# Permission functions of CouchDB module function New-CouchDBAdmin () { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new admin user. .DESCRIPTION Create a new CouchDB admin user. .NOTES CouchDB API: PUT /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Node The CouchDB node of cluster. Default is couchdb@localhost. .PARAMETER Userid The user_id than exists in _users database. .PARAMETER Password The password in SecureString. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE $password = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force New-CouchDBAdmin -Userid admin -Password $password -Authorization "admin:password" This example creates "admin" user admin with password "password". .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [string] $Node, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Userid, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [SecureString] $Password, $Authorization, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) # Check node if (-not($Node)) { if ((Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).name) { $Node = (Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).name } else { $Node = Read-Host "Enter the node name (ex. couchdb@localhost)" } } $Database = "_node" $Document = "$Node/_config/admins/$Userid" $ClearPassword = ConvertTo-CouchDBPassword -SecurePassword $Password $Data = "`"$ClearPassword`"" Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } function New-CouchDBUser () { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new user. .DESCRIPTION Create a new CouchDB user with roles. .NOTES CouchDB API: PUT /_users .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Userid The user_id than exists in _users database. .PARAMETER Password The password in SecureString. .PARAMETER Roles Array of roles. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE $password = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force New-CouchDBUser -Userid test_user -Password $password -Authorization "admin:password" This example creates user "test_user" of password "password". .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Userid, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [SecureString] $Password, [array] $Roles, $Authorization, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) $Database = "_users" $Document = "org.couchdb.user:$Userid" if ($Roles.Count -eq 1) { $Roles = "[$($Roles | ConvertTo-Json)]" } elseif ($Roles.Count -gt 1) { $Roles = $Roles | ConvertTo-Json } else { $Roles = '[]' } $ClearPassword = ConvertTo-CouchDBPassword -SecurePassword $Password $Data = "{ `"_id`": `"org.couchdb.user:$Userid`", `"name`": `"$Userid`", `"roles`": $Roles, `"type`": `"user`", `"password`": `"$ClearPassword`" }" Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } function Grant-CouchDBDatabasePermission () { <# .SYNOPSIS Grant the security object for the given database. .DESCRIPTION Grant the security object for the given CouchDB database. Specify Admins and/or Members. .NOTES CouchDB API: PUT /{db}/_security .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Database The CouchDB database. .PARAMETER Data The data in Json format or PSCouchDBSecurity. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE using module PSCouchDB $sec = New-Object PSCouchDBSecurity -ArgumentList 'myadmin' Grant-CouchDBDatabasePermission -Database test -Data $sec -Authorization "admin:password" This example grant "myadmin" admin user on "test" database on CouchDB server. .EXAMPLE $sec = @" { "admins": { "names": [], "roles": [] }, "members": { "names": ["reader"], "roles": [] } } "@ Grant-CouchDBDatabasePermission -Database test -Data $sec -Authorization "admin:password" This example grant "reader" member user on "test" database on CouchDB server. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Database, [Parameter(Position = 1)] $Data, $Authorization, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) # Check data is string or PSCouchDBSecurity if ($Data -is [PSCouchDBSecurity]) { $Data = $Data.ToString() } $Document = '_security' Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } function Get-CouchDBDatabaseSecurity () { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the current security object from the specified database. .DESCRIPTION Returns the current security object from the specified database. .NOTES CouchDB API: GET /{db}/_security .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Database The CouchDB database. .PARAMETER Variable Export into a PSCouchDBSecurity variable object. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE Get-CouchDBDatabaseSecurity -Database test -Authorization "admin:password" This example get the security object from database "test". .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Database, [string] $Variable, $Authorization, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) $Document = "_security" if ($Variable) { $sec = Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential $var = New-Object PSCouchDBSecurity # Check admins names if ($sec.admins.names) {$var.AddAdmins($sec.admins.names)} # Check admins name and roles elseif ($sec.admins.names -and $sec.admins.roles) {$var.AddAdmins($sec.admins.names, $sec.admins.roles)} # Check members names if ($sec.members.names) {$var.AddMembers($sec.members.names)} # Check members name and roles elseif ($sec.members.names -and $sec.members.roles) {$var.AddMembers($sec.members.names, $sec.members.roles)} Set-Variable -Name $Variable -Value $var -Scope Global return $null } Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } function Revoke-CouchDBDatabasePermission () { <# .SYNOPSIS Revoke all permission on database. .DESCRIPTION Revoke permission on database. Specify Admins and/or Readers. .NOTES CouchDB API: PUT /{db}/_security .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Database The CouchDB database. .PARAMETER Force No confirmation prompt. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE Revoke-CouchDBDatabasePermission -Database test -Authorization "admin:password" This example revoke all permission on database "test". .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Database, $Authorization, [switch]$Force, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish revoke all permission on database $Database ?", "Revoke all permission on database $Database")) { # Get a current security permission if (-not(Get-CouchDBDocument -Server $Server -Port $Port -Database $Database -Document '_security' -Info -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw "No security object found in database $Database" } # Create permission structure $sec = New-Object PSCouchDBSecurity # Revoke data permission $Data = $sec.ToString() $Document = "_security" Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } } function Remove-CouchDBAdmin () { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove an admin user. .DESCRIPTION Remove a CouchDB admin user. .NOTES CouchDB API: DELETE /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Userid The user_id than exists admin. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Force No confirmation prompt. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE Remove-CouchDBAdmin -Userid admin -Authorization "admin:password" The example removes "admin" user admin. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [string] $Node = $(if ((Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).all_nodes -contains "couchdb@localhost") { "couchdb@localhost" } else { "couchdb@" }), [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Userid, $Authorization, [switch]$Force, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) $Database = "_node" $Document = "$Node/_config/admins/$Userid" if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish remove admin user $Userid ?", "Remove $Userid on node $Node")) { Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "DELETE" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } } function Remove-CouchDBUser () { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove an user. .DESCRIPTION Remove a CouchDB user with roles. .NOTES CouchDB API: DELETE /_users .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Userid The user_id than exists in _users database. .PARAMETER Revision The revision document of user_id. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Force No confirmation prompt. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE Remove-CouchDBUser -Userid test_user -Revision "2-4705a219cdcca7c72aac4f623f5c46a8" -Authorization "admin:password" The example removes test_user standard user. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Userid, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string] $Revision, $Authorization, [switch]$Force, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) $Database = "_users" $Document = & { if ($Userid -like "org.couchdb.user:*") { $Userid } else { "org.couchdb.user:$Userid" } } if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish remove user $Userid ?", "Remove $Userid on database $Database")) { Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "DELETE" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Revision $Revision -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } } function Set-CouchDBUser () { <# .SYNOPSIS Set an user properties. .DESCRIPTION Set a CouchDB user properties with roles. Reset password user. .NOTES CouchDB API: PUT /_users .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Userid The user_id than exists in _users database. .PARAMETER Password The password in SecureString. .PARAMETER Roles Array of roles. .PARAMETER Revision The revision document of user_id. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE $password = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Set-CouchDBUser -Userid test_user -Password $password -Revision "2-4705a219cdcca7c72aac4f623f5c46a8" -Authorization "admin:password" This example reset password of user "test_user". .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Userid, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [SecureString] $Password, [array] $Roles, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 2)] [string] $Revision, $Authorization, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) $Database = "_users" $Document = "org.couchdb.user:$Userid" if ($Roles.Count -eq 1) { $Roles = "[$($Roles | ConvertTo-Json)]" } elseif ($Roles.Count -gt 1) { $Roles = $Roles | ConvertTo-Json } else { $Roles = '[]' } $ClearPassword = ConvertTo-CouchDBPassword -SecurePassword $Password $Data = "{ `"_id`": `"org.couchdb.user:$Userid`", `"name`": `"$Userid`", `"roles`": $Roles, `"type`": `"user`", `"password`": `"$ClearPassword`" }" Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Revision $Revision -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } function Set-CouchDBAdmin () { <# .SYNOPSIS Reset password of admin user. .DESCRIPTION Reset password of CouchDB admin user. .NOTES CouchDB API: PUT /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} .PARAMETER Server The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost. .PARAMETER Port The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984. .PARAMETER Node The CouchDB node of cluster. Default is couchdb@localhost. .PARAMETER Userid The user_id than exists in _users database. .PARAMETER Password The password in SecureString. .PARAMETER Authorization The CouchDB authorization form; user and password. Authorization format like this: user:password ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted. .PARAMETER Ssl Set ssl connection on CouchDB server. This modify protocol to https and port to 6984. .PARAMETER ProxyServer Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass. Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ... .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object. .EXAMPLE $password = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Set-CouchDBAdmin -Userid admin -Password $password -Authorization "admin:password" This example reset password of "admin" user admin. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Server, [int] $Port, [string] $Node = $(if ((Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl).all_nodes -contains "couchdb@localhost") { "couchdb@localhost" } else { "couchdb@" }), [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Userid, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [SecureString] $Password, $Authorization, [switch] $Ssl, [string] $ProxyServer, [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) $Database = "_node" $Document = "$Node/_config/admins/$Userid" $ClearPassword = ConvertTo-CouchDBPassword -SecurePassword $Password $Data = "`"$ClearPassword`"" Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential } |