
                    $Stream.Write($Body, 0, $Body.Length)
            try {
                [System.Net.WebResponse] $resp = $Request.GetResponse()
            } catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $errcode = $_.Exception.Response
                throw "[$($errcode.StatusCode)] Error.`nCouchDB Response -> $($errcode.StatusDescription)"
            $rs = $resp.GetResponseStream()
            [System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $rs
            [string] $results = $sr.ReadToEnd()
            if ($results -match "^({.*)|(\[.*)$") {
                return $results | ConvertFrom-Json
            } else {
                return [PSCustomObject]@{ results = $results }
        } -ArgumentList $this.uri.Uri, $this.method, $(if ($this.authorization) {$this.authorization.UserName} else {$null}), $(if ($this.authorization) {$this.authorization.GetNetworkCredential().Password} else {$null}), $, $this.attachment
        Register-TemporaryEvent $job "StateChanged" -Action {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "#$($sender.Id) ($($sender.Name)) complete."

    [string] GetHeader () {
        # Create web client
        $this.client = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($this.uri.Uri)
        $this.client.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
        $this.client.Method = 'HEAD'
        $this.client.UserAgent = "User-Agent: PSCouchDB (compatible; MSIE 7.0;)"
        # Check proxy
        if ($this.proxy) {
            $this.client.Proxy = $this.proxy
        # Check authorization
        if ($this.authorization) {
            $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("$($this.uri.UserName):$($this.uri.Password)")))
            $this.client.Headers.Add("Authorization", ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo))
        try {
            [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $resp = $this.client.GetResponse()
            $this.uri.LastStatusCode = $resp.StatusCode
        } catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            $resp = $false
            [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $errcode = $_.Exception.Response
            $this.uri.LastStatusCode = $errcode.StatusCode
        if (Get-Member 'Headers' -InputObject $resp) {
            return $resp.Headers
        } else {
            return $resp

    SetProxy ([string]$uri) {
        $proxyUri = [uri]$uri
        $this.proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy
        $this.proxy.Address = $proxyUri
        $this.proxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = $true

    SetProxy ([string]$uri, [string]$user, [string]$pass) {
        $proxyUri = [uri]$uri
        $this.proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy
        $this.proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new($user, $pass)
        $this.proxy.Address = $proxyUri
        $this.proxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = $true

    SetProxy ([string]$uri, [PSCredential]$credential) {
        $auth = $credential.UserName, $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $this.SetProxy($uri, $auth[0], $auth[1])

    RemoveProxy () {
        $this.proxy = $null

    SetSsl () {
        $this.protocol = 'https'
        $this.uri.Scheme = 'https'

    SetSsl ([int]$port) {
        $this.protocol = 'https'
        $this.uri.Scheme = 'https'

    SetPort ([int]$port) {
        $this.port = $port
        $this.uri.Port = $port

    SetServer ([string]$server) {
        if ($server -match "^http(?s)") {
            $this.server = $server
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.server
        } else {
            $srv = $server -split '/',2
            $this.server = $srv[0]
            $this.uri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.protocol,$this.server,$this.port,$srv[1]
        $this.uri.Scheme = $this.protocol
        $this.uri.Port = $this.port
        $this.uri.Query = $this.parameter
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.uri LastStatusCode 0

    AddAuthorization ([PSCredential]$credential) {
        $this.authorization = $credential
        $this.uri.UserName = "$($credential.UserName):$($credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"

    AddAuthorization ([string]$auth) {
        # Check if string is in this format: word:word
        if ($auth -match "^.*\:.*$") {
            $newAuth = $auth -split ":"
            [SecureString]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $newAuth[1] -AsPlainText -Force
            [PSCredential]$credOject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($newAuth[0], $secStringPassword)
        } else {
            throw [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexMatchTimeoutException]::New('Authorization string must be this format: "user:password"') 

    SetMethod ([string]$method) {
        $this.method = $method

    SetDatabase ([string]$database) {
        $this.database = $database
        $path = "{0}" -f $database
        $this.uri.Path = $path

    SetDocument ([string]$document) {
        if ($this.database) {
            $this.document = $document
            $path = "{0}/{1}" -f $this.database, $document
            $this.uri.Path = $path
        } else {
            throw [System.Net.WebException] "Database isn't set."

    SetParameter ([array]$parameter) {
        if ($this.database) {
            $this.parameter = $parameter -join '&'
            $this.uri.Query = $this.parameter
        } else {
            throw [System.Net.WebException] "Database isn't set."

    SetData ([string]$json) {
        $ = $json

    AddAttachment ([string]$file) {
        if ($this.document) {
            $attach = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBAttachment -ArgumentList $file
            $path = "{0}/{1}/{2}" -f $this.database, $this.document, $attach.filename
            $this.uri.Path = $path
            $this.attachment = $attach
        } else {
            throw [System.Net.WebException] "Document isn't set."

    [string] GetData () {
        return $

    [int] GetStatus () {
        return $this.uri.LastStatusCode

    EnableCache () {
        $this.cache = $true
        $c = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        Add-Member -InputObject $this.uri Cache $c

    DisableCache () {
        $this.cache = $false

    ClearCache () {
        $this.uri.Cache = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    [uri] GetUri () {
        return $this.uri.Uri

    [string] ToString () {
        $stringUri = New-Object -TypeName System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $this.uri.Uri
        # Remove Username and Password in string mode for security reason
        $stringUri.Password = $stringUri.UserName = $null
        $str = "
{0} {1}
Host: {2}
Param: {3}
Uri: {4}

 -f $this.method, $this.uri.Path, $this.uri.Host, $this.uri.Query, $stringUri.Uri, $
        return $str

# Functions of CouchDB module

function Send-CouchDBRequest {
    Send a request through rest method to CouchDB server.
    This command builds the url, data and send to CouchDB server.
    .PARAMETER Method
    The REST method. Default is "GET".
    The avalaible methods are:
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    This takes part in the url here:
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    This takes part in the url here:
    .PARAMETER Database
    The CouchDB database. This takes part in the url here:
    .PARAMETER Document
    The CouchDB document. This takes part in the url here:
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    Can specified PSCredential.
    This takes part in the url here:
    .PARAMETER Revision
    The CouchDB revision document.
    The revision document format like this: {count}-{uuid}
    This takes part in the url here:
    .PARAMETER Params
    The CouchDB other parameter.
    This takes part in the url here:
    .PARAMETER Attachment
    The CouchDB document attachment.
    The CouchDB document data. Is a Json data format.
    The encoding is UTF-8.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER JobName
    JobName for background powershell job.
    To get a result for a Job, run "Get-Job -Id <number> | Receive-Job -Keep"
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    This example get a database "db":
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server couchdb1.local -Method "GET" -Database db
    This example get a document "doc1" on database "db":
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server couchdb1.local -Method "GET" -Database db -Document doc1
    This example get a document "doc1" on database "db" on "localhost" server in SSL connection:
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Method "GET" -Database db -Document doc1 -Ssl:$true
    This example get a document "doc1" on database "db" on "localhost" server in SSL connection, but use a HTTP uri:
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server "http://couchdb1.local/couch" -Method "GET" -Database db -Document doc1 -Ssl:$true

    param (
        [ValidateSet("HEAD", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "POST")] [string] $Method,
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [string] $Database,
        [string] $Document,
        [string] $Revision,
        [string] $Attachment,
        [string] $Data,
        [array] $Params,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $JobName,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    # Create PSCouchDBRequest object
    Write-Debug -Message "Create PSCouchDBRequest object"
    $req = New-Object PSCouchDBRequest
    $parameters = @()
    # Set cache
    Write-Debug -Message "Set cache"
    if ($Global:CouchDBCachePreference) {
    # Set server
    Write-Debug -Message "Set server"
    if ($Server) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set server to $Server"
    # Set proxy server
    Write-Debug -Message "Set proxy server"
    if ($ProxyServer) {
        if ($ProxyCredential -is [pscredential]) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Set proxy server $ProxyServer with credential"
            $req.SetProxy($ProxyServer, $ProxyCredential)
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Set proxy server $ProxyServer"
    # Set protocol
    Write-Debug -Message "Set protocol"
    if ($Ssl.IsPresent) {
        # Set default port
        Write-Verbose -Message "Enable SSL on port 6984"
    # Set port
    Write-Debug -Message "Set port"
    if ($Port) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set port on $Port"
    # Set method
    Write-Debug -Message "Set method"
    switch ($Method) {
        "HEAD" { $req.SetMethod("HEAD") }
        "GET" { $req.SetMethod("GET") }
        "PUT" { $req.SetMethod("PUT") }
        "DELETE" { $req.SetMethod("DELETE") }
        "POST" { $req.SetMethod("POST") }
        Default { $req.SetMethod("GET") }
    Write-Verbose -Message "Set method to $($req.method)"
    # Set database
    Write-Debug -Message "Set database"
    if ($Database) {
        if ($Database -match "\?") {
            $arr = $Database -split "\?"
            $Database = $arr[0]
            $Param = $arr[1]
            if ($Param) {
                $parameters += $Param
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set database to $Database"
    # Set document
    Write-Debug -Message "Set document"
    if ($Document) {
        if ($Document -match "\?") {
            $arr = $Document -split "\?"
            $Document = $arr[0]
            $Param = $arr[1]
            if ($Param) {
                $parameters += $Param
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set document to $Document"
    # Set attachment
    Write-Debug -Message "Set attachment"
    if ($Attachment) {
        if ('GET','HEAD' -contains $Method) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Set attachment to $Attachment"
        } else {
            if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Attachment -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            } else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Set attachment to $Attachment"
    # Set revision
    Write-Debug -Message "Set revision"
    if ($Revision) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set revision to $Revision"
        $parameters += "rev=$Revision"
    # Check other params
    Write-Debug -Message "Set other params"
    if ($Params) {
        $parameters += $Params
    if ($parameters) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set parameters: $parameters"
    # Check authorization
    Write-Debug -Message "Set authorization"
    if ($Authorization -or $Global:CouchDBCredential) {
        if ($Global:CouchDBSaveCredentialPreference) {
            if (-not($Global:CouchDBCredential)) {
                $Global:CouchDBCredential = $Authorization
            # Check if authorization has been changed
            if ($Authorization -and $Global:CouchDBCredential -ne $Authorization) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Override global authorization"
                $Global:CouchDBCredential = $Authorization
            Write-Verbose -Message "Add authorization"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Add authorization"
    # Check json data
    Write-Debug -Message "Set json data"
    if ($Data) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Set json data to: $Data"
    # Get header or request
    Write-Debug -Message "Set header or request"
    Write-Verbose -Message "Request to CouchDB server: $req"
    if ($Method -eq "HEAD") {
    } else {
        if ($JobName) {
        } else {
            # Add to cache
            if ($req.cache) {
                if ($CouchDBCache) {
                } else {
                    $Global:CouchDBCache = $req.uri.Cache

function Search-CouchDBHelp () {
    Search help.
    Search pattern keyword in a CouchDB help topic.
    .PARAMETER Pattern
    The pattern of serach criteria. The pattern it can be a verb, a nuoun or a parameter.
    Search-CouchDBHelp -Pattern "Database"
    Search-CouchDBHelp -Pattern "Get"

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    $helpNames = $(Get-Help *CouchDB* | Where-Object { $_.Category -ne "Alias" })
    foreach ($helpTopic in $helpNames) {
        $content = Get-Help -Full $helpTopic.Name | Out-String
        if ($content -match "(.{0,30}$Pattern.{0,30})") {
            $helpTopic | Add-Member NoteProperty Match $matches[0].Trim()
            $helpTopic | Select-Object Name, Match

function New-CouchDBObject () {
    Create a PSCouchDB custom object.
    Create a PSCouchDB custom object. For example create a
    document object, design document object, attachment object etc...
    .PARAMETER TypeName
    The name of the object than you would create.
    .PARAMETER ArgumentList
    The argument of constructor of object.
    New-CouchDBObject -TypeName PSCouchDBDocument -ArgumentList '1-0033838372622627'
    New-CouchDBObject -TypeName PSCouchDBDocument -ArgumentList '1-0033838372622627','1-2c903913030efb4d711db085b1f44107'

        [ValidateSet("PSCouchDBRequest", "PSCouchDBQuery", "PSCouchDBDocument", "PSCouchDBAttachment", "PSCouchDBBulkDocument",
        "PSCouchDBSecurity", "PSCouchDBReplication", "PSCouchDBView", "PSCouchDBDesignDoc")]
        [string] $TypeName,
        [array] $ArgumentList
    return New-Object -TypeName $TypeName -ArgumentList $ArgumentList