
# Server functions of CouchDB module
function Get-CouchDBServer () {
    Get server information.
    Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information about the instance.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /
        GET /_up
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    .PARAMETER Status
    Get the status of server. API _up.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    This example get a meta information of localhost server.
    Get-CouchDBServer -Serer couchdb1.local -Port 8080 -Status
    This example get a status of couchdb1.local server with custom port.

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $Server,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [int] $Port,
        [switch] $Status,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    if ($Status.IsPresent) {
        $Database = "_up"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBUser () {
    Get an user.
    Get a CouchDB user.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_users
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Userid
    The user_id than exists in _users database.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBUser -Userid test_user
    This example get info of user "test_user".

        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Userid,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_users"
    $Document = "org.couchdb.user:$Userid"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBAdmin () {
    Get an admin user.
    Get a CouchDB admin user.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_node/{node-name}/_config/admins
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    The CouchDB node of cluster. Default is couchdb@localhost.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBAdmin -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [string] $Node,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    # Check node
    if (-not($Node)) {
        if ((Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).name) {
            $Node = (Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).name
        } else {
            $Node = Read-Host "Enter the node name (ex. couchdb@localhost)"
    $Database = "_node"
    $Document = "$Node/_config/admins"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBActiveTask () {
    Get an active task.
    List of running tasks, including the task type, name, status and process ID.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_active_tasks
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBActiveTask -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example get all active task.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_active_tasks"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBClusterSetup () {
    Get a cluster setup.
    Returns the status of the node or cluster, per the cluster setup wizard.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_cluster_setup
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER EnsureDatabaseExist
    List of system databases to ensure exist on the node/cluster. Defaults to ["_users","_replicator","_global_changes"].
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    This example get a cluster setup.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [array] $EnsureDatabaseExist,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $parameters = @()
    $Database = "_cluster_setup"
    # Check EnsureDatabaseExist parameter
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EnsureDatabaseExist')) {
        if ($EnsureDatabaseExist) {
            $parameters += "ensure_dbs_exist=$(
                    if ($EnsureDatabaseExist.Count -eq 1) {
                        "[$($EnsureDatabaseExist | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)]"
                    } else {
                        $EnsureDatabaseExist | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

        } else {
            $parameters += 'ensure_dbs_exist=["_users","_replicator","_global_changes"]'
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Params $parameters -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Measure-CouchDBStatistics () {
    Measure server statistics.
    Measure CouchDB server statistics.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_node/{node-name}/_system
        GET /_node/{node-name}/_stats
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER System
    Return system statistics.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    This example measure statistics of CouchDB Server.
    Measure-CouchDBStatistics -System
    This example measure statistics of CouchDB Server.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server = 'localhost',
        [int] $Port,
        [switch] $System,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    if ($System.IsPresent) {
        $Database = "_node/couchdb@$Server/_system"
    } else {
        $Database = "_node/couchdb@$Server/_stats"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Restart-CouchDBServer () {
    Restart service.
    Restart CouchDB server service.
    .PARAMETER Force
    No confirmation prompt.
    The example restart CouchDB server.

        [switch] $Force
    # Windows?
    try {
        $Windows = ([bool](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
    } catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
        $Windows = $false
    if ($Windows) {
        $Service = "Apache CouchDB"
        if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish to restart CouchDB server ?", "Restart server")) {
            try {
                Restart-Service -Name $Service -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ServiceCommandException] {
                throw "Cannot open $Service service on computer. To run restart must have admnistrative privileges."
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Apache CouchDB restarted successfully."
    } else {
        if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish to restart CouchDB server ?", "Restart server")) {
            & service couchdb restart
            if ($(& service couchdb status)[2] -notmatch "(running)") { throw "Cannot open $Service service on computer" }
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Apache CouchDB restarted successfully."

function New-CouchDBUuids () {
    Create a new uuids.
    Requests one or more Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) from the CouchDB instance.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_uuids
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Count
    Return uuid number equal to count.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    New-CouchDBUuids -Count 3

        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [int] $Count,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $parameters = @()
    $Database = '_uuids'
    # Check count
    if ($Count) {
        $parameters += "count=$Count"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Params $parameters -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Search-CouchDBAnalyze () {
    Tests the results of Lucene analyzer tokenization on sample text.
    Tests the results of Lucene analyzer tokenization on sample text.
    Search endpoints require a running search plugin connected to each cluster node.
    CouchDB API:
        POST /_search_analyze
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Field
    The CouchDB type of analyzer.
    The CouchDB analyzer token you want to test.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Search-CouchDBAnalyze -Field "english" -Text "running" -Authorization "admin:password"
    Search type of analyzer "english" with text status "running".

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Field,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Text,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Data = @{}
    $Database = '_search_analyze'
    $Data['analyzer'] = $Field
    $Data['text'] = $Text
    $Data = $Data | ConvertTo-Json
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "POST" -Database $Database -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBReshards () {
    State of resharding on the cluster.
    Returns a count of completed, failed, running, stopped, and total jobs along with the state of resharding on the cluster.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_reshard
        GET /_reshard/state
        GET /_reshard/jobs
        GET /_reshard/jobs/{jobid}
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER State
    Returns the resharding state and optional information about the state.
    Get information about the resharding for all jobs.
    Get information about the resharding job identified by jobid.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBReshards -Jobs -Authorization "admin:password"
    Get all resharding jobs on all database.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $Server,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [switch] $State,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [switch] $Jobs,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $JobId,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Job") {
        # Check state and jobid
        if ($State.IsPresent -and (-not($JobId))) { 
            $Database = '_reshard/state'
        } elseif ($State.IsPresent -and $JobId) {
            $Database = "_reshard/jobs/$JobId/state"
        } elseif ($JobId) {
            $Database = "_reshard/jobs/$JobId"
        } else { 
            $Database = '_reshard'
    } else {
         # Check jobs
        if ($Jobs.IsPresent) { $Database = '_reshard/jobs' }
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Set-CouchDBReshards () {
    Change the resharding state on the cluster.
    Change jobs along with the state of resharding on the cluster.
    CouchDB API:
        PUT /_reshard/state
        PUT /_reshard/jobs/{jobid}/state
        POST /_reshard/jobs
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER State
    The states are "stopped" or "running".
    This starts and stops global resharding on all the nodes of the cluster.
    .PARAMETER StateReason
    Optional string describing additional information or reason associated with the state.
    Type of job. Currently only "split" is accepted.
    Database to split. This is mutually exclusive with the "shard” field.
    Split shards on a particular node. This is an optional parameter.
    The value should be one of the nodes returned from the Get-CouchDBNode cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER Range
    Split shards copies in the given range. The range format is hhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhh where h is a hexadecimal digit.
    This format is used since this is how the ranges are represented in the file system.
    This is parameter is optional and is mutually exclusive with the "shard" field.
    .PARAMETER Shard
    Split a particular shard. The shard should be specified as "shards/{range}/{db}.{suffix}".
    Where range has the hhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhh format, db is the database name, and suffix is the shard (timestamp) creation suffix.
    Error message if a job could be not be created.
    Get information about the resharding job identified by jobid.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Set-CouchDBReshards -State running -StateReason "Test start" -Authorization "admin:password"
    This starts global resharding on all the nodes of the cluster.
    Set-CouchDBReshards -Database test -Err "Test message" -Type split -Range "80000000-ffffffff" -Authorization "admin:password"
    Single resharding job for a particular range.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $Server,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [ValidateSet("stopped", "running")]
        [string] $State,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $StateReason,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [string] $Type,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [string] $Database,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [string] $Node,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [string] $Range,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [string] $Shard,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [string] $Err,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $JobId,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AllJob")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Job")]
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Data = @{}
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Job") {
        $Method = 'PUT'
        # Check jobid
        if ($JobId) {
            $_database = '_reshard/jobs/$JobId/state'
        } else {
            $_database = '_reshard/state'
        # Check state and jobid
        if ($State) { $Data['state'] = $State }
        if ($StateReason) { $Data['reason'] = $StateReason }
    } else {
        $Method = 'POST'
        $_database = '_reshard/jobs'
         # Check jobs
        if ($Type) { $Data['type'] = $Type }
        if ($Database) { $Data['db'] = $Database }
        if ($Node) { $Data['node'] = $Node }
        if ($Range) { $Data['range'] = $Range }
        if ($Shard) { $Data['shard'] = $Shard }
        if ($Err) { $Data['error'] = $Err }
    $Data = $Data | ConvertTo-Json
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method $Method -Database $_database -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Remove-CouchDBReshards () {
    Stop the job and then remove it.
    If the job is running, stop the job and then remove it.
    CouchDB API:
        DELETE /_reshard/jobs/{jobid}
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    Remove job identified by jobid.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Remove-CouchDBReshards -JobId "001-638b90b9acf73cbb113afdfdba458bec80da6a6be23599019fb7b051cedfcc93" -Authorization "admin:password"
    Stop and remove specific job id.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $JobId,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_reshard/jobs/$JobId"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "DELETE" -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Read-CouchDBLog () {
    Read or tail log.
    Read, tail and follow CouchDB log (couch.log).
    The path of log file. Default, is C:\CouchDB\couch.log on Windows and /var/log/couchdb/couch.log on Unix.
    .PARAMETER Level
    Select level of log. Default is "info".
    Available levels:
        debug: Detailed debug logging.
        info: Informative logging. Includes HTTP requests headlines, startup of an external processes etc.
        warning: Warning messages are alerts about edge situations that may lead to errors.
        error: Error level includes only things that go wrong, like crash reports and HTTP error responses (5xx codes).
    .PARAMETER Follow
    Output appended data as the file grows.
    The last n lines of log. Default is 10.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Read-CouchDBLog -Level warning -Follow
    Append and wait new warning entry on default log.
    Read-CouchDBLog -Path /custom/couchdb/log/couch.log -Level error | Out-File error_couchdb.log
    Read only error,critical,alert,emergency log in a custom path and redirect to a new file.

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $Path,
        [ValidateSet("debug", "info", "notice", "warning", "error", "critical", "alert", "emergency")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Level = "info",
        [switch] $Follow,
        [int] $Tail,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    # Check if $Path is empty
    if (-not($Path)) {
        if ((Get-CouchDBConfiguration -Session log -Key file -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).results) {
            $Path = (Get-CouchDBConfiguration -Session log -Key file -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).results -replace '"', ''
    if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw "Log file not found! See 'Get-CouchDBConfiguration -Session log -Key file'" }
    # Set level
    $Levels = [PSCustomObject]@{
        debug     = @{
            color = "DarkYellow"
            level = "debug", "info", "notice", "warning", "error", "critical", "alert", "emergency"
        info      = @{
            color = "DarkGray"
            level = "info", "notice", "warning", "error", "critical", "alert", "emergency"
        notice    = @{
            color = "Gray"
            level = "notice", "warning", "error", "critical", "alert", "emergency"
        warning   = @{
            color = "Yellow"
            level = "warning", "error", "critical", "alert", "emergency"
        error     = @{
            color = "Red"
            level = "error", "critical", "alert", "emergency"
        critical  = @{
            color = "DarkRed"
            level = "critical", "alert", "emergency"
        alert     = @{
            color = "DarkMagenta"
            level = "alert", "emergency"
        emergency = @{
            color = "Magenta"
            level = "emergency"
    # Set option of Get-Content cmdlet
    $Parameters = @{
        Path = $Path
    if ($Follow.IsPresent) {
        if (-not($Tail)) { $Parameters.Add("Tail", 10) }
        $Parameters.Add("Wait", $true)
    if ($Tail) {
        $Parameters.Add("Tail", $Tail)
    # Run Get-Content
    Get-Content @Parameters | ForEach-Object {
        foreach ($lev in $Levels.$level.level) {
            if ($_ -match "\[$lev\]") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Levels.$lev.color $_ }

function Clear-CouchDBLog () {
    Clear log.
    Clear and rotate CouchDB log (couch.log).
    The path of log file. Default, is C:\CouchDB\couch.log on Windows and /var/log/couchdb/couch.log on Unix.
    .PARAMETER Rotate
    Rotate an existing log. Copy before delete in this format couch.log.t-i-m-e_s_t_a_m_p
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Clear-CouchDBLog -Rotate
    Clear default couch.log and save a copy before delete it.
    Clear-CouchDBLog -Path /custom/couchdb/log/couch.log
    Clear custom log /custom/couchdb/log/couch.log.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Path,
        [switch] $Rotate,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    # Check if $Path is empty
    if (-not($Path)) {
        if ((Get-CouchDBConfiguration -Session log -Key file -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).results) {
            $Path = (Get-CouchDBConfiguration -Session log -Key file -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).results -replace '"', ''
    if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw "Log file not found! See 'Get-CouchDBConfiguration -Session log -Key file'" }
    # Clear log
    if ($Rotate.IsPresent) {
        Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination "$Path.$(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss')" -Force
        Clear-Content -Path $Path -Force
    } else {
        Clear-Content -Path $Path -Force

function Get-CouchDBDatabaseUpdates () {
    Get database events.
    Returns a list of all database events in the CouchDB instance.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_db_updates
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    normal: Returns all historical DB changes, then closes the connection. Default.
    longpoll: Closes the connection after the first event.
    continuous: Send a line of JSON per event. Keeps the socket open until timeout.
    eventsource: Like, continuous, but sends the events in EventSource format.
    .PARAMETER Timeout
    Number of seconds until CouchDB closes the connection. Default is 60.
    .PARAMETER Heartbeat
    Period in milliseconds after which an empty line is sent in the results.
    Only applicable for longpoll, continuous, and eventsource feeds.
    Overrides any timeout to keep the feed alive indefinitely. Default is 60000.
    .PARAMETER Since
    Return only updates since the specified sequence ID. May be the string "now" to begin showing only new updates.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBDatabaseUpdates -Authorization admin:password
    This example get list of all database events in the CouchDB instance.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [ValidateSet("normal", "longpoll", "continuous", "eventsource")]
        [string] $Feed,
        [int] $Timeout,
        [int] $Heartbeat,
        [string] $Since,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $parameters = @()
    # Check if _global_changes exists
    if (-not(Get-CouchDBDatabase -Server $Server -Port $Port -Database "_global_changes" -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "Database _global_changes doesn't exists."
    $Database = '_db_updates'
    # Check Feed parameter
    if ($Feed) {
        $parameters += "feed=$Feed"
    # Check Timeout parameter
    if ($Timeout) {
        $parameters += "timeout=$Timeout"
    # Check Heartbeat parameter
    if ($Heartbeat) {
        $parameters += "heartbeat=$Heartbeat"
    # Check Since parameter
    if ($Since) {
        $parameters += if ($Since -eq "now") { "since=now" } else { "since=$Since" }
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Params $parameters -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Set-CouchDBProxy () {
    Set proxy server and credential.
    Set proxy server and credential for all calls.
    .PARAMETER Server
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Set-CouchDBProxy -Server 'http://myproxy.local:8080' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Set proxy server for all calls.

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Server,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [pscredential] $Credential
    # Check credential
    if ($Credential) {
        # Default parameter set variable for ProxyCredential
        $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*CouchDB*:ProxyCredential"] = $Credential
    # Default parameter set variable for ProxyServer
    $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*CouchDB*:ProxyServer"] = $Server

function Remove-CouchDBProxy () {
    Remove proxy server and credential.
    Remove proxy server and credential for all calls.
    Set proxy server for all calls.

    $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*CouchDB*:ProxyCredential"] = $null
    $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*CouchDB*:ProxyServer"] = $null

function Set-CouchDBMaintenanceMode () {
    Enable/Disable maintenance mode.
    Enable/Disable maintenance mode.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_db_updates
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    The CouchDB node of cluster. Default is couchdb@localhost.
    .PARAMETER Maintenance
    Maintenance on/off. Default is $true.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Set-CouchDBMaintenanceMode -Authorization admin:password
    Enable maintenance mode.
    Set-CouchDBMaintenanceMode -Maintenance:$false -Authorization admin:password
    Disable maintenance mode.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [string] $Node,
        [bool] $Maintenance = $true,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    # Compose doc
    if (-not($Node)) {
        if ((Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).name) {
            $Node = (Get-CouchDBNode -Server $Server -Port $Port -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential).name
        } else {
            $Node = Read-Host "Enter the node name (ex. couchdb@localhost)"
    $Database = "_node"
    $Document = "$Node/_config/couchdb/maintenance_mode"
    $Data = $Maintenance | ConvertTo-Json
    # Request
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential