
# Replication functions of CouchDB module

function Get-CouchDBReplication () {
    Get database replication.
    Get database replication status of CouchDB server.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_replicator/{docid}
        GET /_replicator/_all_docs
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Document
    The CouchDB document. Default is _all_docs.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBReplication -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example get all replica documents.
    Get-CouchDBReplication -Document "localhost-test_localhost-test_dump" -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example get "localhost-test_localhost-test_dump" replica documents.

        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Document = '_all_docs',
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_replicator"
    if (-not(Test-CouchDBDatabase -Server $Server -Port $Port -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl  -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "Database replicator $Database not exists."
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBReplicationScheduler () {
    Get more details of database replication.
    List of replication jobs. Includes replications created via /_replicate endpoint as well.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_scheduler/jobs
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Limit
    How many results to return.
    How many result to skip starting at the beginning, ordered by replication ID.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBReplicationScheduler -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example get scheduler of replication documents.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [int] $Limit,
        [int] $Skip,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_scheduler"
    $Document = 'jobs'
    # Check Limit parameter
    if ($Limit) {
        if ($Document -match "\?") {
            $Document += "&limit=$Limit"
        } else {
            $Document += "?limit=$Limit"
    # Check Skip parameter
    if ($Skip) {
        if ($Document -match "\?") {
            $Document += "&skip=$Skip"
        } else {
            $Document += "?skip=$Skip"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBReplicationDocument () {
    List of replication document states.
    List of replication document states. Includes information about all the documents, even in completed and failed states.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_scheduler/docs
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Limit
    How many results to return.
    How many result to skip starting at the beginning, ordered by replication ID.
    .PARAMETER ReplicatorDatabase
    Get information about replication documents from a replicator database.
    .PARAMETER ReplicatorDocuments
    Get information about replication document from a replicator database. -ReplicatorDatabase parameter is required.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBReplicationDocument -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example get the documents of replicas.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [int] $Limit,
        [int] $Skip,
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $ReplicatorDatabase,
        [ValidateScript( { if ($ReplicatorDatabase) { $true } else { $false } })]
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [string] $ReplicatorDocuments,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_scheduler"
    $Document = "docs"
    # Check ReplicatorDatabase parameter
    if ($ReplicatorDatabase) {
        $Document += "/$ReplicatorDatabase"
    # Check ReplicatorDatabase parameter
    if ($ReplicatorDocuments) {
        $Document += "/$ReplicatorDocuments"
    # Check Limit parameter
    if ($Limit) {
        if ($Document -match "\?") {
            $Document += "&limit=$Limit"
        } else {
            $Document += "?limit=$Limit"
    # Check Skip parameter
    if ($Skip) {
        if ($Document -match "\?") {
            $Document += "&skip=$Skip"
        } else {
            $Document += "?skip=$Skip"
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function New-CouchDBReplication () {
    Create a new replication job.
    Create a new replication job for a specidfic database.
    CouchDB API:
        PUT /_replicator
        POST /_replicator
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    The data in json format or PSCouchDBReplication object.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    using module PSCouchDB
    $rep = New-Object PSCouchDBReplication -ArgumentList 'test','reptest'
    New-CouchDBReplication -Data $rep -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example create replication from database "test" to database "reptest" in Continuous mode.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_replicator"
    # Check if replicator database exists
    if (-not(Test-CouchDBDatabase -Server $Server -Port $Port -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        New-CouchDBDatabase -Server $Server -Port $Port -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential | Out-Null
    # Check data if PSCouchDBReplication or string
    if ($Data -is [PSCouchDBReplication]) {
        $Data = $Data.ToJson()
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "POST" -Database $Database -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Get-CouchDBDatabaseChanges () {
    Get database changelogs.
    Returns a sorted list of changes made to documents in the database,
    in time order of application, can be obtained from the database’s _changes resource.
    CouchDB API:
        GET /_changes
        POST /_changes/
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Database
    The CouchDB database.
    .PARAMETER Filter
    Reference to a filter function from a design document that will filter whole stream emitting only filtered events.
    .PARAMETER Continuous
    Sends a line of JSON per event. Keeps the socket open until timeout.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Get-CouchDBDatabaseChanges -Database test
    This example get list of changes made to documents in the database "test".

        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Database,
        [array] $Filter,
        [switch] $Continuous ,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $parameters = @()
    if (-not(Test-CouchDBDatabase -Server $Server -Port $Port -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "Database $Database is not exists."
    $Document = '_changes'
    if ($Filter) {
        $parameters += 'filter=_doc_ids'
        $Data = "{ `"doc_ids`": $($Filter | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) }"
        Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "POST" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Params $parameters -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential
    } elseif ($Continuous.IsPresent) { 
        $parameters += 'feed=continuous'
        $Data = "{}"
        Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "POST" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Params $parameters -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential
    } else {
        Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "GET" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Params $parameters -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Set-CouchDBReplication () {
    Modify database replication.
    The default replicator database is _replicator. Additional replicator databases can be created.
    To be recognized as such by the system, their database names should end with /_replicator.
    CouchDB API:
        PUT /_replicator
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    The data in json format or PSCouchDBReplication object.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    using module PSCouchDB
    $rep = New-Object PSCouchDBReplication -ArgumentList 'test','reptest'
    Set-CouchDBReplication -Data $rep -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example modify replication from database "test" to database "reptest" in Continuous mode.

        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_replicator"
    if (-not(Test-CouchDBDatabase -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "Database _replicator not exists."
    # Check data if PSCouchDBReplication or string
    if ($Data -is [PSCouchDBReplication]) {
        $Data = $Data.ToJson()
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "PUT" -Database $Database -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Remove-CouchDBReplication () {
    Remove replication.
    Remove replication on CouchDB server.
    CouchDB API:
        DELETE /_replicator/{docid}
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    .PARAMETER Document
    The CouchDB replication document.
    .PARAMETER Revision
    The CouchDB revision document.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    .PARAMETER Force
    No confirmation prompt.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    Remove-CouchDBReplication -Document localhost-test_localhost-test_dump -Revision "2-4705a219cdcca7c72aac4f623f5c46a8" -Authorization "admin:password"
    The example removes "localhost-test_localhost-test_dump" replication document.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Document,
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Revision,
        [switch] $Force,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_replicator"
    if (-not(Test-CouchDBDatabase -Database $Database -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "Database _replicator is not exists."
    if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you wish remove replication $Document ?", "Remove $Document")) {
        Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "DELETE" -Database $Database -Document $Document -Revision $Revision -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential

function Request-CouchDBReplication () {
    Request a replication operation.
    Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.
    CouchDB API:
        POST /_replicate
    .PARAMETER Server
    The CouchDB server name. Default is localhost.
    The CouchDB server port. Default is 5984.
    The data in json format or PSCouchDBReplication object.
    .PARAMETER Authorization
    The CouchDB authorization form; user and password.
    Authorization format like this: user:password
    ATTENTION: if the password is not specified, it will be prompted.
    Set ssl connection on CouchDB server.
    This modify protocol to https and port to 6984.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
    Proxy server through which all non-local calls pass.
    Ex. ... -ProxyServer 'http://myproxy.local:8080' ...
    .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
    Proxy server credential. It must be specified with a PSCredential object.
    using module PSCouchDB
    $rep = New-Object PSCouchDBReplication -ArgumentList 'test','reptest'
    Request-CouchDBReplication -Data $rep -Authorization "admin:password"
    This example request replication of documents "Hitchhikers","Hitchhikers_Guide" from database "test" to database "reptest".

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Server,
        [int] $Port,
        [switch] $Ssl,
        [string] $ProxyServer,
        [pscredential] $ProxyCredential
    $Database = "_replicate"
    # Check data if PSCouchDBReplication or string
    if ($Data -is [PSCouchDBReplication]) {
        $Data = $Data.ToJson()
    Send-CouchDBRequest -Server $Server -Port $Port -Method "POST" -Database $Database -Data $Data -Authorization $Authorization -Ssl:$Ssl -ProxyServer $ProxyServer -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential