<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.1.1 .GUID e01db8ba-089a-4bbf-a255-4db496569215 .AUTHOR Pierre Smit .COMPANYNAME iOCO Tech .COPYRIGHT .TAGS ps .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Created [18/11/2021_08:26] Initial Script Creating Updated [18/11/2021_08:31] Changed the update script to Set-PSConfigFileExecution #> <# .DESCRIPTION Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile or a PowerShell module #> <# .SYNOPSIS Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile or a PowerShell module .DESCRIPTION Adds functionality to add the execution to your profile or a PowerShell module .PARAMETER ConfigFile Path to the the config file ($PSConfigfile is a default variable created with the config file) .PARAMETER PSProfile Enable or disable loading of config when your ps profile is loaded. .PARAMETER PSModule Enable or disable loading of config when a specific module is loaded. .PARAMETER PathToPSM1File Path to the .psm1 file .PARAMETER ExecuteNow Execute the config file, to make sure everything runs as expected. .EXAMPLE Set-PSConfigFileExecution -ConfigFile C:\Temp\jdh\PSCustomConfig.json -PSProfile AddScript -PSModule AddScript -PathToPSM1File C:\Utils\LabScripts\LabScripts.psm1 #> Function Set-PSConfigFileExecution { [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,DefaultParameterSetName='Profile')] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq '.json') })] [System.IO.FileInfo]$ConfigFile, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Profile')] [validateSet('AddScript', 'RemoveScript')] [string]$PSProfile = 'Ignore', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Module')] [validateSet('AddScript', 'RemoveScript')] [string]$PSModule = 'Ignore', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Module')] [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq '.psm1') })] [System.IO.FileInfo]$PathToPSM1File, [switch]$ExecuteNow = $false ) try { $confile = Get-Item $ConfigFile Test-Path -Path $confile.FullName } catch { throw 'Incorect file' } if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('Target', 'Operation')) { $module = Get-Module PSConfigFile if (![bool]$module) { $module = Get-Module PSConfigFile -ListAvailable } $string = @" #PSConfigFile `$PSConfigFileModule = get-item `"$((Join-Path $module.ModuleBase \PSConfigFile.psm1 -Resolve))`" #PSConfigFile Import-Module `$PSConfigFileModule.FullName -Force #PSConfigFile Invoke-PSConfigFile -ConfigFile `"$($confile.FullName)`" #PSConfigFile "@ if ($PSModule -like 'AddScript') { $ori = Get-Content $PathToPSM1File | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori + $string) -Path $PathToPSM1File -Verbose } if ($PSModule -like 'RemoveScript') { $ori = Get-Content $PathToPSM1File | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori) -Path $PathToPSM1File -Verbose } if ($PSProfile -like 'AddScript') { if ((Test-Path (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName) -eq $false ) { Write-Warning 'Profile does not exist, creating file.' New-Item -ItemType File -Path $Profile -Force } $psfolder = (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName $ps = Join-Path $psfolder \Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 $ise = Join-Path $psfolder \Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1 $vs = Join-Path $psfolder \Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1 if (Test-Path $ps) { $ori = Get-Content $ps | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori + $string) -Path $ps -Verbose } if (Test-Path $ise) { $ori = Get-Content $ise | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori + $string) -Path $ise -Verbose } if (Test-Path $vs) { $ori = Get-Content $vs | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori + $string) -Path $vs -Verbose } } if ($PSProfile -like 'RemoveScript') { if ((Test-Path (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName) -eq $false ) { Write-Warning 'Profile does not exist, creating file.' New-Item -ItemType File -Path $Profile -Force } $psfolder = (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName $ps = Join-Path $psfolder \Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 $ise = Join-Path $psfolder \Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1 $vs = Join-Path $psfolder \Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1 if (Test-Path $ps) { $ori = Get-Content $ps | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori) -Path $ps -Verbose } if (Test-Path $ise) { $ori = Get-Content $ise | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori) -Path $ise -Verbose } if (Test-Path $vs) { $ori = Get-Content $vs | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*#PSConfigFile*' } Set-Content -Value ($ori) -Path $vs -Verbose } } if ($ExecuteNow) { Clear-Host Invoke-PSConfigFile -ConfigFile $($confile.FullName) } } } #end Function |