
#region Public Functions
#region Add-CommandToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 1 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-CommandToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:46:16
# Synopsis: Adds a command or script block to the config file, to be executed every time the invoke function is called.
Adds a command or script block to the config file, to be executed every time the invoke function is called.
Adds a command or script block to the config file, to be executed every time the invoke function is called.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlockName
Name for the script block
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The commands to be executed
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Add-CommandToPSConfigFile -ScriptBlockName DriveC -ScriptBlock "Get-ChildItem c:\"

Function Add-CommandToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]

    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName

    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Added Command: $($ScriptBlockName)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    $Update = @()
    [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$ExecuteObject = @()
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.Execute)) {
                IndexID     = 0
                Name        = $ScriptBlockName
                ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
    } else {
        $XMLData.Execute | ForEach-Object {$ExecuteObject.Add($_)}
        $IndexID = $ExecuteObject.IndexID | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
                IndexID     = ($IndexID + 1 )
                Name        = $ScriptBlockName
                ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $Userdata
        PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
        PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
        PSCreds     = $XMLData.PSCreds
        PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
        SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
        SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
        Execute     = ($ExecuteObject | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
    try {
        if ($force) {
            Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'Command Added: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($ScriptBlockName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }

} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-CommandToPSConfigFile
#region Add-CredentialToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 2 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-CredentialToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/05/21 03:47:31
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:46:04
# Synopsis: Creates a self signed cert, then uses it to securely save a credential to the config file.
Creates a self signed cert, then uses it to securely save a credential to the config file.
Creates a self signed cert, then uses it to securely save a credential to the config file.
You can export the cert, and install it on other machines. Then you would be able to decrypt the password on those machines.
This name will be used for the variable when invoke command is executed.
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential object to be saved.
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
$labcred = get-credential
Add-CredentialToPSConfigFile -Name LabTest -Credential $labcred

Function Add-CredentialToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]

 try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Added Credencial: $($Name)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    $selfcert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not($selfcert)) {
        $SelfSignedCertParams = @{
            DnsName           = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            KeyDescription    = 'PowerShell Credencial Encryption-Decryption Key'
            Provider          = 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider'
            KeyFriendlyName   = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            FriendlyName      = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            Subject           = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            KeyUsage          = 'DataEncipherment'
            Type              = 'DocumentEncryptionCert'
            HashAlgorithm     = 'sha256'
            CertStoreLocation = 'Cert:\\CurrentUser\\My'
            NotAfter          = (Get-Date).AddMonths(2)
            KeyExportPolicy   = 'Exportable'
        } # end params
        New-SelfSignedCertificate @SelfSignedCertParams | Out-Null
        $selfcert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $PasswordPointer = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Credential.Password)
    $PlainText = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($PasswordPointer)
    $EncodedPwd = [system.text.encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($PlainText)
    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -like 'Desktop') {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Password is saved for Windows PowerShell, rerun command in PowerShell Core to save it in that edition as well.'
        $Edition = 'PSDesktop'
        $EncryptedBytes = $selfcert.PublicKey.Key.Encrypt($EncodedPwd, $true)
    } else {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Password is saved for PowerShell Core, rerun command in Windows PowerShell Core to save it in that edition as well.'
        $Edition = 'PSCore'
        $EncryptedBytes = $selfcert.PublicKey.Key.Encrypt($EncodedPwd, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding]::OaepSHA512)
    $EncryptedPwd = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($EncryptedBytes)
    $Update = @()
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SetCreds = @()
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.PSCreds)) {
                Name         = $Name
                Edition      = $Edition
                UserName     = $Credential.UserName
                EncryptedPwd = $EncryptedPwd
    } else {
        $XMLData.PSCreds | ForEach-Object {[void]$SetCreds.Add($_)}
                Name         = $Name
                Edition      = $Edition
                UserName     = $Credential.UserName
                EncryptedPwd = $EncryptedPwd

    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $Userdata
        PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
        PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
        PSCreds     = ($SetCreds | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
        PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
        SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
        SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
        Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
    try {
        if ($force) {
            Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'Credential Added: ' -ForegroundColor Green  -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }
} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-CredentialToPSConfigFile
#region Add-FunctionToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 3 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-FunctionToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:46:39
# Synopsis: Creates Shortcuts (Functions) to commands or script blocks
Creates Shortcuts (Functions) to commands or script blocks
Creates Shortcuts (Functions) to commands or script blocks
.PARAMETER FunctionName
Name to use for the command
Command to run in a string format
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Add-FunctionToPSConfigFile -FunctionName psml -CommandToRun "import-module .\*.psm1 -force -verbose"

Function Add-FunctionToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]

    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Added Function: $($FunctionName)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    $Update = @()
    [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$FunctionObject = @()
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.PSFunction)) {
                Name    = $FunctionName 
                Command = $CommandToRun
    } else {
        $XMLData.PSFunction | ForEach-Object {$FunctionObject.Add($_)}
                Name    = $FunctionName 
                Command = $CommandToRun

    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $userdata
        PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
        PSFunction  = ($FunctionObject | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        PSCreds     = $XMLData.PSCreds
        PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
        SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
        SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
        Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
    try {
        if ($force) {
            Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'Function Added: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($FunctionName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }
} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-FunctionToPSConfigFile
#region Add-LocationToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 4 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-LocationToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:47:53
# Synopsis: Adds default location to the config file.
Adds default location to the config file.
Adds default location to the config file.
.PARAMETER LocationType
Is the location a folder or a PS-Drive.
Path to the folder or the PS-Drive name.
Add-LocationToPSConfigFile -LocationType PSDrive -Path temp
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Add-LocationToPSConfigFile -LocationType Folder -Path c:\temp

Function Add-LocationToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [validateSet('PSDrive', 'Folder')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { ( Test-Path $_) -or ( [bool](Get-PSDrive $_)) })]
    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName
    try {
        if ($LocationType -like 'PSDrive') {
            Get-PSDrive $Path -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            [string]$AddPath = "$($path)"
        if ($LocationType -like 'Folder') {
            [string]$AddPath = (Get-Item $path -ErrorAction Stop).FullName
    } catch { throw 'Could not find path' }

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Working Directory Changed: $($Path)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    $Update = @()
    $SetLocation = @{}
    $SetLocation += @{
        WorkerDir = $($AddPath)
    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $Userdata
        PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
        PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
        PSCreds     = $XMLData.PSCreds
        PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
        SetLocation = $SetLocation
        SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
        Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
    try {
        if ($force) {
            Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'Working Directory Changed: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($Path)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }

} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-LocationToPSConfigFile
#region Add-PSDefaultParameterToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 5 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-PSDefaultParameterToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/08/18 07:54:55
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:45:10
# Synopsis: Add PSDefaultParameterValues to the config file
Add PSDefaultParameterValues to the config file
Add PSDefaultParameterValues to the config file
The Function to add
.PARAMETER Parameter
The Parameter of that function.
Value of the parameter.
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Add-PSDefaultParameterToPSConfigFile -Function Start-PSLauncher -Parameter PSLauncherConfigFile -Value C:\temp\PSLauncherConfig.json

Function Add-PSDefaultParameterToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of a function to add, You can use wildcards to apply to more functions.')]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of a parameter to add, You can use wildcards to apply to more parameters.')]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The Value to add.')]

    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Add PSDefaultParameter $($Function):$($Parameter)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName
    [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$PSDefaultObject = @()
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.PSDefaults)) {
                Name  = "$($Function):$($Parameter)"
                Value = $Value
    } else {
        $XMLData.PSDefaults | ForEach-Object {[void]$PSDefaultObject.Add($_)}
                Name  = "$($Function):$($Parameter)"
                Value = $Value
    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $Userdata
        PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
        PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
        PSCreds     = $XMLData.PSCreds
        PSDefaults  = ($PSDefaultObject | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
        SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
        Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
    try {
        if ($force) {
            Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'PSDefault Added: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($Function):$($Parameter)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }
} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-PSDefaultParameterToPSConfigFile
#region Add-PSDriveToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 6 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-PSDriveToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:47:08
# Synopsis: Add PSDrive to the config file.
Add PSDrive to the config file.
Add PSDrive to the config file.
Name of the PSDrive (PSDrive needs to be created first with New-PSDrive)
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Add-PSDriveToPSConfigFile -DriveName TempDrive

Function Add-PSDriveToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [ValidateScript( { ( Get-PSDrive $_) })]
    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Added PSDrive: $($DriveName)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    $Update = @()
    [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$PSDriveObject = @()
    $InputDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name $DriveName | Select-Object Name, Root
    if ($null -eq $InputDrive) { Write-Error 'Unknown psdrive'; break }

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.PSDrive)) {
                Name = $InputDrive.Name
                Root = $InputDrive.Root
    } else {
        $XMLData.PSDrive | ForEach-Object {$PSDriveObject.Add($_)}
                Name = $InputDrive.Name
                Root = $InputDrive.Root

    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $Userdata
        PSDrive     = ($PSDriveObject | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
        PSCreds     = $XMLData.PSCreds
        PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
        SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
        SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
        Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
    try {
        Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm).xml" -Force
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'PSDrive Added: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($DriveName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }
} #end Function

Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-PSDriveToPSConfigFile
#region Add-VariableToPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 7 of 15 ##################
# Function: Add-VariableToPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:48:33
# Synopsis: Adds variable to the config file.
Adds variable to the config file.
Adds variable to the config file.
.PARAMETER VariableNames
The name of the variable. (Needs to exist already)
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Add-VariableToPSConfigFile -VariableNames AzureToken

Function Add-VariableToPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [ValidateScript( { ( Get-Variable $_) })]
    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = "Added variable: $($VariableNames)"
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    foreach ($VariableName in $VariableNames) {
        $Update = @()
        [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$VarObject = @()
        $InputVar = Get-Variable -Name $VariableName
        $inputtype = $InputVar.Value.GetType()
        if ($inputtype.Name -like 'PSCredential' -or $inputtype.Name -like 'SecureString') { Write-Error 'PSCredential or SecureString not allowed'; break }

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.SetVariable)) {
                    $InputVar.Name.ToString() = $InputVar.Value
        } else {
            $XMLData.SetVariable | ForEach-Object {$VarObject.Add($_)}
                    $InputVar.Name.ToString() = $InputVar.Value

        $Update = [psobject]@{
            Userdata    = $Userdata
            PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
            PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
            PSCreds     = $XMLData.PSCreds
            PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
            SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
            SetVariable = ($VarObject | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
            Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
        try {
            if ($force) {
                Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
            } else {
                Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
                Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
            Write-Host 'Variable Added: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
            Write-Host "$($VariableNames)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }
} #end Function

$scriptblock = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
    Get-Variable | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$wordToComplete*"} | ForEach-Object {"$($"}  
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Add-VariableToPSConfigFile -ParameterName VariableNames -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-VariableToPSConfigFile
#region Export-PSConfigFilePFX.ps1
######## Function 8 of 15 ##################
# Function: Export-PSConfigFilePFX
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/08/18 09:33:12
# ModifiedOn: 2022/08/19 18:17:18
# Synopsis: Export the PFX file for credentials.
Export the PFX file for credentials.
Export the PFX file for credentials.
Path where the pfx will be saved.
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential used to export the pfx file.
$creds = Get-Credential
Export-PSConfigFilePFX -Path C:\temp -Credential $creds

Function Export-PSConfigFilePFX {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path $_) { $true }
                else { New-Item -Path $_ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null; $true }
        [pscredential]$Credential = (Get-Credential -UserName PFXExport -Message 'For the exported pfx file')

    $selfcert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not($selfcert)) { Write-Warning 'Certificate does not exist, nothing to export'}
    else {
        if (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath '\PSConfigFileCert.pfx')) {
            Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath '\PSConfigFileCert.pfx') -NewName "PSConfigFileCert-$(Get-Date -Format"
        $selfcert | Export-PfxCertificate -NoProperties -NoClobber -Force -CryptoAlgorithmOption AES256_SHA256 -ChainOption EndEntityCertOnly -Password $Credential.Password -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath '\PSConfigFileCert.pfx')

} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-PSConfigFilePFX
#region Import-PSConfigFilePFX.ps1
######## Function 9 of 15 ##################
# Function: Import-PSConfigFilePFX
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/08/18 09:38:48
# ModifiedOn: 2022/08/19 18:24:58
# Synopsis: Import the PFX file for credentials
Import the PFX file for credentials
Import the PFX file for credentials
Path to the PFX file.
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential used to create the pfx file.
Will override existing certificates.
$creds = Get-Credential
Import-PSConfigFilePFX -Path C:\temp\PSConfigFileCert.pfx -Credential $creds

Function Import-PSConfigFilePFX {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [ValidateScript( { if ((Get-Item $_).Extension -like '.pfx') { $true }
                else {throw 'Not a valid .pfx file'}    
        [pscredential]$Credential = (Get-Credential -UserName InportPFX -Message 'For the imported pfx file'),
        [switch]$Force = $false
    $CheckExisting = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
    if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CheckExisting))) {
        if ($Force) {$CheckExisting | ForEach-Object {Remove-Item Cert:\CurrentUser\My\$($_.Thumbprint) -Force}}
        else {
            Write-Warning 'Certificate already exists, use -Force to override the existing certificate'
    Import-PfxCertificate -Exportable -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My -FilePath $Path -Password $Credential.Password 
} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Import-PSConfigFilePFX
#region Invoke-PSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 10 of 15 ##################
# Function: Invoke-PSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 09:10:47
# Synopsis: Executes the config from the json file.
Executes the config from the json file.
Executes the config from the json file.
Path to the the config file that was created by New-PSConfigFile
.PARAMETER DisplayOutput
By default no output is displayed, switch this on to display the output. Or use Show-PSConfigFile to display the last execution.
Invoke-PSConfigFile -ConfigFile C:\Temp\config\PSConfigFile.xml

Function Invoke-PSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
    param (
        [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq '.xml') })]
        [switch]$DisplayOutput = $false

    #region import file
    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $ConfigFile -ErrorAction Stop
        $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.Userdata)) { Write-Error 'Valid Parameters file not found'; break }
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Import: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Import: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)") }

    try {
        $Script:PSConfigFileOutput = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] PSConfigFile Execution Start")
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ##############################################################")
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Module Version', "$((Get-Module PSConfigFile -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending)[0].Version)"
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Using PSCustomConfig File', "$($confile.fullname)"
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Config Start: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Config Start: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)") }

    #region User Data
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ################### Config File: Meta Data ###################")
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Creation Data:")
        $XMLData.Userdata.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {$ -notlike 'ModifiedData' } | ForEach-Object {
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($_.value)
        $BackupsToDelete = Get-ChildItem "$($confile.Directory)\Outdated_PSConfigFile*" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -Skip $($XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep)
        if ($BackupsToDelete.count -gt 0) {
            $BackupsToDelete | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Backups Removed', $($BackupsToDelete.count)
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error user data: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error user data: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region User Data Modified
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Modification Data:")
        $XMLData.Userdata.ModifiedData.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($_.value)
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Modified: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Modified: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Session Data
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ###################### Session Details: ######################")
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Current Session:")
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'User', "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())" 
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'PSExecutionPolicy', $env:PSExecutionPolicyPreference
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Hostname', (([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName).ToLower()
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'PSEdition', "$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) (ver $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()))"
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'OS', (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error user data: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error user data: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Set Variables
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] #################### Config File Details: ####################")
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Setting Variables:")
        foreach ($SetVariable in  ($XMLData.SetVariable | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
            $VarMember = $SetVariable | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty, Property
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($SetVariable.$($
            try {
                New-Variable -Name $($ -Value $($SetVariable.$($ -Force -Scope global -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error Variable: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Variable: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'PSConfigFilePath', $(($confile.Directory).FullName)
        New-Variable -Name 'PSConfigFilePath' -Value ($confile.Directory).FullName -Scope global -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'PSConfigFile', $(($confile).FullName)
        New-Variable -Name 'PSConfigFile' -Value $confile.FullName -Scope global -Force -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Variable: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Variable: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Set PsDrives
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Creating PSDrives:")
        foreach ($SetPSDrive in  ($XMLData.PSDrive | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($SetPSDrive.Name), $($SetPSDrive.root)
            if (-not(Get-PSDrive -Name $ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                New-PSDrive -Name $ -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $SetPSDrive.root -Scope Global | Out-Null
            } else {$PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<w>Warning: PSDrive - Already exists') }
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error PSDrive: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error PSDrive: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Set Function
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Creating Functions: ")
        foreach ($SetPSFunction in  ($XMLData.PSFunction | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
            $tmp = $null
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($SetPSFunction.Command)
            $command = "function global:$($ {$($SetPSFunction.command)}"
            $tmp = [scriptblock]::Create($command)
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Function: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Function: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Creds
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Creating Credentials: ")
        $NonEditionCreds = ($XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$_.Edition -notlike "*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)*"})
        $EditionCreds = ($XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$_.Edition -like "*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)*"})
        $CheckEditionCreds = $NonEditionCreds | Where-Object {$ -notin $}
        if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CheckEditionCreds))) {
            Write-Warning "Re-enter your passwords for $($ | Join-String -Separator ',') (PS$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) Edition)"
            Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile -RenewSavedPasswords $CheckEditionCreds.Name
            $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName

        foreach ($Cred in ($XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$_.Edition -like "*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)*"})) {
            $selfcert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($selfcert.NotAfter -lt (Get-Date)) {
                Write-Error "User Certificate not found.`nOr has expired"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<e>Error Credentials: Message: User Certificate not found. Or has expired')
            } else {
                $credname = $Cred.Name
                $username = $Cred.UserName
                $password = $Cred.EncryptedPwd
                $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($credname), "(PS$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)) $($username)"
                $EncryptedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($password)
                if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -like 'Desktop') {
                    try {
                        $DecryptedBytes = $selfcert.PrivateKey.Decrypt($EncryptedBytes, $true)
                    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Credentials: `n`tMessage: Password was encoded in PowerShell Core"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<e>Error Credentials: Message: Password was encoded in PowerShell Core')}
                } else {
                    try {
                        $DecryptedBytes = $selfcert.PrivateKey.Decrypt($EncryptedBytes, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding]::OaepSHA512)
                    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Credentials: `n`tMessage: Password was encoded in PowerShell Desktop"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<e>Error Credentials: Message: Password was encoded in PowerShell Desktop')}
                try {
                    $DecryptedPwd = [system.text.encoding]::UTF8.GetString($DecryptedBytes) | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
                    New-Variable -Name $Credname -Value (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $DecryptedPwd)) -Scope Global -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                } catch {Write-Warning "Error Credentials: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Credentials: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Credentials: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"}

    #region Set PSDefaults
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Setting PSDefaultParameterValues:")
        $SortDefaults = ($XMLData.PSDefaults | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null}) | Sort-Object -Property Name
        foreach ($PSD in $SortDefaults) {
            if ($global:PSDefaultParameterValues["$($PSD.Name)"]) {$global:PSDefaultParameterValues["$($PSD.Name)"] = $PSD.Value}
            else {$global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Add("$($PSD.Name)", "$($PSD.Value)")}
        foreach ($Defaults in ($global:PSDefaultParameterValues.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Function:{0,-20} Parameter:{1,-30}: {2}" -f $($Defaults.Name.Split(':')[0]), $($Defaults.Name.Split(':')[1]), $($Defaults.Value)
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error PSDefaults $($PSD.Name): `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error PSDefaults $($PSD.Name): Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Set Location
    try {
        if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.SetLocation))) {
            $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
            $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Setting Working Directory: ")
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Location:', $($($XMLData.SetLocation.WorkerDir))
            if ([bool](Get-PSDrive $($XMLData.SetLocation.WorkerDir) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Set-Location -Path "$($XMLData.SetLocation.WorkerDir):" }
            elseif (Test-Path $($XMLData.SetLocation.WorkerDir)) { Set-Location $($XMLData.SetLocation.WorkerDir) }
            else { Write-Error '<e>No valid location found.' }
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Location: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Creds: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    #region Execute Commands
    try {
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
        $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Executing Commands: ")
        foreach ($execute in  ($XMLData.execute | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
            $tmp = $null
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($execute.ScriptBlock)
            $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ScriptBlock Output:")
            $tmp = [scriptblock]::Create($execute.ScriptBlock)
            Invoke-Command $tmp -OutVariable output
            $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] $($output | Out-String)")
    } catch {Write-Warning "Error Commands: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Commands: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

    $PSConfigFileOutput.Add('<h> ')
    $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ##############################################################")
    $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] PSConfigFile Execution End")

    if ($DisplayOutput) {
        foreach ($line in $PSConfigFileOutput) {
            if ($line -like '<h>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<h>', '') -Color DarkCyan }
            if ($line -like '<b>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<b>', '') -Color DarkGray }
            if ($line -like '<w>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<w>', '') -Color DarkYellow }
            if ($line -like '<e>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<e>', '') -Color DarkRed }
    } else {
        Write-Host '[Completed]' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host ' Invoke-PSConfigFile ' -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host '[ConfigFile]: ' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline; Write-Host "$ConfigFile" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-PSConfigFile
#region New-PSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 11 of 15 ##################
# Function: New-PSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 07:46:25
# Synopsis: Creates a new config file
Creates a new config file
Creates a new config file. If a config file already exists in that folder, it will be renamed.
Directory to create config file
.PARAMETER BackupsToKeep
The amount of copies to keep of the config file when config is changed.
 New-PSConfigFile -ConfigDir C:\Temp\config -BackupsToKeep 3

Function New-PSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, HelpURI = '')]
    param (
        [ValidateScript( {if (Test-Path $_) {$true}
                else {New-Item -Path $_ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The amount of backup copies to keep of the config file.')]
        [int]$BackupsToKeep = 10 

    function DafaultSettings {
        try {
            $Userdata = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Owner             = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
                CreatedOn         = [datetime](Get-Date)
                PSExecutionPolicy = $env:PSExecutionPolicyPreference
                Path              = "$((Join-Path (Get-Item $ConfigDir).FullName -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml))"
                Hostname          = (([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName).ToLower()
                PSEdition         = "$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) (ver $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()))"
                OS                = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
                BackupsToKeep     = $BackupsToKeep
                ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    ModifiedDate   = 'None'
                    ModifiedUser   = 'None'
                    ModifiedAction = 'None'
                    Path           = 'None'
                    Hostname       = 'None'
        } catch {Write-Warning "Error: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"}
        $SetLocation = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $SetVariable = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $Execute = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $PSDrive = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $PSFunction = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $PSCreds = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $PSDefaults = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}   
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Userdata    = $Userdata
            PSDrive     = $PSDrive
            PSFunction  = $PSFunction
            PSCreds     = $PSCreds
            PSDefaults  = $PSDefaults
            SetLocation = $SetLocation
            SetVariable = $SetVariable
            Execute     = $Execute


    $Fullpath = Get-Item $ConfigDir
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('Target', 'Operation')) {
        $check = Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (-not($check)) {
            Write-Output 'Config File does not exit, creating default settings.'

            $data = DafaultSettings
            $data | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml) -Force -NoClobber -Encoding utf8
            Write-Host '[Created] ' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline; Write-Host "$((Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml))" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
        } else {
            Write-Warning "ConfigFile exists, renaming file now to:`n`nPSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy_HHmm).xml"
            Rename-Item (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml) -NewName "PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy_HHmm).xml"

            $data = DafaultSettings
            $data | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml) -Force -NoClobber -Encoding utf8
            Write-Host '[Created] ' -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline; Write-Host "$((Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml))" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
    Invoke-PSConfigFile -ConfigFile (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSConfigFile.xml) -DisplayOutput
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PSConfigFile
#region Remove-ConfigFromPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 12 of 15 ##################
# Function: Remove-ConfigFromPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/05/22 07:47:34
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:58:43
# Synopsis: Removes a item from the config file.
Removes a item from the config file.
Removes a item from the config file.
Which config item to remove.
The value of the config item to filter out.
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Remove-ConfigFromPSConfigFile -Config PSDrive -Value ProdMods

Function Remove-ConfigFromPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
        [ValidateSet('Variable', 'PSDrive', 'Function', 'Command', 'Credential', 'PSDefaults', 'Location')]

    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]]$XMLData = @()
    $XMLData.Add((Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName))
    $userdataModAction = 'Removed Config: '

    if ($Config -like 'Variable') {
        $userdataModAction += "Variable: $(($XMLData.setvariable | Where-Object {$_ -like "*$($Value)*"} | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).name)`n"
        $SetVariable = $XMLData.setvariable | Where-Object {$_ -notlike "*$($Value)*"}
    } else {$SetVariable = $XMLData.setvariable}

    if ($Config -like 'PSDrive') {
        $userdataModAction += "PSDrive: $(($XMLData.PSDrive | Where-Object {$ -like "*$($Value)*"}).name)`n"
        $SetPSDrive = $XMLData.PSDrive | Where-Object {$ -notlike "*$Value*"}
    } else {$SetPSDrive = $XMLData.PSDrive}

    if ($Config -like 'Function') {
        $userdataModAction += "Function: $(($XMLData.PSFunction | Where-Object {$ -like "*$($Value)*"}).name)`n"
        $SetPSFunction = $XMLData.PSFunction | Where-Object {$ -notlike "*$Value*"}
    } else {$SetPSFunction = $XMLData.PSFunction}

    if ($Config -like 'Command') { 
        $userdataModAction += "Command: $(($XMLData.Execute | Where-Object {$ -like "*$($Value)*"}).name)`n"
        $SetExecute = $XMLData.Execute | Where-Object {$ -notlike "*$Value*"}
    } else {$SetExecute = $XMLData.Execute}

    if ($Config -like 'Credential') {
        $userdataModAction += "Credential: $(($XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$ -like "*$($Value)*"}).name)`n"
        $SetCreds = $XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$ -notlike "*$Value*"}
    } else {$SetCreds = $XMLData.PSCreds}

    if ($Config -like 'PSDefaults') {
        $userdataModAction += "PSDefaults: $(($XMLData.PSDefaults | Where-Object {$ -like "*$($Value)*"}).name)`n"
        $SetPSDefaults = $XMLData.PSDefaults | Where-Object {$ -notlike "*$Value*"}
    } else {$SetPSDefaults = $XMLData.PSDefaults}

    if ($Config -like 'Location') {
        $userdataModAction += "Removed Location`n"
        $SetLocation = @{}
    } else {$SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation}
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = ($userdataModAction | Out-String).Trim()
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName
    $Update = @()
    $Update = [psobject]@{
        Userdata    = $Userdata
        PSDrive     = ($SetPSDrive | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        PSFunction  = ($SetPSFunction | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        PSCreds     = ($SetCreds | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        PSDefaults  = ($SetPSDefaults | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        SetLocation = ($SetLocation | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        SetVariable = ($SetVariable | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
        Execute     = ($SetExecute | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})
    try {
        if ($force) {
            Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
            Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
        Write-Host 'Config Removed: ' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$(($userdataModAction | Out-String).Trim().Replace('Removed Config: ',$null))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }
} #end Function

Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-ConfigFromPSConfigFile
#region Set-PSConfigFileExecution.ps1
######## Function 13 of 15 ##################
# Function: Set-PSConfigFileExecution
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 08:43:25
# Synopsis: Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile.
Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile.
Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile.
Enable or disable loading of config when your ps profile is loaded.
.PARAMETER DisplayOutput
Will add the DisplayOutput parameter when setting the invoke command in the profile.
Set-PSConfigFileExecution -PSProfile AddScript -DisplayOutput

Function Set-PSConfigFileExecution {
    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Profile', HelpURI = '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Profile')]
        [validateSet('AddScript', 'RemoveScript')]
        [string]$PSProfile = 'AddScript',

    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('Target', 'Operation')) {

        $module = Get-Module PSConfigFile
        if (![bool]$module) { $module = Get-Module PSConfigFile -ListAvailable }

        if ($DisplayOutput) {
            $ToAppend = @"
`$PSConfigFileModule = Get-ChildItem `"$((Join-Path ((Get-Item $Module.ModuleBase).Parent).FullName '\*\PSConfigFile.psm1'))`" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 #PSConfigFile
Import-Module `$PSConfigFileModule.FullName -Force #PSConfigFile
Invoke-PSConfigFile -ConfigFile `"$($confile.FullName)`" -DisplayOutput #PSConfigFile

        } else {
            $ToAppend = @"
`$PSConfigFileModule = Get-ChildItem `"$((Join-Path ((Get-Item $Module.ModuleBase).Parent).FullName '\*\PSConfigFile.psm1'))`" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 #PSConfigFile
Import-Module `$PSConfigFileModule.FullName -Force #PSConfigFile
Invoke-PSConfigFile -ConfigFile `"$($confile.FullName)`" #PSConfigFile


        if ($PSProfile -like 'AddScript') {

            $PersonalPowerShell = [IO.Path]::Combine("$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'))", 'PowerShell')
            $PersonalWindowsPowerShell = [IO.Path]::Combine("$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'))", 'WindowsPowerShell')
            $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($PersonalPowerShell)\*profile*"
            $files += Get-ChildItem -Path "$($PersonalWindowsPowerShell)\*profile*"
            foreach ($file in $files) {    
                $tmp = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*PSConfigFile*'}
                $tmp | Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Force
                Add-Content -Value $ToAppend -Path $file.FullName -Force -Encoding utf8
                Write-Host '[Updated]' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host ' Profile File:' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Host " $($file.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Green
        if ($PSProfile -like 'RemoveScript') {
            $PersonalPowerShell = [IO.Path]::Combine("$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'))", 'PowerShell')
            $PersonalWindowsPowerShell = [IO.Path]::Combine("$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'))", 'WindowsPowerShell')
            $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($PersonalPowerShell)\*profile*"
            $files += Get-ChildItem -Path "$($PersonalWindowsPowerShell)\*profile*"
            foreach ($file in $files) {    
                $tmp = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*PSConfigFile*'}
                $tmp | Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Force
                Write-Host '[Removed]' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host ' From Profile File:' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Host " $($file.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Green

} #end Function

Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-PSConfigFileExecution
#region Show-PSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 14 of 15 ##################
# Function: Show-PSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/03/20 13:17:05
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 09:11:18
# Synopsis: Display what's configured in the config file.
Display what's configured in the config file.
Display what's configured in the config file. But doesn't execute the commands
.PARAMETER ShowLastInvokeOutput
Display the output of the last Invoke-PSConfigFile execution.
.PARAMETER OtherConfigFile
Path to a previously created config file.
Show-PSConfigFile -ShowLastInvokeOutput

Function Show-PSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
    param (

    if ($ShowLastInvokeOutput) { $outputfile = $PSConfigFileOutput }
    else {
        try {
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OtherConfigFile)) {
                Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
                $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
                $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
                $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName
            } else {
                try {
                    $confile = Get-Item $OtherConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
                } catch {
                    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
                    $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
                    $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
                    $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName
            #region Import xml
            $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData)) { Write-Error 'Valid Parameters file not found'; break }
            $outputfile = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] PSConfigFile Details")
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ##############################################################")
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Module Version', "$((Get-Module PSConfigFile -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending)[0].Version)"
            $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Showing PSCustomConfig file', "$($confile.fullname)"

            #region User Data
            try {
                $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
                $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] ################### Config File: Meta Data ###################")
                $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Creation Data:")
                $XMLData.Userdata.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {$ -notlike 'ModifiedData' } | ForEach-Object {
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($_.value)
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error user data: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error user data: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

            #region User Data Modified
            try {
                $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
                $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Modification Data:")
                $XMLData.Userdata.ModifiedData.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())]`t`t{0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($_.value)
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error Modified: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Modified: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

            #region Set Variables
            $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] #################### Config File Details: ####################")
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Variables to be created:")
            foreach ($SetVariable in  ($XMLData.SetVariable | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
                $VarMember = $SetVariable | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty, Property
                $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($SetVariable.$($
            $PSConfigFilePathoutput = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'PSConfigFilePath', $(($confile.Directory).FullName)
            $PSConfigFileoutput = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'PSConfigFile', $(($confile).FullName)

            #region Set PsDrives
            try {
                $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
                $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] PSDrives to be created:")
                foreach ($SetPSDrive in  ($XMLData.PSDrive | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($SetPSDrive.Name), $($SetPSDrive.root)
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error PSDrive: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $outputfile.Add("<e>Error PSDrive: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

            #region Set Function
            try {
                $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
                $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Functions to be created: ")
                foreach ($SetPSFunction in  ($XMLData.PSFunction | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($SetPSFunction.Command)
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error Function: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $outputfile.Add("<e>Error Function: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

            #region Creds
            $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Credentials to be created: ")
                foreach ($Cred in ($XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$_.Edition -like "*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)*"})) {
                    $credname = $Cred.Name
                    $username = $Cred.UserName
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($credname), "(PS$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)) $($username)"

            #region Set PSDefaults
            $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] PSDefaultParameterValues to be created:")
            foreach ($PSD in  $XMLData.PSDefaults) {
                $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Function:{0,-20} Parameter:{1,-30}: {2}" -f $($PSD.Name.Split(':')[0]), $($PSD.Name.Split(':')[1]), $($PSD.Value)

            #region Set Location
            try {
                if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($XMLData.SetLocation))) {
                    $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
                    $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Working Directory to be set: ")
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f 'Location:', $($($XMLData.SetLocation.WorkerDir))
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error Location: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $PSConfigFileOutput.Add("<e>Error Creds: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

            #region Execute Commands
            try {
                $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
                $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] Commands to be executed: ")
                foreach ($execute in  ($XMLData.execute | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null})) {
                    $output = "<b>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] {0,-28}: {1,-20}" -f $($, $($execute.ScriptBlock)
            } catch {Write-Warning "Error Commands: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"; $outputfile.Add("<e>Error Commands: Message:$($_.Exception.Message)")}

            $outputfile.Add('<h> ')
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] #######################################################")
            $outputfile.Add("<h>[$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString())] PSConfigFile Details End")
        } catch {Write-Warning "Error: `n`tMessage:$($_.Exception.Message)"}

    foreach ($line in $outputfile) {
        if ($line -like '<h>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<h>', '') -Color DarkCyan }
        if ($line -like '<b>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<b>', '') -Color DarkGray }
        if ($line -like '<w>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<w>', '') -Color DarkYellow }
        if ($line -like '<e>*') { Write-Color $line.Replace('<e>', '') -Color DarkRed }

} #end Function
Export-ModuleMember -Function Show-PSConfigFile
#region Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile.ps1
######## Function 15 of 15 ##################
# Function: Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile
# Module: PSConfigFile
# ModuleVersion: 0.1.36
# Author: Pierre Smit
# Company: HTPCZA Tech
# CreatedOn: 2022/09/01 18:30:26
# ModifiedOn: 2022/09/18 07:46:05
# Synopsis: Allows you to renew the certificate or saved passwords.
Allows you to renew the certificate or saved passwords.
Allows you to renew the certificate or saved passwords.
.PARAMETER RenewSelfSignedCert
Creates a new self signed certificate, and re-encrypts the passwords.
.PARAMETER RenewSavedPasswords
Re-encrypts the passwords for the current PS Edition. Run it in PS core and desktop to save both version.
Will delete the config file before saving the new one. If false, then the config file will be renamed.
Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile -RenewSavedPasswords All

Function Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(HelpURI = '')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '')]
        [string[]]$RenewSavedPasswords = 'All',

 try {
        $confile = Get-Item $PSConfigFile -ErrorAction stop
    } catch {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Filter = 'XML | *.xml' }
        $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
        $confile = Get-Item $FileBrowser.FileName

    $XMLData = Import-Clixml -Path $confile.FullName
    $userdata = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Owner             = $XMLData.Userdata.Owner
        CreatedOn         = $XMLData.Userdata.CreatedOn
        PSExecutionPolicy = $XMLData.Userdata.PSExecutionPolicy
        Path              = $XMLData.Userdata.Path
        Hostname          = $XMLData.Userdata.Hostname
        PSEdition         = $XMLData.Userdata.PSEdition
        OS                = $XMLData.Userdata.OS
        BackupsToKeep     = $XMLData.Userdata.BackupsToKeep
        ModifiedData      = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ModifiedDate   = [datetime](Get-Date)
            ModifiedUser   = "$($env:USERNAME.ToLower())@$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN.ToLower())"
            ModifiedAction = 'Modified Credentials'
            Path           = "$confile"
            Hostname       = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(($($env:COMPUTERNAME)))).HostName

    function RedoPass {

        $selfcert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $Update = @()
        [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$CredsObject = @()
        [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$RenewCredsObject = @()
        [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$ThisEdition = @()
        [System.Collections.generic.List[PSObject]]$OtherEdition = @()
        $AllCreds = $XMLData.PSCreds | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique 

        if ($RenewSavedPasswords -like 'All') {
            $AllCreds | ForEach-Object {$RenewCredsObject.add($_)}
        } else {
            $XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$_.Edition -like "*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique | ForEach-Object {$ThisEdition.add($_)}
            $XMLData.PSCreds | Where-Object {$_.Edition -notlike "*$($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique | ForEach-Object {$OtherEdition.add($_)}
            $OtherEdition | Where-Object {$ -notin $ThisEdition.Name} | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique | ForEach-Object {$RenewCredsObject.add($_)}
            foreach ($AddCred in $RenewSavedPasswords) {
                $AllCreds | Where-Object {$ -like $AddCred} | ForEach-Object {$RenewCredsObject.add($_)}
                $ThisEdition | Where-Object {$ -like $AddCred} | ForEach-Object {$ThisEdition.Remove($_)}
            $ThisEdition | ForEach-Object {$CredsObject.Add($_)}
            $OtherEdition | ForEach-Object {$CredsObject.Add($_)}
            $RenewCredsObject = $RenewCredsObject | Sort-Object -Property name -Unique

        foreach ($cred in $RenewCredsObject) {
            $tmpcred = Get-Credential -UserName $cred.UserName -Message 'Renew Password'
            $PasswordPointer = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($tmpcred.Password)
            $PlainText = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($PasswordPointer)
            $EncodedPwd = [system.text.encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($PlainText)
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -like 'Desktop') {
                Write-Warning -Message 'Password is saved for Windows PowerShell, rerun command in PowerShell Core to save it in that edition as well.'
                $Edition = 'PSDesktop'
                $EncryptedBytes = $selfcert.PublicKey.Key.Encrypt($EncodedPwd, $true)
            } else {
                Write-Warning -Message 'Password is saved for PowerShell Core, rerun command in Windows PowerShell Core to save it in that edition as well.'
                $Edition = 'PSCore'
                $EncryptedBytes = $selfcert.PublicKey.Key.Encrypt($EncodedPwd, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding]::OaepSHA512)
            $EncryptedPwd = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($EncryptedBytes)
                    Name         = $
                    Edition      = $Edition
                    UserName     = $cred.UserName
                    EncryptedPwd = $EncryptedPwd

        $Update = [psobject]@{
            Userdata    = $Userdata
            PSDrive     = $XMLData.PSDrive
            PSFunction  = $XMLData.PSFunction
            PSCreds     = ($CredsObject | Where-Object {$_ -notlike $null} | Sort-Object -Property Name)
            PSDefaults  = $XMLData.PSDefaults
            SetLocation = $XMLData.SetLocation
            SetVariable = $XMLData.SetVariable
            Execute     = $XMLData.Execute
        try {
            if ($force) {
                Remove-Item -Path $confile.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Removed' -ForegroundColor Red
            } else {
                Rename-Item -Path $confile -NewName "Outdated_PSConfigFile_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmm)_$(Get-Random -Maximum 50).xml" -Force
                Write-Host 'Original ConfigFile Renamed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $Update | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $confile.FullName -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
            Write-Host 'Credentials Updated' -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "ConfigFile: $($confile.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        } catch { Write-Error "Error: `n $_" }

    if ($RenewSelfSignedCert) { 
        Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like 'CN=PSConfigFileCert*'} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {Remove-Item Cert:\CurrentUser\My\$($_.Thumbprint) -Force}
        $SelfSignedCertParams = @{
            DnsName           = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            KeyDescription    = 'PowerShell Credencial Encryption-Decryption Key'
            Provider          = 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider'
            KeyFriendlyName   = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            FriendlyName      = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            Subject           = 'PSConfigFileCert'
            KeyUsage          = 'DataEncipherment'
            Type              = 'DocumentEncryptionCert'
            HashAlgorithm     = 'sha256'
            CertStoreLocation = 'Cert:\\CurrentUser\\My'
            NotAfter          = (Get-Date).AddMonths(2)
            KeyExportPolicy   = 'Exportable'
        } # end params
        New-SelfSignedCertificate @SelfSignedCertParams | Out-Null
        RedoPass -RenewSavedPasswords All
    if (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RenewSavedPasswords))) {RedoPass -RenewSavedPasswords $RenewSavedPasswords}

} #end Function
$scriptblock = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
    $var = @('All')
    $var += Get-Variable | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$wordToComplete*" -and $_.value -like 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential'} | ForEach-Object {"$($"}
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile -ParameterName RenewSavedPasswords -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-CredentialsInPSConfigFile