PSConfigFile about_PSConfigFile SHORT DESCRIPTION Creates a Config file with Commands, Variables, PSDrives, Credentials, Aliases\Shortcuts and a Default Starting location. You can then execute this config file when your profile is loaded, or when a specific module is imported, or you can run it manually. This way you can quickly and easily switch between "environment setups" with these default values NOTES Functions in this module: Add-AliasToPSConfigFile -- Creates Shortcuts (Aliases) to commands or script blocks Add-CommandToPSConfigFile -- Adds a command or script block to the config file, to be executed every time the invoke function is called. Add-CredentialToPSConfigFile -- Creates a self signed cert, then uses it to securely save a credentials to the config file. Add-LocationToPSConfigFile -- Adds default location to the config file. Add-PSDriveToPSConfigFile -- Add PSDrive to the config file. Add-VariableToPSConfigFile -- Adds variable to the config file. Invoke-PSConfigFile -- Executes the config from the json file. New-PSConfigFile -- Creates a new config file Remove-ConfigFromPSConfigFile -- Removes a item from the config file. Set-PSConfigFileExecution -- Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile or a PowerShell module Show-PSConfigFile -- Display what's configured in the config file. SEE ALSO https://github.com/smitpi/PSConfigFile https://smitpi.github.io/PSConfigFile |